
~Let's talk about it

When Esmene woke up, she looked to her left out the window and saw it was dark outside. There was a few stars in the sky and a beautiful half moon. Feeling a large but gentle pressure on her right arm, she looked down to see Alexander sleeping with his head partially on her arm, and his free hand clasping Esmense's tight. He was clearly asleep due to his steady breathing.

Remembering what had happened before she had fallen asleep she whispered to him in the dark room, "Thank you." Before when she had anxiety attacks, no one in her family cared. The only one who did was the family's Head butler, Jerimiah. He was a kind man who was more of a Father to her than her own.

Whenever she had anxiety attacks he would also bring her a glass of water and get her a warm compress. Her family on the other hand just ignored it or yelled at her to go upstairs. Most of the time, she would be shaking so hard she couldn't move which unintentionally made them angrier leading to her getting beaten or yelled at more.

Using the opportunity she was given, Esmene took the next 10 short minutes studying his face and apreaciated his ever angle and curve. She didn't remember him being so handsome back in college. To her, he was just another one of the many guys she would hang out with. She never got along with the girls in school. They were just...mean and gross. They criticized everything she did. After she made friends with Damien, she just became one of the guys.

Hearing a soft groan, Esmene was brought back to her senses. Watching his dark green eyes open, she quickly pulled back. 'Oh my god! What if he saw me staring at him!? So embarassing!' Esmenes face turned bright red as Alexander chuckled.

"So your awake." looking behind him at the clock on the wall, Alexander recited the time aloud, "Its three in the morning. You were out for quite a while."

Voicing a nervous laugh she told him, "Yeah, that tends to happen...When did you fall asleep?"

"Not too long ago, but that's ok. I wanted to make sure you were ok for a while before I fell asleep."

'A long while.' she thought to herself.

As he sat up, Esmene noticed he didnt take his hand away, making her already red face get even redder. "Do you want to talk about earlier? You dont have to if you dont want to..."

"No, I should. It will probably help. Um....So....the other night. I got into a big fight with my family and I guess I broke it off with them. As I left, I fell down the stairs and so that explains my ankle. I basically disowned myself. I came here to Chicago to live with my Exes sister for a while. Not a good choice by the way. After I got there she told me he was coming over soon. I chose to leave and dumbass me chose to take the fire escape."

"Hold up, before you get and further, you are not a dumbass Esmene. Just know that, ok?" As he said this, Andrew tightened his grip on Esmene's hand to show he meant it.

"Thanks. So, as I was jumping down the ladder and onto the ground, I slipped and fell on my knee cap. As to why I blacked out, I have no idea. But anyways that is how we got here." she shrugged.

"I see...." Because of their friendship in the past, Alexander knew the gist when it came to Esmenes family. She had told him a few stories about what they had done to her years back, but he wasnt sure if he remembered them correctly anymore. Because of how little he knew about the situation, he only implied that it wasnt a good idea to be around them very much. Especially the sister. He had first hand experience with her. She was always a flirt, nice to your face, but a little bitch behind your back. He assumed that since she disowned herself from the family, it had gotten much worse. "Its good you left. Even though you got hurt, this will do you good. I will make sure of that."

Hearing Alexander say this made Esmene feel a lot better about what had happened. Maybe she could trust him. Only time would really tell.

"One thing though, do you have anywhere to go? I know Damien is a jerk and you probably dont want to go back there."

"Not right now. But, I'll make do."

"I know we haven't seen eachother in years and this might sound a little weird but, how about you stay with me while you get better?"

'Hmm?' Did she hear him correctly?

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