

Nothing was as it used to be, the unending series of attacks had left the country in a shell of its former self. It was all the effects of an experiment gone wrong. Following the outbreak of the corona virus, the government had spearheaded a research to create a vaccine that would make humans resistant to all form of disease outbreak, but this research had gone completely wrong.

Without proper funds, the head scientist had decided to employ the use of pre-owned chemicals and equipment. And this single mistake had cost the entire country.

Buildings were ablaze, and human carcass littered the entire street. Aegon was nothing like it used to be. In fact, Tantra was nothing like was two years ago. Ten states out of the twelve states have already been besieged by these rampaging creatures identified as Ostrians.

Just like humans, these creatures had the ability to adapt and evolve, making them notorious homicidal maniacs. They were a product of mutation in the human generic makeup. Not only were the symptoms of these mutations undetectable, it also had a rapid multiplication rate. The country was falling, and only a few of the humans had the capabilities to tame and end these Ostrians.

Roman Alaric rose from where he sat, an expression of rage and worry clear on his face. His follow mutants had just reported the fall of the capital state despite all the efforts made to prevent the event. He knew it was inevitable. The Ostrians outclassed them in both number and power, but they still fought hard. It would take at least three pro mutants to bring down a full fledged Ostrian. But they never travelled alone. Nobody knew what fueled their unending desire to kill, these creatures were beyond complex, and Roman couldn't really be surprised. They were humans, and humans were the Paragon of all creation. Their complexity wasn't much of a surprise.

He strode out of the office ignoring the shouts that beckoned on him to be careful. Roman was not like the others, he was a special project and a failed one at that. His father was one of the mad scientists that had embarked on the project that have left them in this condition. And out of obsession, greed and all, Casmir Alaric had experimented on his entire family with him being the only survivor.

His father was nowhere to be found now, after their project had failed and Ostrians were released into the streets. He had fled with his other lab partners and only few of them had been apprehended. It wasn't long after his father's disappearance that he began to notice the effects of the experiments that were performed on him. And this happened to sprout at the same time as the Ostrian outbreak.

Without prior knowledge of powers, he had lost control and had gone berserk alongside the Ostrians. For some reason, the creatures didn't kill him. He was just like them, the only difference was his superior intellectual capabilities and his memory retention. His speed, strength and agility was enhanced just like theirs and also his genetic makeups. He was a rare case and after he was found out, he had once again become a subject of interest to the scientist worldwide. He was a lab rat and nothing more.

With the knowledge of his mutation and all, superhuman soldiers have been created using his DNA and they were Tantra's last hope. Even though the Ostrians still outmatched them in every possible way, the soldiers showed some relativity to the creatures. And with their superior intellect, they had been battling fair with the creatures for the time being.

Roman headed out of the underground hole that served as his base of operation. He had managed to break free from his captors, and with him were some capable Mutants. The information reaching him was that the Government research teams were still creating a new badge of soldiers, this time modified and more capable ones. He had no idea what these scientist were thinking, but he knew one thing for sure, he was going to make sure his people weren't exploited anymore.

Roman was on a hunt for his father, Casmir Alaric. If he could find one of the core members that coordinated the first experiment, he was confident that they will be able to find a solution to this mess. His eyes trailed off the remains of the once beautiful island and what remained of it. He hated the fact that only him was free in this mess, he felt guilty, unworthy and angry. Tantra deserved better, but these scientist have robbed them of whatever hope they had left.

Casmir Alaric was a hypocrite and the mere thought of his name made his blood boil. He had come to understand that the core scientist had modified themselves with the first badge of equipments, and when they had run out of funds to replenish the already used up goods, they had settled for less which resulted in this mess.

He couldn't let that slide, millions of families were dead because of their actions, while they remained free. He scoffed and raised a brow. He didn't know what it was, but he definitely felt something coming. An unregistered being that he couldn't comprehend it's origin. Roman understood that Ostrians were diversified just like humans, but this feeling was unique, it was something he hadn't felt before and it had piqued his curiosity.

Promptly, he chased after the faint disappearing aura without fear of the unknown. Something odd was going on and he could tell. He managed to catch up to the aura he had been sensing, but as soon as he approached the spot of curiosity he felt a sudden sensation of heat wash over him.

Something was burning him or rather someone. Something was trying to torch him, or rather someone, but it wasn't what he was looking for.

Without hesitation, he leapt two metres backwards away from the flames range and recuperated from the attack. It was already odd enough that something new was brimming somewhere, and now an Ostrian was attacking him. He couldn't place his finger on it, but he could guess it had something to do with the new creations that were still under construction.

It was already bad enough that they were using humans as experiments without their consent, now they were creating beings that could potentially turn against the other soldiers. He didn't fight back, instead he ignored the bloodlusted creature and took another route. It didn't pursue and it had left Roman to question the creatures actions.

He had come face to face with some oddly behaved Ostrians, but none like this. It seemed to be defending something, but now wasn't the time to pay heed to such a lowly creature. He could tell it was weak just from it's flame output. He would rather not waste his time against something so weak. His aim was to kill the top dogs and that was why only he was outside.

A sensation of nausea struck him and once again this familiar aura filled the air. It had just hit him now, the Ostrian earlier must have been protecting whatever it was that making him lose his mental stability. The aura had gotten strong and now he couldn't ignore it.

He headed back, and just like he had expected, the Ostrian from earlier was on guard. He understood what he was to do, and he did so without hesitation.

He wiped himself of the blue liquid that stained him before concentrating hard to trace down this domineering aura. In an instant, Roman's hand plunged into the gullible soil, it's impact revealing an underground tunnel that had probably been built by residing Ostrians. Just like humans they constructed their own shelter, and it was obvious that as they evolved, they became smarter.

He could tell that whatever was disturbing him was under here. It's presence was condescending, and the aura intimidating. 'A creature with such powerful qualities must not be allowed to leave this place,' Roman concluded inwardly before racing towards the area that dispatched such raw malevolence and undeniable power.

He had expected anything else but this, 'was it even feasible?' He questioned himself. What his eyes gazed upon was something he hadn't expected and something that would leave the entirety of the country in complete shock. He hadn't expected this, and this discovery had changed his mindset about Ostrians completely. Humans had underestimated these creatures. They had failed to understand that these creatures were by-products of humans, and as such shouldn't be underestimated.

He immediately thrusted his hand into the creatures chest before narrowing his gaze to the second one beneath him. It looked nothing like the monstrosity he had just killed. This one was different, unique.

He fought hard to keep himself from believing what he had seen, but it was just impossible. He hadn't expected this, but it was true and he was bound to believe it. Ostrians had found a way to increase their numbers even more rapidly, they were procreating.

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