
Musings and Memoirs of a Self Taught Creator - RD

This is a pure power fantasy. My MC will always win; it's just a question of how. I will try to make him human en I'm planning on rewriting everything into a separate novel after each arc. I will only put character and creation stat sheets here though. This my first rough draft. I am still writing, but quarantine gives you less free time when you’re juggling more items in your schedule

Gentleman613 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

2: Howl in Fear! The Castle is Moving!

Mountains and rivers were rolling past just beyond the doors so fast they appeared blurry. I looked down at them and wondered about stepping forward. Was it real? If it was, then I'd probably die just from the speed the doorway of castle was going, let alone the drop thousands of feet to the earth below.

"Behold!" said a booming voice next to my ear. I screamed, swung, and socked the joker in the face. He/she fell out the door, but we were going too fast for me to see if he splattered on the ground. It occurred to me that if the prankster survived, he might not be so happy with me. So I shut the castle doors, assuming that they probably weren't ready to find from the world they opened on to.

I looked around again. My only options now were to either open the doors and hope a lot of things went the way I wanted them to, or stay here and look around. I reserved opening the doors for when I was starving, and started searching the pocket of reality.

Half an hour later, I leaned against the doors with a sigh. The castle was a facade; there appeared to be more nothing behind it. There were no notes to read, and no rifts to stumble through. My attention returned to the nothing.

There was no way to describe it. It literally wasn't there. When most people think of nothing, they think about outer space, but that exists! It is reality that has no substance, an empty space, but it exists! This nothing didn't have an existence and didn't take up space. How was I even perceiving it?!

Then there was this reality pocket I was in. It had no walls or ceiling, and was just a path to the castle doors. It was super weird to be in something that had borders that weren't borders, for nothing was it's walls and ceiling.

I started to panic when I realized something else. There were no plants or anything that I could see that produced oxygen! I really needed to open those castle doors again if I couldn't figure something out fast.