
Mateo Davis

The sun shone through the window on the boy sleeping soundlessly on the bed.

Mateo opened his eyes, a little dizzy. Feeling the softness beneath him, he was confused. It doesn't seem to be his usual hard bed. He should be sleeping on a hard cardboard. He sat up vigilantly and looked around himself.

The whole room was decorated with various posters of superheros, actors and musicians. Things were scattered all over the floor and the room was messy. Everything looked familiar yet unfamiliar. Suddenly, his eyes swept over his hands, they looked smaller, whiter and smoother than his usual hands.

Mateo hurriedly stood up and went to the bathroom. Looking at the younger appearence of his past self, he was stunned.

He didn't see the usual scar faced man with rough hair and a thick beard. Instead, the boy in the mirror had dark green eyes bright as gems, thick dark blonde hair sparkling like gold, high nose, lean sature and younger face of boy about seventeen to eighteen years old. It was clearly him, but his younger self of years ago.

Ten minutes later, after confirming that he was not dreaming, Mateo had to accept the fact that he had traveled back to the past. This might be God's compensation for him, or maybe a test again.

Mateo Davis was everything but a normal person. His mother Elena Davis was a model who came from a poor background, but achieved some success in fashion industry. While his father, James Walter was a British buisnsssman from an elite background. They met during a fashion week, started dating, things progressed and soon they got married. But as they say, love stories are only fairy tales. The faster they fell in love, the more rapidly that love also faded. James Walter left Elena Davis and his two children, eight years old Mateo and two years old Carla.

This is a real world, and nothing here is black and white. Grey exists everywhere and so did it existed in Elena and Jame's marriage. No can say one side was innocent. But this doesn't change the fact that it was James who left everything wether it was his so-called love or his children. The children were bought up by Elena Davis alone.

In Hollywood, the span of a model is very small and only few can walk the ramp after thirty. Elena was not one of those exceptions and had to change her job from a runway model to a backstage worker to support herself and her children. As for the child support, it was recieved but pitifully small. After all, the finances of two growing children are not something a small child support can fulfill. The only thing important in clause was that James Walter would finance children's college tuitions completely by himself if the children can get enough grades to attend the college.

Mateo was a different kind of person. Maybe it was the lose of father's love, or maybe the fact of changing from a top rich kid to a poor one, or might be that he changed from the centre of attention kid in a top private school to an outlaw in public school, he was everything but normal. These various reasons contributed to the fact that he always craved for love and attention.

Mateo became obsessive of his everything wether it was family, friends, lover and even wife. But his these qualities caused no one to be able to settle with him. His friends and girlfriends left him, mother and sister died in an accident, and even his wife left him due to his weird possessive behavior.

In the end, the lost and depressed Mateo found his satisfaction in drugs. He became a drug addict who did everything to be able to live in the fantasy and the perfect life he created in his mind and craved for. He was sent to the rehabilitation center and there found something he could finally rely on, something which would never leave him, music. He was found to have exceptional talent in music wether as a singer, songwriter or lyricist.

Many labels found him, but for only his song writing and composing. As for singing, no one signed him for it. He was aged, drug addict and even the appearence was ruined, so of course no one would sign such a person even if his voice was said to be kissed by God. In the end, Mateo died with nothing but regrets and his music.

Suddenly, a voice pulled Mateo out of his thoughts: "Brother, Are you awake? Get up now. Mom has made pancakes."

It was childish voice filled with innocence and liveliness, but it stunned Mateo. It's Carla, his lovely sister Carla. Tears started to flow out of the boy's eyes.

The voice again came from outside the door: "Brother, are you sleeping?"

Mateo hurriedly wiped the tears with his sleeve, and replied in a hoarse voice: "No, I am up. I will be there in a minute."

Carla nodded and went away shouting, "Mom, brother's awake."

Hearing Carla's childish voice, a smile appeared on Mateo's face. It's good to hear it again.

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