
Chapter 4

My journey did not seem to have any obstacles. You could rent a cart to get to the town where my uncle is staying.

And normally I would prefer to keep quiet throughout the trip, but there was something that caught my attention.

"It's rare for a woman of your type to travel to a rural town. I know it's none of my business but it's striking."

The person accompanying me on the trip was a woman with a calm expression of the intellectual beauty type. Almost violet reddish hair that was the same color as her eyes and matched her glasses.

I didn't look too much, but she had a nice body, with quite large breasts. Not as big as my mother's but few women were on that level.

The woman in front of me started looking me up and down.

"I think I can say the same thing if I had to guess you are a nobleman who ran away from his house. You should go back to when before, life can be pretty tough."

It seemed like honest advice. "I didn't think he looked like a noble, I'll take it as a compliment."

The woman in front of me raised an eyebrow at my response. "A child your age shouldn't be able to converse so fluently, it's obvious you received an education. And being a commoner is something very difficult to achieve, but if it's as you say then congratulations." The woman quietly ended the conversation.

And with that little exchange of words, the journey continued in silence.


"Looks like our paths still bind us together. So let me introduce myself, you can call me Ernest Greyrat."

After getting off the carriage both the woman and I went the same way, so I decided to introduce myself.

But it seems that my name caught the woman's attention.

"Are you related to Paul Greyrat?" Because of the last name and in such a small town it was almost a given, but she had to confirm it.

"You can say we are family."

"I see".

After that, there was not much conversation. Although I learned that her name was Lilia. And she's the quiet type.

So in the end I just concentrated on the landscape.

It was quite a change, the air felt much cooler. And along with the slow pace, it was a good place.

And it didn't take long for us to reach our goal.

"This is your room, Ernest. You can relax and you can tell me anything."

"Thank you very much Zenith, but I think you should relax a bit. I don't think it's good for the baby."

Zenith was the wife of Paul, my uncle. She was also a beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her breasts were also large, almost the size of Lilia's.

"Don't worry about it, it's still a few months away. Also prepare a welcome dinner." She was quite energetic.

"Then I will look forward to it."

"A polite boy, your father's letters sounded a bit exaggerated. But now I realize what an excellent boy you are."


Dinner was unexpectedly delicious. And after that, I managed to sleep in a warm bed.

It all felt too homey, a feeling I thought I had forgotten. But I couldn't get too attached.


"Then show me what you got." Paul was happy, it seemed like it was the first time he had a disciple.

"Then I'll start." We both had wooden swords. Paul was in a relaxed position awaiting my attack.

I raised my sword with both hands while aiming at Paul.

With the strength of a five-year-old, it was impossible to push him back. But that wasn't my only trick.

I felt hot energy running through my body. My mana was not only used to increase my strength. It also strengthened my body by increasing my resistance, but there was a limit to that.

If I exceeded what my body could bear, I might explode. And although my mana has not stopped growing since the moment I started learning it. My body wasn't strong enough to take it.

It would be a completely different story if I could use magic. But there was no regret in that, the first thing was to give my best, and beat Paul in the shortest time.

"Should I tell Zenith that you haven't stopped looking at Lilia's ass since she got here?"

"Whaaaah. That's not…" Paul's confident smile had faded into a feeling of fear. Even he looked in the direction of his house to verify that his wife had not heard anything.

But I go ahead launching an attack with full force.

That took Paul by surprise, to the point that he didn't have time to dodge. But Paul's sword moved to get in the way of my attack.

When my attack hit I noticed his surprise, but he got serious very fast.

I pushed Paul back for an instant, but then I felt Paul's sword deflect my attack almost knocking me off balance.

That should be the style of the God of Water. A pretty good way to deflect attacks, Paul should have reached the advanced level in that style, so it wasn't a surprise.

But in those few movements, my muscles were already hurting, I could continue to force them for the amount of mana I had, but it wasn't worth it.

"I guess we can stop, you surprised me. A kid your age shouldn't have that strength. But…." Paul seemed to be trying to collect his thoughts before continuing. "We have a lot to improve, I've never met someone so predictable. I just needed a moment to know how you would attack." Because I managed to distract him, my attack impacted. without that distraction, I probably wouldn't have even gotten close.

"Then I will be under his care." I made a small bow.

"That's a good attitude. But I won't forget the threat you made to me. So get ready for training."

Paul didn't take any jokes.