
Chapter 3

I hadn't been wrong, the person in front of me was my father. And he told me what I already knew, there was some extra information that I couldn't deduce. As the real influence of the Boreas family. That they were the absolute bosses of this region. Being my father the mayor of Roa, and my grandfather the chief of the region. But in the end, my uncle had the last word.

Our ancestral home was in the capital of the Asura kingdom, with my uncle James Boreas Greyrat being the current head. An idiot if you ask me.

But after this emotional conversation, the atmosphere was not good at all. Perhaps because of my lack of emotions, which in my defense I don't care about, and above all my hand was killing me.

"But may I ask why you came?" The pain made me irritable so I wasn't mincing my words. "From what I hear I don't have a place to go, if anyone finds out about me I will be hunted down and imprisoned. Not to mention that your position as grandpa will be ruined. I think you risk too much."

The expression on my father's face reminded me that I was still five years old, but I didn't change it. I just wanted to get to the main point.

"This is your 5th birthday, and I…." My father wasn't having a good time, which almost makes me feel a little guilty. Almost.

"Don't think too much, if you want to apologize to your son we can start by looking for a healer." I took my hand out of the robe showing my hand. If I had some money I would look for a magician who knew healing magic, but since my father seemed to be very guilty right now it was a good time to blackmail him… but in a good way.

"Who did that?". Guilt seemed to turn to rage.

"A noble did it, are you going to punish a noble for a son you shouldn't have?"

My father's anger subsided a bit, and to think things through.

"Let's fix this first." Being the voice of reason was so tiring.

My body felt pretty good, if I had someone healing me at all times it would be a faster way to get stronger. Too bad the price was so high.

When I finished that business I moved pretty quickly until I reached an inn where I already had a room ready.

When I entered, my father was waiting for me.

"And how do you feel?".

"Better, the magic is a convenient thing." I wanted to learn how to use magic. "And now that?".

"Even though you turned 5, I couldn't throw you a party. But if you have a request, I'll do my best."

"I want someone to teach me how to use the sword. And if possible, magic as well."

A somewhat strange request for a child. I knew it, but my father didn't seem to be against it.

"That... It's best to get a retired adventurer. There's no problem with money, but the main problem is that it has to be someone trustworthy. I'll see what I can do."

My father accompanied me for a while before leaving. Now I had a room and could live more peacefully.

I am no longer a baby who needs breast milk and care to live, plus with my father supporting me I could focus more on my own.

6 months went by pretty quickly, all communication with my father was extremely secret, but I had to admit that having a rich father was a great advantage. Although he could not enjoy any status, that was not important.

I could focus more time on training. Too bad my features are so characteristic, scarlet hair and eyes of the same color. I didn't look like my father, but my features matched too much with my mother's family, and being from a noble family I could be mistaken for an illegitimate son. And being kidnapped for ransom was quite common around these places.

And if I wanted to find someone to teach me how to use a sword, I would have to leave the city. But I couldn't leave without a plan, so in the worst case, I'll have to wait a few years.

Although I was not discouraged, since I learned something important.

Although I suck at magic, it looks like I can use touki(Battle Aura) now. That was the reason why with a simple wooden sword he managed to do significant damage to a tree.

From what I found out it's also a form of mana manipulation, and I started to make some guesses. According to the books each person was born with a fixed amount of mana.

But after trying again I didn't get completely tired managing to make a second blow, although I also fainted it was an advance.

So while I kept practicing I used up all the mana in my body. And my mana increased a little more every day.

My muscles were not yet developed, but my strength began to increase. Although it was only for a moment, in the future it could take it to a new level.


"Did you find someone you trust?"

"You look quite surprised, it almost seems like you were hopeless." My father told me.

"Well, just mentioning my situation could earn someone a big reward. And not everyone is as dumb as Jewel, so don't be surprised by my skepticism."

"I won't deny that, but more than confidence in that person. I think he has more reasons to keep quiet, plus he owes me a big favor." My father seemed confident.

"And who could that person be?"

"My cousin, although our situations are different, we are essentially the same. He ran away from his family by severing all ties, first being an adventurer but now he is settling down. And I gave him a knighthood so that he doesn't have problems. Besides I heard that his wife is pregnant, and if by chance a boy is born, he will be in the same circumstances as you. That's why he has no reason to tell anyone about you, besides he is a veteran swordsman who reached advanced rank. Although I'm not sure about their teaching methods, you might get something out of it and you might be in a safe place too."

It wasn't trust, my father found someone who had more to lose than us. It was something the two of us had in common.

"And where is that place?"

"Buena Village, it's pretty close. A rural town with almost no control from any nobles. If you still want to learn I can send you."

It was a good opportunity, and although my mana was increasing the more I used it, my technique was stagnant. "And when am I leaving?"

"I already have everything ready, but first I want you to meet someone." My father seemed to anticipate everything, I guess I was somewhat predictable. Though he was curious about that someone.

It did not happen for another person to arrive in the room, and in the same way as my father did. That person was hiding.

The first thing I felt was the delicate scent of that person. A very nice smell.

"Is he…".

It was a female voice, very melodious and pleasant.

"That's right, that little guy is our son." My father replied to her.

"Ernest….My little Ernest."

I was ready to introduce myself, but from one moment to another the air began to stop reaching my lungs.

It was a very comfortable and soft feeling. But if I didn't want to die, I had to breathe.

I used my hands to distance myself, but it seemed that my hands touched a soft texture, of enormous size.

When I freed myself I could take a closer look at the person in front of me. Exquisite features. A first-class beauty, and although I had many things to add, the most striking thing was that she was the woman I saw when I was reborn.

"Mother?" I said unconsciously as my brain made the connections.

"That's right my little Ernest, I knew you would recognize me. A mother's bond is very strong." My mother seemed very excited, but I didn't resist, so I decided to let myself go. Although I had to do some force not to die of suffocation.

And after a long time, my mother calmed down.

My only thoughts were that my father knew how to find them. And although my mother was quite a beauty, the most striking thing was her enormous breasts. I was sorry that I was just a kid.

And while spending time with such a beautiful woman was nice, time was short. Is another inevitable separation.

Being the last comment about a little sister that I had.

The little girl was called Eris, too bad I won't be able to meet her. But the moment I become strong enough, the rules imposed by man will be meaningless. Just motivating me more.

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