
Mushoku Tensei Ralph

Just another JR fanfiction in WN

Roxy_Greyrat21 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Few months passed

In the middle of the night, you can hear the sound of moans and pleasure coming from the master's bedroom. The married couple is still young and are working hard to get more children for the family.

"Hm?" Roxy who just finished her night lectures with Rudeus was piqued with curiosity to the lovemaking process.

She could see them at the cracks of the door. Both of the married couple were having a really fun time with each other.

Somehow before she knew it, he fingers slowly found their way between her legs. Her breathing grew rigid expelling hot air, and her heart beating fast.

And so, Roxy started masturbating. Since in this world p*rnhub doesn't exist, people could only see sex live to have some stimulus for pleasuring themselves.

For more than 30 years, Roxy had never been with a man before. By this world's standards her age was already acceptable for sex. However since she started travelling on the continent where Humans lived, she never had any man in her life before.

Roxy's childish appearance also caused her to develop insecurities about her charm as a woman. Her chest is flat, her butt is small, she didn't have any speck of sex appeal that would entice even foul bandits to made her their plaything. The only men who were interested in her were perverts who were into little girls.

Before Roxy knew it, her other hand was already fondling her flat chest.

"Well well well... What do we have here?" Ralph just stumbled on something really amazing.

Ralph was thinking that since the noise coming from his bedroom was preventing him from getting a wink of sleep, he decided to go outside with a sword in hand to do some practice swings.

Unconsciously the corners of his lips curled up into a smile. Ralph's eyes watching every single moment making sure every detail from this scene couldn't be missed.

Sadly even though his body was abnormal, it still wasn't capable of ejaculation due to his body being undeveloped. Though he did get some biological reaction coming down there.

Then a voice came behind him surprised Ralph.

"Huh, Ralph?" It was Rudeus.

Ralph's hand moved fast to cover Rudeus' mouth immediately. Rudeus shocked from the sudden action had his eyes widened.

"Ssshhhhh... Be quiet will you? We're just getting at the good part." Ralph commands him with hushed words and serious eye contact.

Seeing how serious his eyes were, Rudeus could do nothing but nod. Ralph released him from that and continued watching.

Curious to what made Ralph behave this way, he also peeked behind him. And that what he saw was something Rudeus blew him away.

To think that his magic tutor would masturbate while watching his parents doing sex, this is something you don't see everyday!

Somehow he reached a deep understanding on why Ralph behaved like that earlier. He was also a pervert who peeked on a young maiden masturbating.

After a while, both of them seemed satisfied witnessing a spectacular scene.

"Should we go back?" Rudeus suggested.

Ralph nod solemnly, "Yeah, I don't want to disturb anymore than this. That is the sign of being a gentleman."

"Pfft... Gentleman you say." Rudeus let out a chuckle.

"Oh shut up, c'mon let's leave."

And so they slowly left making sure Roxy wouldn't notice.


Early in the morning a boy just three years old waking up early from his bed. The sky was still really dim as the sun hasn't shown its light yet.

The boy went to get himself a bucket of water and washed his face to wash away his drowsiness from his sleep. After that he went to get a training sword from the warehouse.

The boy was Ralph.

Raising the wooden sword up, he swung it down slicing through the air. Raising up again and then down.

There are no unnecessary movements, with each and every muscle moved efficiently with no energy wasted. From the sound it makes, anyone who practiced swordplay could tell it was really refined only made through countless hours of practice.

Ralph's mind was empty for any unnecessary thoughts and are only working for the sake of improving the sword swing. In this state of mind, Ralph often used this to work himself to death without exhausting himself mentally.

With both the mind and body working together to practicing the art of swordsmanship, the realm in which Ralph improved was beyond anyone's imagination.

This continued for a couple more hours and the sky is still as dark as ever.

Just then Ralph was able to sense a presence coming. He might be singlemindedly training himself, but Ralph still had strong awareness.

"Who's there?" Ralph looked at the direction where he sensed the presence coming from.


A voice called to him distracting him from his thoughts. He turned and saw a little boy his age.

When Ralph looked at him, he could see similar facial characteristics with him they inherited from Paul. Green eyes and brown hair. Although they both looked somewhat similar, Ralph had Blue eyes and Blonde hair instead.

"Hey. You still awake Rudy?" Ralph asked.

"I could say the same thing to you too," Rudeus answered. "What are you still doing here in the middle of the night?"

Actualy the 'early in the morning' meant it was midnight. After practicing a couple of hours, the time now is already 2 AM in the morning.

"Well you know how it is... Dad and Mom were pretty busy nowadays, we might get younger siblings soon, hehehe." Ralph jokingly said.

Rudeus chuckled by his joke for a bit, though with that sort of sexual knowledge from a young age he already confirmed something that Ralph was similar to him, "Guess you're just like me, huh."

"Hm? What do you mean?" Ralph feigned innocence.

"Don't play dumb with me. You're also reincarnated into this world, right?" Rudeus said.

Then Ralph smirked, "You just realized?"

"I just came to make things clear. I think it's a good time to talk with you alone. I always thought you were a strange kid." Rudeus said.

"Hey now look who's talking. Who blew up the wall on the second floor because someone carelessly cast a magic spell inside the house again? I think I kinda forgot his name..." Ralph said smugly.

During the entire three years both of them hadn't talked about such things. They knew there's something odd about each other, and they seem to have an unspoken agreement to not bring it up.

The two boys continued talking about many stuff. Sometimes bringing up some topics in the house, joking about something, teasing each other, or even talking dirty jokes. Pretty much they got along too well and got closer than before.

Ralph gave a smile and extended a fist to him, "Let's get along, bro."

"Yeah, it's nice to get along with you too." Rudeus also smiled and met his fist.

Now that they talked facing each other straight into the eye, a deep connection with each other was made. After all they were related by blood.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Roxy_Greyrat21creators' thoughts