
Mushoku Tensei: A Beast Girl's New Journey

This is the story of three girls who came back from an anime convention, went to sleep and woke up as dog beast girls in another world. Each of them was saved by young magician boy and they all serve allegiance to him as the story progresses. Note: The covers of my book were not mine.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Change of Plans

[Third POV]

"Divine power is rich and nourishing. It offers the strength to rise again to those who have lost their strength. Healing"

Rudeus chanted elementary healing magic to heal the bruises on Saga's eyes and eventually, she has recovered from her injury.

"There, all better now?"

"Yes, my lord. Thank you very much"

After healing process was done, Saga returns to her usual calm self and she thanked Rudeus for his medical service.

On the other hand, Paul was watching the two children talking to each other and he is somewhat puzzled by the Japanese words they are saying.

"Hey Rudy. Do you mind if I ask what kind of language you two are using?" Paul questions his son, inquiring for the language that was used in their conversation.

"Ah, this is just a foreign language I learned in the past, so don't worry about it, father"

"I see...."

Paul was a bit skeptical by the response he received but he just shrugs it off and kept on watching the two children.

But then Saga suddenly turns to Paul and walks towards his direction before bowing her head in front of him and spoke.

"M-my name is Saga. N-nice to see you sir" Saga stutters as she tries to greet Paul, introducing herself using the Human language.

This surprises both Paul and Rudeus as they weren't expecting to hear the young beast girl to speak their dialect all a sudden.

"A-ah, nice to see you too, young lady. My name is Paul Greyrat"

Saga nodded at Paul's response and she gave him a gentle smile as well. When Paul saw this, he suddenly prostrates himself on the floor and spoke.

"I want to say sorry for what I have said to you yesterday, young lady. Please forgive me" Paul cries out to Saga, apologizing for the hostility he has showed to her in the bar.

However, this confuses Saga as she didn't learn the meaning of those words yet, so she looks at Rudeus to ask for his assistance.

"My lord, what did your father said?"

"Huh, I thought you learned to speak Human language"

"I only learned how to greet someone from Ceobe earlier"

"Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Well, he said..."

Rudeus translated Paul's statement for Saga and she understood what he meant and she asked on how to respond to the apology, which Rudeus complied to translate.

After that, Saga confronts Paul again and place her hand to his shoulder. The man looks up to see the beast girl's benevolent smile.

"It's okay, I forgive you sir"

Upon informing her acceptance to Paul's apology, the man couldn't help to let out a relieved sigh.



Once the closure between Paul and Saga was over, the door opens and the rest of the Rudeus' friends entered the room.

"Ah, there you are, Saga"

"Yeah, we thought you went back to the room to throw a tantrum~"

Ceobe and Eris calls out to Saga who pouted at them in response, all because she's still upset by the punch she has received.

But when the two girls turn their attention to Paul who was standing next to Saga, their mood becomes sour and they glared at the man.

"What is that man doing in the room?!"

"I will bite that man if he doesn't explain himself"

Eris and Ceobe violently asked, demanding for the reason why Paul was in their territory and they even threatens him if doesn't give them an answer.

"Guys, calm down. Me and my father already made up"

Luckily, Rudeus steps up and pacifies the two girls by explaining to them that he and his father settled their differences and they have reconciled each other.

This baffles Eris and Ceobe because they couldn't believe that Rudeus would forgive his father that easily. When Saga noticed their disbelief, she walks towards the two girls and spoke.

"Sir Paul apologized to me and I forgive him"

Saga informs the two girls using Human language, explaining that Paul confessed for his fault towards her and she accepted his apology.

Upon hearing Saga's explanation, Eris and Ceobe were somehow convinced and they reluctantly ceased their hostility towards Paul.

After the two girls were appeased, Rudeus calls for meeting to discuss something with the whole crew, which includes Paul as an honored guess.


Once the group was gathered together, Rudeus proceeds to share some information that he learned from his father.

"Alright everyone, I'd like to announce the good news and bad news.

The good news is that father will help us in our preparation for our journey to the next continent using his connection in Millishon.

However, the bad news is that the whole Fittoa region of the Asura Kingdom was gone, which means that everyone from there could be alive, missing or dead"

Rudeus calmly informs the news and everyone nodded understandingly. Then he looks at Eris and told some bad news.

"That means it includes your parents, Eris. There's a possibility that they're dead"

"I know that, and I'm prepared myself for this"

Eris commented at the information, steeling herself for the worse that will come when they manage to arrive back to Asura Kingdom.

"Are you really sure that you want to go back there, Rudy" Paul asked, wanting to be sure if his son is certain with his decision, in which Rudeus nodded.

"Yes, father. I'm determined to bring Eris back to her kingdom, regardless if it is ruined"

"I see..."

Paul nodded in understanding at his son decision but he has some lingering sadness regarding that matter. Rudeus noticed his father's distress and he added something to decision.

" But I will also help in searching for our missing family members along the way"

"Ah, I'm glad to hear that. Okay then, I will see what I can do to help"

"Thank you, father"

After Rudeus finished sharing his information, he moves on to talk about the new plan he will make in preparation for the journey.

The first thing he informs the team is the supplies of foods and equipment they need for the journey. However, he also addresses the financial problem that leads to that.

"I might be an assistance to the expenses, Rudy"

"What?! Really?!"

Paul informs Rudeus that he could help them with the money they need, which is in the form of gold bars that came from the family who funded his search party.

Upon hearing the news, Rudeus and the other were quite pleased with the financial support that Paul promises to provide for the expenses they require.

"I see, thank you very much, father" Rudeus happily acknowledges his father, in which he nodded in response.

"You're welcome"

The next thing that Rudeus discuss is the boat fee of the team. Although with the gold bars that they will receive, he assumes that it wouldn't be enough to pay for Ruijerd's boat fee.

"Huh, how is that a problem, Rudeus?" Ceobe inquires, wondering why the payment for the spearman's boat fee wasn't enough.

Rudeus answers Ceobe's question by telling her that due to Ruijerd's race and bad reputation, the payment for his fee was increased significantly.

"Ah, I see...."

"Don't worry, young lady. I will handle that as well"

Paul reassures the brown-haired beast girl by telling her that he will write a letter addressing his name and connection in order to exclude Ruijerd from the payment of the boat fee.

This causes everyone in the room to cheer in joy that Paul once again given them his support for his son and the others who is in need.

"Thank you once again, father"

"No problem, I'm glad I can help"

After announcing the plans, Rudeus asked everyone for their opinions and complaints regarding the said plan.

When no one response to the question, Rudeus turns his attention to Saga and ask her a question she can understand.

"How about you, Saga. Do you understand the plan?"

"Well, to be honest, not really"

"Ah right, I almost forgot"

Upon realizing that Saga doesn't quite understand human language yet, Rudeus explains the plan using Japanese language for her.

Once the explanation was done, the black-haired beast girl understood the gist of the plan and she approves of it.

"Alright, if no one has any objection, then let's end this meeting" Rudeus declares, informing everyone that the meeting is over. They all nodded in response to his words.


Later that day, Rudeus and the others leaves the room and went downstairs in order to escort Paul to the inn's entrance.

"See you again, Rudy. I'll bring the things you need tomorrow"

Paul told his farewell to his son and promise him about the money and letter he will give on the next day.

"That would be grateful, father. Thank you"

After Rudeus responded to his father's words, Paul then turn his attention his son's friends and bowed his head to show his gratitude.

"Everyone, I want to say thank you for taking care of my son" Paul said with a pleased tone in his voice.

"No problem~"

"Hmph, it's no big deal"

"You're welcome...."

Each of the crew responded to the man's display of gratitude except for Saga who tapped on Rudeus' shoulder and whispered something to his ear.

"My lord, what did sir Paul just said?"

"Well, he just thanked you guys for taking care of me"

"I see, help me how to respond to that"

Saga requested him to teach her how to say "You're welcome" in human language, so he complied and told what to do next. After that, she walk towards the man and bowed her head.

"You're welcome, sir Paul"

"I'm glad to hear that, young lady"

The two of them smiled at each other for a while before Paul returns his attention to the rest of the crew.

"Well, I'm taking my leave now"

They all nodded at the man's farewell and he went towards the entrance. Paul then looks back one more time before leaving the inn.

Forgiveness and new plans

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts