

"Conqueror the seas, conqueror the lands Conqueror the world, do whatever you wish and we will always be with you," Izana said with a smile.

Both Izana and Kakicho started to fade away as they both walked a little further and then turned towards Arakan. Folding their arms behind their backs both of them bowed in front of Arakan.

"It was a pleasure to work with you President!!" Both of them yelled in unison as a river of tears flowed from Arakan's eyes as he repeated their actions.

"It was a pleasure to have you!!" He yelled back without lifting his head as tears still flowed from his eyes.

Arakan lifted his head to see both Izana and Kakucho gone and all the trace of their presence disappeared as well.

'Now...what will I do?' Arakan questioned himself as he looked at the sky above and pondered about the past and the future.

"So what are you going to do?" A feminine voice questioned as Arakan turned around in surprise to see an Adult woman wearing a white nun uniform who was followed by Chimera.

"You are?" Arakan asked as he looked at the two beings in slight confusion.

"You can consider me the Incinerate Anthem one of the four Holy Relics of Church, the best beside me is the physical embodiment of the Annihilation Maker" The nun stated as she stood in front of Arakan.

"Iza-chin and Kaku-chan's sacred Gears?" Arakan questioned as he looked at the two of them.

"Indeed, they both used a ritual used by Fallen to extract their own sacred gears to transfer them to you" The nun stated and the beast nodded.

'They planned this?' Arakan questioned himself.

"Do you know anything regarding where we are?" Arakan questioned.

"We are in your soul at the moment and are binding ourselves to your soul" The nun responded.

"I see do you both have a name through which I can address you?" Arakan questioned.

"No, we do not our previous holders never managed to bond with us the only exception was Izana's bond with me and Kakucho's bond with Annihilation maker." The nun responded.

"I see, in that case, I will refer to you as Alice and Ryu," Arakan said as he pointed at the two of them.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Arakan, Alice, and Ryu covered their ears as a loud screech echoed in the realm. The beast that Arakan encountered before demolished the buildings in the way as it rapidly approached the three of them.

"On that note do you have any idea what that thing is??" Arakan questioned as he took a stance.

"I don't think I have seen something similar before but it looks like it wishes to kill us" Alice stated as a ross appeared in her hands.

"Alright, Alice and Ryu stand back and support me from the behind I will be the vanguard!" Arakan commanded as he rushed at the beast. Ryu's shadow expanded as various beasts with differing abilities appeared while purple flames surrounded Alice.


"How are we going to tell him about it..." Ajuka asked as beside Sirzechs and Serafall as the three of them stood in front of the bodies of Izana and Kakucho.

"Ara-tan is going to be devastated" Serafall stated as she herself had tears in her eyes.

The peerage of the Serafall and Sirzechs was quite close to Arakan's peerage they had regular meetings and an almost equal standing in strength and prestige.

Arakan and his peerage were famous in the underworld as it already had two Longinus wielding rooks, a Lucifage, and two beings from the wasteland these factors made Arakan one of the more well-known nobles.

"The underworld lost two Longinus and Two great Devils, it should be proper to give them both a grand burial, I will be the one to inform Arakan, after all, it was a mistake on my part of things," Sirzechs said as he prepared a teleport circle.

"Inform me regarding what?" Arakan asked as he approached The three Maou with a small smile on his face however his eyes were closed for the moment.

"Barbatos-sama," Rias said with bandages wrapped around her body following her were the rest of her peerage and they too looked in a bad shape.

"Barbatos-sama, it was all because of my failure that I was unable-" Rias said as she clenched her fists and looked at the ground in shame.

"President! there is no need to blame yourself for the incident, it was because we all were too weak" Issei said as he approached her. The rest of her peerage nodded in agreement.

"Barbatos-dono, my sister and her peerage are currently in a bad shape if you do not mind, I wish to have a few words with you," Sirzechs said as he tried to lead Rias and her peerage away from the scene.

"There is no need to delay things further, Sirzechs, I already know what happened" Arakan responded as he opened his eyes and looked at him the small smile still plastered on his face.

'His eyes...they are a lot dimmer.' Sirzechs noticed as he looked at the Amber eyes that used to burn with brightness now seemed a little dull.

"Do not worry, Sirzechs I do not blame your sister or her peerage, blaming her would be equivalent to blaming an ant for killing an elephant when it was just scavenging its corpse," Arakan stated as he walked towards the two bodies.

"Life and death are a constant in a universe, even the so-called God was unable to escape that cycle," Arakan said as he approached the bodies of Izana and Kakucho.

"Hanma and Taiju made it out alive as well right?" Arakan questioned as he removed the cloth covering Izana and Kakucho's faces.

"They did indeed, they both are recovering in Barbatos Mansion" Sirzechs responded.

"Arakan-sama!!" Grayfia exclaimed as she along with Kasumi and Sara approached him as he closed Izana and Kakucho's eyes.

"are you alright?" Kasumi hesitantly asked.

"I should not be the one you should worry about" Arakan responded with a smile on his face.

'You say that...and if that is the case, why, why are your life-filled eyes looking so dull?' Kasumi thought to herself as she wanted to hug Arakan but she was unable to move her body.

"No need to worry regarding anything, I will make sure no one get's harmed" Arakan stated as he patted their shoulders.

A pale blue blaze covered his palms as he pointed it at Izana and Kakucho's bodies.

"Iza-chin, Kaku-chan, both of you were my first friends one the first people I opened up to, until that point my life only revolved around Grayfia,"

"I enjoyed our time together and even during the darkest hour you both stood beside me, even after your death I know you both are looking after me,"

"This journey was a short one however I am glad we were able to walk on it together, I hope both of you rest well," Arakan said as purple Holy Flames erupted from his palm shocking the Maou present at the moment.

'Was that the Incinerate Anthem?' Sirzechs questioned himself as he felt the holiness of the flames only for a moment before it disappeared along with Izana and Kakucho's bodies

'those bastards! They have succeeded, can't kill a 10-winged fallen? don't joke with me' Kasumi thought to herself as she could do nothing but grit her teeth and clench her fists.

'something is not right, Arakan was busy and separated from Izana and Kakucho and coincidently both of them faced a noticeable enemy? how did he include them in the plan anyways?' Kasumi questioned herself as the damage was already done.

'Those bastards definitely planned their deaths and somehow included the church and Fallen in it, I doubt they could have gotten Tiamat's approval.' Kasumi concluded as she and Sara shared a glance.

'No matter, as long as he doesn't fall too deep in his darkness...' Kasumi told herself as he released a sigh.

"Kasumi, Sara, please look after Hanma and Taiju and inform them of the news in case they are unaware of it, I will tend to the young master's needs" Grayfia stated as she followed after Arakan.

'yes! the two of them were present there even though only Izana and Kakucho volunteered!' Kasumi thought as she nodded and went to look for the two of them.


"Arakan-sama, do you wish for anything?" Grayfia asked as Arakan opened the door of his room.

"No, not really" Arakan stated as he welcome Grayfia into the room.

"Arakan-sama, I know that you are quite shaken from the death of Izana-san and Kakucho-san" Grayfia started.

"Grayfia if possible please do not bring that topic between us" Arakan politely asked as Grayfia nodded in response.

"I have neglected my work as the head of Barbatos family, I got too dependent on Izana and Kakucho as they handled everything for me while I freelanced throughout my life"

"I have been a shitty lord eh?" Arakan questioned as he looked out of the window.

"Arakan-sama! do not think like that" Grayfia said.

"You were the one that picked, Izana-san and Kakucho-san in the first place, and not only that but you trained and helped us at every corner we encountered a problem! Without you most of the peerage wouldn't even have assembled" Grayfia stated.

"You make it sound like I have done a lot" Arakan responded with a smile on his face.

"Arakan-sama, I do not know what is going through your mind but I hope that you know that we will always be with you no matter the cost" Grayfia said as she patted Arakan's head.

"You make me feel better already"

"In any case, I have decided on what I should do," Arakan said as he stood from his bed and looked out of the window.

"Say Grayfia, how does the title of Leviathan sound to you?" Arakan questioned shocking Grayfia.


[Updated and re-wrote Tobi got a new idea on what to do with this fic now]

[Hope you enjoyed leave a review if you did]

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