
Chapter 10: Spirits and Such Consultation Office.

Chapter 10: Spirits and Such Consultation Office.

~Liam POV~



Eating food-based enzymes and my body adapting to them have been far the worse things I have gotten used to having this adaptability power of mine but is useful.

Especially since the Kharaa Bacterium is now out from my system and I couldn't be any happier for it.

Now I won't have to look like a Christmas tree or pooka-dot man in the movie of suicide squad.

It was just that bad.

At least it made me more durable than most people would assume since my new power made me more resistant to blunt and bladed attacks by making my skin stronger and more resilient to them.

Still though eating poison to make my immune system stronger wasn't something I wanted but at least I won't have to worry about myself dying to poison anytime soon that's for sure.


Although it did take some time to locate the right place for this dimension I'm going to I needed to be sure as I sent in drones to see the area and much to my joy I did find what I was looking for.

However, I did have to relocate some dimensions because of the situation where the drone was at the wrong place and the wrong time for me to enter.

One of them appeared to see a fight between two people in the sky.

Another was a green woman against a middle schooler.

Next was a meteor in the shape of buildings.

And finally, broccoli in the middle of town.

Yeah… certainly a 'fun' dimension I happen to find but I already located one of the sister dimensions with the right settings I hoped to have found even though it took me about a month to locate the area I wanted.

However, the location of where to be dropped was once again humiliating at the same time.

Argh… the things I do for power.

After getting the powers of an Esper in this dimension I should take the time to properly train using them.

Good thing anyone could be an Esper in that dimension shame I can't repeat more in the Gleipnir dimension since the Alien might notice something up in different parallel versions of himself to see my body modified.

Yeah… don't want to risk it.

Note to self-find a dimension that makes traveling into another world easier, safer, and not humiliating to me in every sense of the way.

Sometimes I really hate and love my portals at the same time.

Entering the portal I began to walk out of the situation…


I was now -





I thought for sure this was a cave, not a god damn hot spring sauna!



Oh really…?

Seeing a whole room of naked Japanese women in this world glaring at me with pure hate as I saw their naked natural bodies I have to wonder -




Narrowly avoiding a katana that was aiming after my head I need to get out of here pronto!



Whew… sigh…

That was way too close to comfort and I thought for sure I got the right dimension… then again I did sleep off after dimension 69 I lost count after tiredness got to me.

I really need some god damn coffee but I need to get what I came here in this world.

After searching around the place I managed to find locate just the place I needed to be once I get away from a hot spring.


Bloody hell I would never forget how those women somehow have ninja weapons almost mistaken them for the Naruto Dimension but weren't.

But there was a reason I came to this dimension as I needed to unlock my psychic powers to become an Esper in this dimension after researching the contents.

Espers are humans that naturally awaken, possess, and can harness psychic powers. Natural espers are quite rare, but once awakened, they can become quite powerful in their own right.

Although just exposure to psychic powers will also do the trick if temporarily empowering them or unlocking their psychic powers.

Upon awakening, most espers possess the natural abilities to utilize psychokinesis, allowing them to manipulate things with their mind. They all have the basic ability to see Spirits, sense others with psychic power and also create a protective barrier around themselves.

Almost no esper can perform two actions simultaneously, such as raising a defensive barrier and attacking, however, with enough skill and effort, it is possible to do so.

While simple telekinesis seems to be the default ability many espers are born with, some espers have their own unique abilities.

They developed and specialized the way they utilize their powers, meaning most possess applied abilities and techniques unique to themselves (at the cost of only being able to perform said applied ability/technique).

However, skilled espers are able to learn, copy and perform a multitude of psychic abilities and techniques as shown by Teruki Hanazawa and Toichiro Suzuki.

For now, though I'm fine just equipping myself with the basics as I stand in front of the infamous Spirits and Such Consultation Office is an agency led by Arataka Reigen.

It offers a variety of psychic-related services, including exorcisms and seances. If an actual evil spirit requires exorcism, Reigen usually calls Mob to handle things, but for the other jobs, he is able to fake it until things work out.

Sometimes, clients visit for issues such as stiff shoulders and other back pains. These tend not to be spiritual at all, but Reigen keeps up his spiritual pretenses throughout these jobs as well.

Evil spirits appearing in photographs can easily be handled by Reigen's Graphic Exorcism, one of his special techniques.

Due to the mutual dislike Reigen and Jodo have for each other, they are business rivals of the Sun Psychic Union. Dozen, another member of the Sun Psychic Union, also despises Reigen.

However, I only need the assistance of Mob or known as Shigeo Kageyama, nicknamed "Mob" and "White T-Poison", who is a third-year student at Salt Middle School and the vice-president of the Body Improvement Club who is also a former assistant and disciple of Arataka Reigen.

For now, at least I hope he still works under Reigen as it would be much easier for me to adjust myself to getting some psychic powers even the basic power set would be really nice for me even.

If not then skip this dimension of Mob Psycho I'm not going to Scar organization to get them when I'm this weak.


Knocking on the door I hear a man coming on over as I heard the words in his mouth, "Huh? Who would be here at this time? A customer? Whatever. Mob make sure to keep the lunch warm alright?"

Oh ho, seems like the protagonist is here perfect it would make this much easier for me to ask the question of what I need to do.

Answering the door was the man himself in the flesh and owner of this office Reigen.

He is a tall man with dark brown eyes and short, reddish-blond hair with messy bangs. He is also very emotive, with his facial expressions ranging anywhere from attractive to terrifying, and is a man who has a tendency to sweat profusely.

He is usually shown wearing a dark grey business suit with a pink or black tie, though he has also worn such outfits as a sweatsuit, a tank top with shorts, and a complete high school girls' uniform, though that revealed that he also has relatively hairy legs.

When he opened the door he addressed me of my clothing with a raised eyebrow at my direction, "Uh… sorry dear customer but this isn't the dry cleaner for you're… wet clothing here it's – "

Blanking out a bit I kind of forgot that I was still wet from the clothing I got when I was dumped into the hot springs of a naked woman.


Now I really have to take care of the narrow-mindedness of my appearance kind of forgot about that.

After Reigan was done talking I began to explain to him with a slight blush of embarrassment from this as I spoke, "Oh? Ahm! Sorry about that but can I use your restroom real quick to change I want to talk about paying for your services."



Like that he quickly changed his mood as he dragged me along to the restroom as he responded happily to me as he spoke, "Why didn't you say so! I'll be sure to get you nice and comfy for your services!"

With that, I went inside the restroom and began to take out my PAD and changed into a new set of dry clothes I began to adjust myself into my new clothing as I step outside again going to the small office as I see Reigan and Mob doing his homework.

Shigeo has dark bowl-shaped hair and dark eyes. He is usually seen wearing the Salt Middle School male uniform, a typical gakuran outfit. Shigeo has a rather nondescript expression on his face.

When I met with the man Reigan he began to talk to me with a smug grin on his face, "Now then valued customer what would you like from Spirits and Such Consultation Office. What kind of issue do you have?"

Grinning at this I didn't beat around the bush as I requested what I wanted from this place as I began to speak, "Simple. I would like your assistant to help me unlock my psychic powers by giving me some psychic energy to unlock them."


I was met with silence with Reigan and Mob just looked like he was done with this shit with his expression.

Man, I wonder if I can get a good poker face like that.

Reigan glanced in my direction with a weird expression as I began to lie about my actions I responded, "No worries I'm a learning abroad academy student. I was researching how humans would react if exposed to psychic energy being able to unlock their psychics or not. I'm even able to afford 10 thousand dollars – "

"Will do it!"

Now that was a great change if any with Reigan agreeing on the spot like that and Mob looked a bit uncomfortable with the idea since he never really trained his powers but if Reigan was the one to tell him then it would be more reluctant to do it.

However, I did say this to Mob just to be sure he won't have a guilty conscious about this, "No worries Mob if I gain my Esper powers I'll use them responsibly. If not then you have nothing to fear after all with great power comes greater responsibilities."

Hearing my words he seems to have calmed down as he relented and replied in a bored tone, "Well… if it's alright with you then I suppose I could do the request."



Quick question would you like the MC to have a unique psychic power or not with just the basics?

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