
Multiverse: Path of the Harem Against Fate

My name is Ryu. I trained in martial arts my whole life and became a professional to control my own destiny with my strength. I didn't want to be controlled by anyone, so I trained as hard as possible. But in the end... I still got killed... at least I managed to save my girlfriend. So, I thought it would all end at that moment. However, at the end of my life, I awakened an unknown artifact. From that moment on, my world turned upside down. I just didn't imagine as much as this artifact would give so much power, and It also was going against the gods of the multiverses and destiny itself. First world: To-love-ru ----------------- -Disclaimer- 1) The protagonist's harem will not betray him. Understood! That goes for all your possible girls. And it will be a huge harem. 2) This novel will be about wish fulfillment and will have many clichés. Any woman the protagonist has sexual relations with will be an adult. 3) My first and second language is not English. I'm doing a translation on top of my writing, so there will be grammar issues, but I'm trying my best. Thanks in advance for your time. 4) Images are not mine; they belong to the artist. If the creator wants me to remove it, just let me know. 5) This is just fanfic. Please know that I do not claim ownership or credit for the original characters; the author has full rights over them. 6) And finally, I'm a newbie, and this is my first novel. Good luck!

BeXxTick · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

It will not be easy!

"Why do I only have this amount of coins and not more? Shouldn't I have like…ten times as much?" After all, Nana and I were always like rabbits, and we've been dating for many years now. Had to have more.

[Exact Host, your calculations are perfect... You only received 10% of your activities with your woman, as the artifact had not yet merged with the Host. As such, it couldn't absorb the yin energy.]

"Uh-huh, now that makes sense" I accepted these facts and this loss.

Lastly, I went to the help tab and read all the information I thought was necessary. I had to prepare for where I was going. Even though I knew I'd be bored for 9 months inside a womb.

Now that I had all the knowledge I needed, I was prepared.

"Fada-chan, open the Starter Pack" the time has come to see what surprises this System has in store for me.


[Opening 1x Starter Pack...]


[Ding! Congratulations! The Host received the skills' Dimensional Pocket', 'Absorb MC Fate,' and 'Legalization Power'... Warning... the levels of these skills are linked to the System. The higher the System Level, the stronger these skills will be.]

Huh? If it's linked to the System, why didn't you give it to me from the beginning? Really had to make me open the package? Was it to give suspense? But OK. Aside from 'Dimensional Pocket,' the rest looks weird. Let me see what those skills do...

[Dimensional Pocket (Rank-Special): It is a portable dimension created to be private to the Host. The Lord can enter or leave, as well as store items and bring whatever he wants. Whether they are living beings or not. Anyone can have access with permission granted by the Host. Currently, it has 10 m³ in dimensions. Warning... to increase the dimensions, you need to level up the System.]

[Absorb MC Fate (Rank-Special): Absorbs the fate of the protagonist of the story, this being luck and bad luck in relation to his Harems and enemies. Being that it does not absorb the destiny linked to the powers acquired by them. And the fate absorbed is not carried to other multiverses... Warning... The higher the System level, the more control you will have over fate. This is directly linked to your luck attribute and this skill.]

[Power of Legalization (Rank-Special): Modifies Time and the Universe's Order. This causes the plot of the world not to start until the main female character is of legal age. It also alters the entrance to schools, making them start 4 years later, so it changes to start schools at 10 years old and high school at 18 years old... Warning... This skill is tied to controlling time, but needs...]

[Warning... There may be changes to these skills the higher your System level.]

Yeah, that would look really good if I wasn't in a world full of enemies or with a protagonist who was unlucky. After all, it doesn't give me any power...

"Fairy-chan, can I use the 'Dimensional Pocket' to hide from any enemies?" I wouldn't be dumb and commit suicide to some enemy much stronger than I am. If I had the opportunity to escape, and it didn't cost the life of someone important to me, I would prefer to preserve my life.

[Yes, Host, but when you leave the 'Dimensional Pocket,' you will reappear in the same place you entered.]

"And I can bring people to other universes with it?"

[Yes, Host, as long as there is space, there are no limitations.]

It's better than I imagined.

Well, it seems that these system skills are mainly used to get 'waifus'. The 'dimensional pocket' will come in very handy. Who wouldn't want to take their own home wherever they go? it would be very comfortable.

As for the 'Absorb MC Fate' skill, I don't know if it's a ' buff or a ' debuff '... Well, who cares... What we men don't do for a pussy... oops, I mean... ahem! Beautiful and charming women... yes... that's right.

The last ability would be better if I don't even comment... 'power of legalization'... only serves the father here not to get into any trouble. In the past, I read many fics where the protagonist hooks up with high school girls. This will keep me from getting into trouble.

Good thing Nana wasn't jealous, and I said it was just studied material.

"Fada- chan, open the starter gift" I wasn't confident that I was going to get something interesting.


[Opening 1x Starter Gift...]


[Ding! Congratulations! The Host received the Title 'Master of the Harem' and 1x gacha coupon.]

Yes, now you're speaking my language. 'Show Title Effects' surprised me...

[Title - Harem Master: Makes women attracted to the Host more easily accept the idea of being in his harem. It also lessens the jealousy felt by them, but does not erase it. It all depends on the intensity.]

Wow, I discovered America! This is going to make my life easier in the future. Now I don't have to worry about being stabbed while I sleep.

"Use the gacha coupon" I crossed my fingers, hoping something good would come of it. 'at least one combat skill.'


[Using 1x gacha coupon on lucky roulette...]



[Ding! Congratulations! The Host received the item 'Old Pot is What Makes Good Food.']

An old pan appeared in front of me. It was a little rusty on the bottom, it was all black and quite big, and it was enough for 10 people to eat in it easily.

"What the fuck is this! What am I going to do with it?... beat my enemies with the pot? Or perhaps I cook something so delicious that they let me go? Huh! This gacha must be making fun of me… show the item status!" This time I was a bit angry.

[Item - 'Old Pot is What Makes Good Food' (Rank - G): A pot that enhances the flavor of any food made using it... In addition to having extremely high durability.]

[Effect: Magnifies the flavor of any food made by 10X.]

tch, if this can at least hold a shot without breaking, it will be a little useful for me." I know I'm good at cooking. Because as an athlete, I'm pretty strict with my diet, and I have to stay on weight for competitions, but that's beside the point at the moment. So I put it in the 'pocket dimension,' I just had to think, and it was done.

The only thing that can save me now is the store.

"Let me see what's in the Fairy-chan shop!"


Ding! A high number of Lust Coins were detected. As you haven't started in a universe yet, you have been given a one-time promotion so that you can exchange all your coins for 2x gacha coupons. Does the Host accept the exchange?]

['Accept' or 'Decline']

"Wait! Let me see if there's anything interesting in the shop first." I needed to look into my options.

[Denied!... Sorry Host! But it is a unique and limited offer. It is mandatory to select one of the options to proceed.]

"Damn yourself!... Go Fuck yourself!" I know the voice is a sexy fairy, so I don't blame her. She doesn't even have autonomy. However, who was the asshole that made this System?!

There was nothing I could do. So I thought for a while and made a decision.

"Confirm exchange" I decided to take a chance and gain something permanent rather than temporary.


[Confirming exchange...]

[The Host exchanged 153,693C for 2x gacha coupon.]

[The Host received 2x gacha coupon.]

OK, now I can go on and see what I missed from the shop.

I had already read about the store in the help tab. The store also has a gacha system, in which I scroll, and 5 items appear for me to decide which ones I want to buy. The items that can come are proportional to my power level, which is currently F- and can be of better or worse rank, depending on my luck. To recharge and be able to roll new items, I need to charge with energy produced by sex, but the first time is free.

I used the roulette wheel in the store, but nothing good came up, and all were expensive. I'm also broke, so I couldn't buy anything anyway.

"Let me see Gacha's luck percentage." I've seen it before, but I wanted to confirm. After all, that pan was slutty.

[Probability of obtaining in gacha: G- (15%), G (25%), F- (50%), F (9%), E- (0.99%), E (0.01), D- (0.00...), ... Warning... is followed by the worst to the best rank.]

Damn, 25%. I really had bad luck with that item

"Use the two gacha coupons" Hopefully, the goddess of luck is with me. I don't want to go to another world with just a pot.


[Using 2x gacha coupons on lucky roulette...]



[Ding! Congratulations! The Host received the skills. 'F. Affinity Viewer' and 'Instant Stamina.']

Now yes, it seems to have improved. Just by the names, I knew that this time I had more luck. Let's see what these beauties do.


[(LVL 1) Instant Stamina (Active) (Rank F): Regenerates all stamina instantly.]

[Cooldown: Use limited to 1 time per day.]

[(LVL Max.) F. Affinity Viewer (Passive) (Rank E): Shows the affinity gained and the state the female beings are in relation to the Host.]

[Table of affinities and their counter: Hates (-100% to -51%), Dislikes (-50% to -1%), Indifferent (0% to 20%), Interested (21% to 40%), Attracted (41% to 60%), liking (61% to 80%), Passionate (81% to 99%), True Love (100% to 150%), Obsessive Love (151% to 200%).]


In the short term, instant stamina is not so good, but in the long term, I'll be able to train a lot more a day, and when I'm in a fight, it will help me almost like I have an extra life.. . actually even more than one life. Because the more I use this skill, the more it will level up, and it will get even better, maybe lower the cooldown too.

However, this 'F.affinity viewer' really is a taker of puss... ahem… woman.

This will help me a lot on my journey. With this, I can be much more shameless without worrying too much.

Now I'm ready to start choosing which world to go to.

"Open 'Multiverse Travel' and spin the roulette wheel." I want to see which worlds I'll be able to choose to go to.




[Possible multiverses to travel.]

[Shijou Saikyou No Deshi Kenichi (Rank E-).]

[To-Love-Ru (Rank F).]

[Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai (Rank F-).]

[Rosario + Vampire (Rank E).]

[Select one]

4 names appeared in front of me.

When I saw it, my mouth started watering... well, let's analyze. The world of Kenichi looks cool, but even though I'm a master, I don't think I'm prepared to face the masters of Ryozanpaku dojo.

As for 'To-Love-Ru,' I'm really interested, mainly because I'm angry with Rito, after all, he decided to stay a virgin for life, so I won't need to feel sorry for him. Uh-huh, yes, this is the best choice. There are few enemies to worry about, in addition to the women there being very easy, the best place to farm.

However, I would need a little more preparation if I want to go to Rosario. Kami seems interesting, but not now.

It's decided then. But first...

"Fada- chan, before I go, is there anything I should worry about or prepare for?"

[Yes, The Host needs to be concerned with the fate that controls each multiverse, as well as the gods that control everything. Those will be your biggest enemies... This System alters the fate and order of the multiverses, making this artifact become hated by all superior beings. But the Host need not concern himself with the gods. Due to all the restrictions, the System has with temporary functions, you will not be located unless one of your women dies. With that, the System's energy will go into disarray, and they will be able to locate you. So the Host-only has to worry about fate... Beware... the stronger you are, the more fate will want to destroy you.]

"Hein?... Aah... I knew it wouldn't be a thousand wonders. So I'll have fate on my foot the whole time. I was a little surprised at first, but then I took it in stride. I knew I would have some nasty surprises waiting for me. Well, nothing tastes as good without a challenge. Would that be the last icing on the cake?

"Do you have any information on when I'm going to be attacked and with what force? or even some details of his powers?" Of course, if they are too strong, it would be useless to have any information.

[Denied... the Host will not be able to have any more information about the gods and destiny until he raises his System Level.]

"Tch, OK," I click my tongue in dissatisfaction and change the subject.

"Fairy-chan, will I keep my appearance when reborn?" I didn't want to have a different appearance. If it wouldn't be weird for me to meet Nana or my parents again.

[Host, there have been small improvements, want to preview how you will look?]

['Accept' or 'Decline']


A naked me appeared right in front of me as if it were a hologram.

I still had my white hair, a height of around 1.80m, light blue eyes, fair skin, and defined muscles, but nothing exaggerated. Being like this, not to be narcissistic, but I was pretty good-looking, so much so that Nana had trouble marking territory, but I was much better now.

[The picture is here!]

"Not bad… and what about my birth? Can I choose where or how I will be born?"

[Denied! The Host is still too weak to determine his own future. That choice will be left to his luck and fate.]

"Shit! Am I going to have to rely on my enemy to choose my path?" I thought I would have the worst born possible!

But maybe the Skill of 'Absorb MC Fate' will help me. I hope so!

[The System will help as much as possible.]

OK, let's trust the System. It's not like I can do anything. The System didn't even ask for my permission to initiate the artifact's fusion with me. Am I just being used? Who created this artifact? And what is the story for this artifact to be so hated by everyone? These are all questions that will only be answered when I have the strength, of course, if I stay alive by then!

Now that everything is set up and I'm confident.

"Start travel to the world of To-Love-Ru."

[Understood Host]

[Starting travel to the world 'To-Love-Ru']

This won't be the end... Nana, I know it's selfish of me, but I'll stay strong anyway, and I'll come back to meet you again... Wait for me... My parents too...

[I wish you host luck, and may you have a good journey!]

Suddenly my vision starts to darken, and soon my consciousness shuts down.

I think I burned a little of my neurons in this chapter...

Well, I may have exaggerated a bit, but I tried to make the world as logical as possible within my abilities. Because I don't want to make things happen without any explanation or just not talk and pretend they don't exist.

But now I can start the world with more peace of mind and less information.

Thanks for reading!

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