
Chapitre de remplissage

'___': Thoughts

"___": Speaking

[1202 Words]


(3rd Person POV)






*Haa Haa*

Felix standing in front of them shouts vigorously, "Do at least 500 push-ups, you maggots. The grandma I met yesterday had more stamina than you. Donald Na will just cry after seeing your pathetic fighting ability."

He then looked at each one of them and reprimanded them individually,

"Gray, you have been exercising for such a long time, why don't you have at least some muscles? You look like a paper cut-out that would fly with a gust of wind."

"Stephen, channel your handsomeness into something useful in fights. Your bones look so fragile. Even Wolf Keum could break some of your bones with one punch!"

"Gerard, use the amount of time you waste on keeping your hair down into training. If you are so worried about your hairstyle, then buy a bloody hairband..... Also, do that push-up again, I saw you half-assed it."

"Ben, you are my best pupil but work on your speed. Visualise how you can defeat your opponent."

"Alex Go, weren't you known as the Pit-Bull in middle school? Pit-Bulls are known for their vigilance and watchfulness. Why do you charge like a stupid idiot? There is nothing vigilant about your behaviour. The person who nicknamed you was really stupid!"

"Rowan, my boy. Stop playing around and get some work in. Do you think bluffs and a single elbow will work on them? They will maul you to near death before you can even touch them."

This went on for 4 hours until all of them were exhausted.

They were murmuring under their breath while looking at Felix with malice,



"S-Spawn of S-Satan..."

Felix standing in front of them with his hands folded in front of his chest said in a confused tone, "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Didn't you guys come to me to give you brutal training? Where did your enthusiasm go now, huh?"

Felix stopped for a second and then smiled pleasantly at them, "Also, should I remind you that we are having another training session tomorrow? Bye!"

All of them had nightmares that night about Felix training them to death...


The next day,

Gerard was standing in front of Felix. Felix had one hand behind his back and another signalling Gerard to attack him.

Gerard took a deep breath and then rushed at Felix to his full ability.


A sidekick was aimed at Felix's torso. Felix leaned behind and said in a relaxed tone, "Gerard, I know you can do better. Also, don't leave your legs defenseless. They are your only weapons for now."

Saying that Felix hit the calf muscles of Gerard's leg with one knuckle punch. Gerard jumped back due to the severe pain but did not take off his eyes from Felix.

Felix smiled, "Yes, that's the spirit a fighter should have."


A straight kick from Felix landed on Gerard as he went back due to momentum but Gerard craftily supported his body with his hands, twisted them and landed a diagonal kick at Felix.

Felix easily blocked it with one hand and then acknowledged Gerard's efforts, "Awesome, you pass now. I am sure that now you can sustain more rounds with Jake Ji than you did last time. But still, don't get complacent. Practice daily!"












Felix dumped a bunch of self-defence books in front of Gray and said, "Gray, from what I have gathered that you don't gain muscles at all. The maximum physical specs you were able to achieve is slightly above average which is nil in front of monsters like Donald Na. The thing you can do is sharpen your technique and study as numerous books as you can to be much more proficient."

Gray looked at the pile of books in front of him and nodded excitedly as a 5-year-old child does at the mention of ice cream.

"Observe me whenever I train to improve your observational and analyzing skills. Also, keep up your regular training!"










Felix was sitting on a chair, tapping his feet while Stephen was standing in front of him.

"Ah, what to do with you? Your physical specs are already better than Alex which is something to say as you started training like 9 months ago only."

"Hmmm...You know what, train and spar with Gerard and Alex together as much as you can. Both of them are quite powerful together, Also, take Gray with you too! Tell him he can observe you guys fighting in his free time."











Ben Park was training with Felix who was acting like a coach in front of him wearing a tracksuit.

"I want counter punches in the last 10 seconds!" (A/N: Got the reference?)








"Good, Ben! Continue this regularly and make it your instinctive nature. Upgrade the time slightly week after week. Also, eat properly. Get proper nutrition so you can have better growth and won't suffer from exhaustion daily."

"Haa Haa, Thanks, Felix."














Rowan standing in front of a punching bag training whole-heartedly.

Felix was showing some basic techniques to Rowan, "Rowan, you should first focus on these tips and tricks. Without that elbow blow, you are at the level of a normal student."

"You should practice your basic punches, kicks, hooks and cuts. After you master them at least to an amateur level, you can participate in spars with everyone else to gain fighting experience. Is that alright?"

Rowan nodded with the burning passion evident from his eyes.

While our main cast was training for the final battle, something else was also brewing in Yeongdeungpo.


Felix heard the sound of a notification from his mobile and checked it. It was his loyal Wolfy!


(Wolfy 🐶🐺)

Wolfy🐶🐺 : Report - Myles Joo was taken down by the Mok-Ha duo today.

Felix: Explain in detail. What is the Mok-Ha duo?

Wolfy🐶🐺 : They are the two students from Yeo-Il High School. They report straight to Donald Na and have been named as executives of The Union. Both of them together took on left-over Manwol along with Myles Joo.

Felix: So, they are a tough nut, huh?

Wolfy🐶🐺 : Yes, one of them alone is nothing special but both of them together might pose a danger.

Felix: Good! Also, is Donald suspicious of you or anything?

Wolfy🐶🐺 : Nope, he acted as usual with me, though he was much more threatening than earlier. He has deemed Eunjang a much bigger problem than Manwol too.

Felix: Wow, looks like he finally realized, huh? Also, report to me what the Mok-Ha hang out in their free time. I wanna let off some steam.

Wolfy🐶🐺 : That's tricky but I will manage to inform you as soon as I get the info.

Felix: I am giving you a week to find it out. Just don't let Donald Na know about it.

Wolfy🐶🐺 : Ok


A few days later,



(End of the Chapter)


This is the second world.

Clues -

1. It is a couple of jumbled words.

2. Two Words.

3. Language - English.

4. There are five unnecessary letters in it.

Decipher it.

I know that you guys will do it in like an hour.

If you liked the story, then add it to your library. We are soon gonna reach 1k collections!

Drop some power stones and write some comments too. I read all of them. If you have any questions, you are free to ask!

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