
Chapter 26

After easily subduing the female vampire, Mark couldn't help but chuckle at her futile snarls. With a sly smile, he squeezed the vampire's cheeks, "You know, you should really work on your communication skills," he teased. As her snarls grew louder, he swiftly grabbed a cloth and stuffed it into her mouth, effectively muting her. Satisfied that she was now muted, he proceeded to scan the interior of the house, curious if there were survivors hiding.

"Anyone hiding in here?" he called out, his voice a gentle murmur of reassurance. "It's safe now. You can come out." Mark's words barely disturbed the silence of the house, his eyes scanning the shadows as he patiently awaited any response from potential survivors.

Moments later, he heard a rustling sound from under the table. Shivering in fear, a mother and her daughter timidly emerged from their hiding place. Their eyes were wide with terror, and their faces were pale as they stared at Mark, clearly frightened by their experience.

"Hey, it's alright," Mark said gently, his voice calming. He crouched down to the little girl's eye level, his expression soft. "You're safe now. I've got that bad lady under control." His reassuring words seemed to provide some comfort to the frightened mother and her daughter. The little girl clung to her mother, her wide eyes cautiously studying Mark.

He turned to the mother, a reassuring smile on his lips. "We should leave here first," he said, his voice calm, ensuring they were close before contacting Stella.

"Stella," he spoke into the walkie-talkie, "I'm with survivors. Meet me down the attic."

"Wait," Stella's voice crackled through the device. After a moment, she responded, "It's fine now."

"Good lord, what is that?" Mark's tone shifted abruptly. "Both of you, close your eyes!"

Seeing them both close their eyes in panic, he marked their shoulders and teleported the mother and her daughter beside Stella, who had just descended from the attic.

As Stella saw the frightened mother and daughter, she immediately went to console them, offering reassurance and comfort. Mark, after ensuring the safety of the two, gave Stella another kiss. His gaze lingered on the comforted mother and daughter before he teleported back to the restrained vampire.

Mark concealed the female vampire in a secure location and continued his search. He rescued two more groups of survivors, employing the same methods as before. The attic must be getting quite crowded by now. He contemplated the utilidor place from the movie and decided to discuss his plan with the others to relocate there later.

In one of the houses, he stumbled upon a gruesome sight – a vampire feasting on a headless corpse. Judging by the remains, it appeared to be a man.

Seizing the element of surprise, Mark silently approached the vampire. With a swift motion, he brought down his axe on its neck, nearly lopping its head off. The creature's head hung at an unnatural angle, howling in agony. The unsettling sound reverberating loudly, almost drowning out the noise of the heavy snowfall outside. It made Mark very uncomfortable, his grip on the axe tightening.

With steady hands, he brought the axe down once more, severing the vampire's head completely. The decapitated head rolled across the floor, leaving a trail of black blood in its wake, staining it.

Feeling a stir of activity outside, Mark quickly stashed the vampire's corpse and its head inside his storage space. He then cautiously moved into the kitchen, finding a concealed spot in the corner. Silently, he peeked around, his eyes fixed on the main door, patiently waiting for someone to enter, The door shattered as two vampires entered, their distinct features emphasizing their differences: one short and unruly-haired, the other frail and sickly.

Their sharp eyes scanned the room, immediately noticing the bloodstains and the headless corpse of a resident. The missing companion who had been howling in pain earlier was nowhere to be seen, adding to their confusion. Perplexed, they exchanged uncertain glances, their brows furrowing in bewilderment.

Unable to find any explanation for the disappearance, they dismissed it and turned their attention to the bloody corpse before them. Their hunger soon overwhelmed any lingering confusion. Their primal instincts took over, and with ravenous hunger, they began to feast, their fangs sinking into the flesh as they indulged in their bloody meal.

Seeing the vampires distracted and engrossed in their feast, Mark seized the opportunity. Stealthily, he crept closer, swinging his axe.

First, the short-haired vampire fell, its head cleanly severed from its body. Before the sickly companion could register what happened, Mark's axe ended its life abruptly. The room fell into silence, broken only by the thud of the vampires' lifeless bodies hitting the floor. Mark couldn't help but grin at the thought of Marlow's reaction when he discovered his diminishing minions.

He gathered the remains of the vampires and stepped outside, his mind already on the next task. As he briskly but cautiously walked, he spotted Marlow in the middle of the road, inspecting the houses. Marlow was accompanied by a bald vampire and a black-haired one. Not wanting to engage in another confrontation, Mark quickly turned around and increased his pace. Rounding a corner, he accidentally collided with Iris.

Startled, Mark instinctively swung, his fist connecting with Iris's face, causing her head to meet the wooden wall with an unintended thud. Her body contorted in an awkward position, her head firmly planted against the wooden wall. He swiftly slapped her navel marking her and then sprinted away. Once he felt hidden from prying eyes, he teleported back to the female vampire.


In the reinforced bus outside town, Mark placed the newly captured vampire. He turned to the other vampire occupants, their hungry eyes fixed on him as they struggled against their restraints. Kneeling down, he removed the cloth from the little vampire's mouth.

"Mister, I-I'm so hungry," the little vampire whimpered, her voice laced with desperation. "Please, can you let me go? I promise I won't hurt anyone. I just need to feed, I can't help it..." She trailed off, attempting to evoke pity with her soft, trembling words.

Despite her act, Mark couldn't find pity in his heart, especially as he noticed her sharp teeth and the way she licked her lips, eyeing him hungrily.

He chuckled, his tone teasing as he responded, "I can't just let you snack on the entire town, can I? Tough luck, little monster. You'll have to settle for a different menu tonight."

Mark's brows furrowed in discomfort as he drained the blood from the vampires he had killed earlier, his features reflecting his unease. Despite his own distaste, he collected the blood carefully. After preparing a glass, he reluctantly moved it toward her along with a straw.

She greedily sipped it, finishing it astonishingly fast. However, as she looked at him, her small face scrunching up in what seemed like distaste, she complained, her voice a mixture of disappointment and revulsion, "Ew, it doesn't taste good at all!" Mark, while maintaining his composure, couldn't help but feel exasperated at her reaction, having gone through the trouble of providing her sustenance.

"I'm not doing that again," he said to himself. Standing up, he met the gaze of the other vampires and muttered, "Nope, you all need a diet." He ventured outside, disposing of the corpses by tossing them into a pit and setting them on fire.


Carrying a large bag of supplies, Mark was tightly hugged by Stella after seeing him. She examined him from head to toe, checking if he was alright. Eben and Billy descended from the attic, noticing the closeness between Mark and Stella. Eben appeared resigned, his eyes flickering between them, while Billy couldn't contain his curiosity and asked about the situation in town. Mark shared his experiences, detailing the traits of the vampires, their infectiousness and their weaknesses, carefully omitting the specific details he needed to hide.

Stella listened intently, her brow furrowing. "Vampires?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief. "Are you sure?"

Mark nodded with certainty. "Their appearance, behavior, and attack methods match the description perfectly: sharp teeth, black eyes, and an insatiable thirst for blood," he stated firmly. "I've tried various methods, just like Doug mentioned last night. Bullets don't faze them; headshots only momentarily stun them. Beheading is the only effective way to stop them."

The gravity of Mark's words settled over the room, and Stella, Eben, and Billy exchanged concerned glances.

"If we tell everyone, they'll panic." Stella voiced her worry.

"They deserve to know," Eben stated weakly.

"And if they don't know, they could get us killed – they gotta understand what's at stake," Billy added, emphasizing the importance of the information.

Stella's uncertainty lingered in her voice as she asked, "But how do we approach them? How do we break this news without causing mass panic?"

Mark excused himself, offering Stella a comforting pat on the back, before leaving the bag with Billy. With a brisk step, he headed toward the bathroom, eager to rid himself of the uncomfortable dampness that clung to his skin after being out in the snow.

Is the pacing shitty?

ZhangLongDongcreators' thoughts