
Multiverse Internet Cafe: The Game Maker

Cryd got reincarnated without knowledge of how he died. And found himself in a parallel world with advanced technology and a new family. But he found many things has changed in this world and became disappointed with this parallel world progress. And so he decided to pursue his dreams to become a Game developer and spread the culture from his past life. but is that all there is to it? ------ This will be a slow paced story but sometimes go fast. Updates 1 chappy a day, and no Patreon Yet, but will give notice If made one. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Heya everyone, Happy new year, LazyTanaka here has rested long enough and finally got my will to write stories once again. This year I decided to write a fanfiction book and an original book for this year, I want to earn some money too you know... Anyway, this is a remake of my last year book? or probably last last year? I forgot but I have improved my writing but not my grammar, hope you guys enjoy the story.

LazyTanaka · Video Games
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27 Chs

Chapter 2- Visitors

"Uh,,, Nice to meet the both of you, let me introduce myself again, My name Cryd Sanzenin, I like games and I dream to make good games when I grow up, I don't have any particular food that I like, I hope we become good friends from now on and also in the future"

Cryd introduced himself in a childish but mature way, he trained to do this when he was a little younger since he thought he needed this for his family but he later discovered that he didn't really need to do it, but since he has trained to introduce himself this way, he might as well do so.

He also learned etiquette, proper posture, etc, anyway, after he introduced himself, he looked at the two girls in front of him and saw he got both of their attention, the first one to speak is Alice.

"Nice to meet you too Cryd-chan! You can just call me Alice, I want to be a chef when I grow up and I like cold foods the most, from now on you are my friend!"

Alice spoke in a very energetic way.

'So she's an energetic type'

Cryd noted inside his head, he then looked at Erina, who was fidgeting, seems like she is a shy type.

"Come on Erina! Don't be like that!"

Alice pouted as she saw how her cousin was acting, she looked quite cute as she pouted.

"M-my name is Erina, I also want to be a chef when I grow up, I have a sensitive tongue and I don't have any particular dishes that I like"

Erina said shyly.

"Oh? Like what kind of sensitive? Like to heat or to something?"

Cryd became a little interested, no he is not being dirty-minded, he was just really interested.


"I can explain it to you!"

Before Erina can reply, Alice interrupted her and started explaining things to Cryd.

"She has God's Tongue, Erina's tongue is considered the best in the world, able to taste a dish to the highest degree, because of this Erina is considered a prodigy, but you see her father is such a-"

"Ahem, it seems you guys have become friends, why don't you talk later and lets eat lunch for now"

Senzaemon coughed and caught the attention of the kids.


The kids replied before the dishes were finally served by a man wearing a chef's suit.

"Huh? Uncle Joichiro, I thought you have gone home already"

Cryd asked the man, his full name is Saiba Joichiro, a chef that has been serving his family f0r a few years now, he said that he will go home a few days ago because his wife is pregnant which is why Cryd was confused why he was still here.

"Oh, I decided to go tomorrow since we have visitors today"

Joichiro replied.

"I see"

Cryd nodded in understanding.

"Here is for today's lunch, it's Galette with egg"

Joichiro served each of them dishes, Cryd observed the dish carefully, the galette is made of buckwheat flour and with an egg yolk in the center of it which is seasoned with black pepper.

Everyone then started eating their lunch, as usual, the food Joichiro make was delicious, it seems like the visitors loved it too, especially Erina who ate with great pleasure.

It didn't take long for them to finish eating and the kids were given time to play, Cryd wasn't really into playing so he excused himself but somehow the two girls decided to follow him.

"Hey, Cryd-chan, what are you going to do?"

Alice asked curiously.

"I am going to practice my music skills"


"Music skills? Didn't you want to become a game developer or something?"

Alice asked.

"I do and learning music is part of being a game developer, to be a game developer, I need to learn to make my own music for my game, it was also the same for art and the others"

Cryd explained to them.

"Hmm, I see"

Alice didn't ask anymore and just continued following them, it didn't take long for Cryd to arrive at a room where when he opened inside, the two girls immediately saw rows of instruments neatly organized.

They can see guitars, pianos, trumpets, and a lot of instruments, there are even some instruments that they have never seen before.

"Wow, there are so many!"

Alice couldn't help but be amazed, Erina too was amazed by the number of different kinds of instruments.

"How many are there?"

Erina couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, I just collected lots of it but to my estimation, there are about over a hundred?"

Cryd honestly didn't know, he spent millions to complete this collection and well, he wasn't the one who bought it but his grandfather.

Cryd then stopped talking to them and sat in front of the piano.

"Are you going to play something Cryd-chan?"

Alice asked.


After he said that, the two girls found a place where they can sit and waited for Cryd to play with great expectation, this will be the first time they will have someone their age play the piano so they are very curious.

Cryd appreciated that they didn't make any more noise, he then took a deep breath and started to focus on himself, then in a low voice, he said.

"A story that doesn't exist forms in your mind, this is a story that came from the soul"

[Interstellar Main Theme Piano - STAY]

With those words, Cryd pressed the first key of the piano, and the pace was slow until it continued building up, a music that they have never heard before, somehow it was calming, floating, Alice and Erina felt like they were floating somewhere along with the stars, on the galaxy.

Cryd who was playing found that he made some mistakes with some keys that he pressed wrong but he didn't care, he was absorbed in the music, playing with passion, with emotions.

'Mistakes are insignificant, to play without passion is inexcusable

Soon, the music ended, and Cryd couldn't help but take a deep breath and let his body relax, maybe because he has an audience but this was the first time he played like this, he looked behind him and saw the two girls were dazed looking at the empty space in front of them.

'I guess they liked it

Cryd couldn't help but smile, a masterpiece is a masterpiece no matter what world it was in, and Cryd could feel an emotion knowing that people still loved the music that he also loved from his past life.

It took a few minutes before the two girls woke up from their dreams and they immediately rushed towards him and started asking for him to play more song, helplessly, Cryd agreed and played more songs for them but this time it was the music from this world so it wasn't impactful as the first one.

Soon, it was time for the two girls to home, the three became close friends and Erina wasn't that shy to him anymore and became friendly, the two promised they will come once in a while to listen to him play once again which he just agreed with a smile.

After they left, Cryd continued his training but this time, it was practicing his art skills, he already has a good foundation when it came to drawing, it may not be as good as realistic art but it wasn't as bad as One's art skills when he first drew one punch man.

Anyway, to practice his skills decided to just draw a manga, in this way, not will he only train his art skills but also his way of pertaining a story and how he will make it a story, the manga he was drawing is Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.

Mairimashita! Iruma-kun is the story of Suzuki Iruma, who has been sold to the demon by his irresponsible parents in exchange for money. Surprisingly, the next thing he knows, he is living with the demon and has been transferred into a school from Demon World. We invite you to follow Iruma-kun's extraordinary school life.

It was a good manga with a good story and the art isn't also that difficult, it was quite popular in his past life and Cryd also loved reading the manga, anyway, Cryd found out that he has good memory which made him remember all of the manga, games, music, etc from his past life.

Though things related to his past personal life weren't part of it though, well, not like he cares about his past life anymore.

Cryd already has drawn about 20 chapters for the manga and he was thinking of publishing it so that he can share this great story, but he was quite conflicted about where he will publish the manga, there are 3 big manga publishers in this country, but honestly, Cryd didn't have any good opinions about them since he did some research and they have a lot of bad reputation.

He won't really be affected by these things but it will be a hassle to deal with if something really happened so after thinking for a while he decided that he would just make his own publishing company.

"I will name it Mugen"