

In the morning, when the sun rises, the people of the city woke up from their sleep and refresh themselves.

In a 3 story house.

A young man was sleeping in the bed leisurely.


The door opened and a beautiful woman at the age of 32 walked in.

she looked at the young man, who is sleeping on the bed and a smile formed on her face.

then she bring her face towards the young man's ears and said...

( image in comments)

( Akira's pov )

In the dream, Akira was enjoying himself on a beach. with his friends.

"wow, what a cool vacation", Akira said as he laid down on the sand.

"yeah, it's the best", one of his friends said.

But then a girl walks forward to him and muttered in Akira's ears "son".

Akira looked at the woman, who seems to be just in her 30ties. He tried to look at her face but was surprised that her face is blurred.

"Who are you?", Akira asked as he take 3 steps back.

"son", then a loud voice rang throughout the beach and then.


Creak seems to form on the surroundings around Akira just like it is made up of glasses.

Akira has a helpless expression on his face. because he can't figure out what is happening to him.


The creak around him shatters, and the next second.

( pov ends )

Tremble the young man's eyelids tremble and then he opens his eyes.

*sigh* 'it's just a dream' Akira thought as he yawn, he still don't know that there is also another existence in his room.

" you finally got up son ", A voice enters Akira's ears.

Akira instantly looked in the direction where the voice come from and noticed a beautiful woman.

Akira was shocked to death and subconsciously said "Auntie".


sorry guys there seem to be some problem as my fanfic didn't show up in the recent updates.

so I short this story, to see something, I think the other will be short too

Next chapter