
Chapter 1 !

* Sigh *

Lloyd was lying on his bed while staring at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing to do at the moment. It has now been 3 months since he returned from the world in which he was summoned, you know this kind of world that we find in novels and other things of the kind, he too like many other young men had to play play the role of hero and save the world he was summoned into while making dear friends throughout their journey as well as picking up every beautiful girl he meets for his harem.

Well maybe not exactly like the others, unlike the basic protagonist that we can find in this style of novel Lloyd was not the sociable type and therefore didn't make any friends in the world where he was, let alone 'a girlfriend...

The moment he was summoned he hurried to find the best way to become powerful in order to complete the challenges that this world offered him, eventually he found a completely cheated object called "the infinite seed" which like its name indicates, gave him abilities well beyond mortal or even divine comprehension.

Thanks to this seed he managed to overcome the demonic forces which threatened the world without real difficulty, it was like in a video game when instead of following the main story you explore the rest of the world, find the most cheated weapons and armor and then did the main story while rolling over your opponents.

In the end no one knew the identity of the person who had defeated the demonic forces due to his unsociable side and his habit of playing it alone, but all that no longer mattered now that he had returned to his original world more boring than ever.

He had still retained his abilities after coming back but what use would that be to him in such an ordinary world? Certainly he could use his power to dominate this world but for what purpose, leading a life of lust and wealth... that did not interest him, what he wanted was a real challenge where he could unleash his infinite power against a powerful opponent and it is clearly not in a world like this that he could do that.

Now his days consisted of working at his uncle Romuald's grocery store during the day and otherwise the rest of his time he spent on the internet without any real purpose. If only the world had continued to evolve while he was not there, there would have been new things to discover but no... it seems that the world stopped when Lloyd left and resumed its course when he returned.

All his days seemed to be the same without any change...well not exactly all his days, today on his way to work he found a strange red cell phone in front of his uncle's house with whom he lived.

When he turned it on he noticed that there was only one application installed on it and nothing else. It seemed to be a game called "multiverse games", when he wanted to launch the game the screen displayed a timer on the screen.

* 05.00.00 *

Seeing this Lloyd decided to go to work and look again once his work was finished. Still lying on his bed, he took the cell phone that was placed on the bedside table next to him.


Seeing that there was only about an hour left before the timer expired, Lloyd decided to get up from his bed to go outside. He grabbed his backpack which in reality is a legendary object that he brought with him from the world where he was summoned. In appearance it looks like a normal backpack but in reality this bag has no bottom and can carry absolutely everything without any limit, Lloyd just has to think about what he wants to take and the bag will give it to him.

He left the house and headed towards the forest which was right next to the house, he liked this forest because there was an abandoned building where he went to be truly alone with his thoughts.

After a few minutes of walking he arrived in front of the building. He looked at the roof of the building, that's where he liked to go because he had a view of the whole city from up there. He looked intensely at the roof and in a split second teleported to it. It was one of many abilities he had learned in the world where he was summoned allowing him to instantly teleport to a location he directly sees or has previously visited.

He sat on the edge of the roof, letting his legs dangle in the air, then took the laptop in his hands to see where the timer was.


There were only 15 seconds left before the timer ran out, for some reason Lloyd was curious to see what happened next, after all it was the first somewhat interesting thing that happened to him since he came back.





When the countdown reached 0 the timer disappeared and gave way to a welcome screen with a starry background and a message.

* Welcome, would you like to join the "multiverse games"? *

Lloyd looked at the screen for a moment intrigued thinking that it was just a simple game and nothing more. he pressed "ok" and the message disappeared, giving way to another message.

* Level loading! *

At that moment something he didn't expect happened, everything around him started to disappear leaving only a completely black void in which he sat having no idea where he was.

Suddenly a dazzling light emerged, Lloyd closed his eyes reflexively so as not to be dazzled. After a few seconds he noticed something strange, the hard ground of the roof had completely changed and he could feel what looked like grass between his fingers.

He opened his eyes, which took a moment to adjust to the light, to see that he was no longer on the roof of the building but in a large plain.

"What the…"

He looked all around him at the place that was completely foreign to him. Had he just been summoned again in a new world? Had his complaints been heard?

*beep beep*

he was pulled out of his thoughts when the phone vibrated, he looked at the screen which had changed again.

* Welcome to the starter level! *

* New objective added! *

* Find your partner so you can continue to the next level! *

"Wait...did I just get transported into the game and what do you mean a partner? I'm not the only one here?"

There was no answer from the phone, which didn't really surprise him.

He sighed and stood up to think about what happened next.

"Well...it seems that if I want to get more information about this place I'm going to have to find this partner he was talking about..."

The antisocial side of Lloyd was clearly not happy but had no other choice at the moment but to deal with it.

He put the phone in his pocket then prepared to use an ability he hadn't used since he returned to his original world, the ability to fly.

This would allow him to find his so-called partner more quickly. He got into position and supported himself on his legs then suddenly pushed off the ground and jumped high into the sky, higher than a normal human could but contrary to what he expected he fell to the ground unable to fly away.

" What ?!..."

*Beep Beep*

He took the phone out of his pocket to see the message he had just received.

* Attention !!! Due to the difference in your level and the starter level, some of your abilities have been blocked for balancing reasons! *

"What…how is this possible?"

* You can recover your abilities by progressing in the game! *


he closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling his energy which had drastically diminished. At first he didn't like it at all, then he remembered that he still had the seed of infinity within him, which calmed him down. After thinking for a while he ended up finding a positive side to the situation in which he found himself. He who wanted to have new challenges here was a perfect one for him, progressing while having his power limited was not such a bad idea, after all he had enough strength to succeed.

"Well...I guess I'll do this the old-fashioned way!"

He began walking across the plain with no set direction, relying solely on luck to find his partner.

He walked for a while without finding anything when he saw a silhouette in the distance.

"Great...it must be him." he said, a little reticent.

He walked until he was within range of the figure.


The figure didn't respond and Lloyd noticed something strange. The figure he thought was a person was in fact a humanoid creature with the appearance of a human shadow.

The shadow turned towards Lloyd and before he could do anything else charged him at full speed and threw a punch straight at his face but when the fist hit Lloyd it was like she had hit an indestructible wall.

Lloyd didn't move within a millimeter as he continued to stare at the shadow.

"...Don't tell me you call that a punch?"

He clenched his fist at his turn then hit the shadow which was instantly disintegrated when he touched it, even the ground in front of him was completely destroyed by the power of his blow creating a crater several meters long.

Suddenly other shadows appeared around him. They all attacked him at once but Lloyd remained motionless, taking their attacks as if it were nothing at all.

"You must be kidding me..."

In a fraction of a second he destroyed all the shadows without difficulty, he saw a shadow that was sliding behind him and tried to jump on him from behind, he turned around to face it and destroy it on the spot but suddenly a ball energy appeared and destroyed it in the air.


Lloyd lowered his head to look in the direction the ball of energy was coming from and saw a man walking towards him.

"I was thinking that I had heard sounds of fighting around here, it seemed that I was right!"

The man who stood in front of Lloyd was dressed in an orange outfit with a blue belt and shoes as well as a Japanese symbol on his back. Spiky black hair and black eyes.

This guy probably practices martial arts with such an outfit, Lloyd thought.

"You must surely be my partner!" the man said while holding up a red phone identical to the one Lloyd had.

*Beep Beep*

They both looked at their phones at the same time.

* Congratulations ! You have successfully reached your partner! *

* Additional objective activated! *

Suddenly a hundred shadows appeared and surrounded Lloyd and the man from all sides.

* Destroy all the shadows to access the next level! *

Seeing this Lloyd and the man turned around, back to back to face the shadows.

"Hey! My name is Son Goku by the way! What's yours?" he said while taking a fighting stance.

Lloyd who was standing straight with his hands in his pockets remained silent for a moment before speaking.


"Well Lloyd...let's get started!"


Here an image of Lloyd !