
Multiversal swordsman (Dropped)

Travel the multiverse getting stronger and creating a family Irregular updates [I MIGHT MISS “,” and “.” If y’all have a problem idgaf because writing theses chapters take a long time and I work A LOT so can y’all be considerate and stop complaining and there are way worse stories on this app that don’t punctuate at all at least I try so pls stop complaining thank] I don’t own a damn thing except the Oc

Papakuna · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs






'Well I'm finally at peace my family doesn't have to worry anymore I will miss my mother and little sister, my big bro was a dick but I still love him and father well he wasn't around but I do talk to him occasionally so that good' the soul though as he was floating in the vast nothingness

Suddenly a bright light shined and a being completely made up of light appeared(here->)


"Ok my name his Naoki Hirose nice to meet you and can you not raise you voice it felt like I was being ripped apart" Naoki Said to the origin

"I apologize young one I was happy to meet you, you are the first to survive in the void of nothingness so you have a very strong soul now onto business" said the origin

"Now I will ask you a question give me your honest answer." Said the origin

"Ok what is your question?" Asked Naoki

"Will become my son I'll reincarnate you I'll give five wishes and five perks sounds like a good deal right?" Asked origin

(A/N:this FF is wish fulfillment btw)

'Damn sounds to good to be true well let's think' Naoki was deep in thought

After some time Naoki began to speak

"Alright to answer your first question yes I will be your son and for the wishes and perks are there any limitations?" Asked Naoki

"I'm delighted you accepted and no there are no limitations I have infinite energy so you can wish for whatever you like"said origin

"Ok I'll start with the perks first" said Naoki

Perk 1.) limitless potential

Perk 2.) high comprehension

Perk 3.) weapons mastery

Perk 4.) high adaptability

Perk 5.) enhanced intellect

"Those can all be done now on to the wishes"said origin

(A/N: weapons mastery will only help him understand weapons better it's not instant mastery)

"Ok here are my wishes" said Naoki

Wish 1.) a system that is sentient and can talk to me it should have all of the fictional material I've read, watched and played like for example all anime, manga, light novels, manhwa, manhua, movies, American comics, games and Tv shows. (he will not get fucked over by the system)

Wish 2.) I want the 6 eyes they look cool and it also helps with energy related abilities

Wish 3.) a pocket dimension where I can be god there

Wish 4.) multiversel travel

Wish 5.) for my friends and family to have a rich life

"Now all of these are acceptable and your last wish I was already going to do that so that doesn't count so wish for something else" origin said to Naoki

"Ok and thank you very much for doing this I'm greatful" Naoki said to origin

'At least my family is ok' thought Naoki

"Alright then can you give me Avalon"asked Naoki

"Yes that will suffice now I will send you to a world of your choosing after this we will not see each other for a while now choose the world and I'll send you there." Origin said to Naoki

"I would like to go to world of kimetsu no yaiba aka demon slayer 10 years before canon." asked Naoki

"Well goodbye my son see you when you get stronger" origin said as Naoki disappeared

As we switch to where Naoki is you can see a traditional Japanese house you can see a little boy with black hair and sky blue eyes

'So I've reincarnated and based off the memories my parents were killed my demons I didn't have a deep connection with my dad in this life to seem it's fate but he still live with us it's just he was a traveling merchant that's why we are rich now it's just me a my guardian'








(System online welcome host

I'am the all fiction system and I'm here to help you on your journey to succeed the origin when you are ready you can open up your starter pack)


'Before that system do you have any other function and can I give you a name it's weird calling you system'

(Yes host I have many functions I'll pull up a list and you can name me whatever you like host)

'Ok your name will be rika and you can call me Naoki host sounds weird'

(A/N: calling out most novels that have a system NAME YOUR SYSTEM)


(Hidden quest completed)

(Name your parter)

(If your going to have a system with a consciousness at least give it a name that like your mom giving birth to you and calling you "baby" for the rest of your life)

(Rewards: system fairy "rika")

(Failure: dark souls level missions)

'I am so glad I named her or I don't know if I'd survive'

'Ok rika show me the functions'

(Yes master Naoki) it was the voice of a little girl that Naoki heard (here—>)




(Multiversel travel)

(Earth shop)


(Pocket dimension)

(These are all the functions master Naoki I'm pretty sure you can guess what each of these do) (a/n: *cough*)

'Yes it's pretty simple and straightforward thank you can you show me my status'

(Of course master Naoki)



Name: Naoki Hirose


Bloodline: NONE

STR: tier 10-C (below human)

AGI: tier 10-C (below human)

STA: tier 10-C (below human)

INT: high

LCK: 10

SP(system points): 0

GT(gacha tickets): 0

Inventory: Avalon, starter pack


'Ok rika fuse Avalon with me and then open the starter pack'

(Yes master Naoki when Avalon starts to fuse you will feel slight discomfort)

And soon Avalon started fusing with his soul he felt like he was empty and he couldn't feel his own body (bullshit no jutsu)

(Ok master Naoki it's finished now you have a great healing factor and the ultimate defense now I will open your starter pack)







Bloodline: Amatsu-Mikaboshi

Training sword: wood

Steel sword


Observation haki


Total concentration breathing

Gacha tickets x10

SP: 10,000


'Rika I know what all the other things are but what is this bloodline I got can you show me the description'

(Yes master Naoki)


(Gods deifying stars and the moon are seen all over the world, and gods of stars in particular are sometimes treated as shusaijin (main enshrined deities). However, in Japanese mythology, the god of stars is depicted as a god who should be brought to submission, or 'matsurowanu kami' (disobedient god). Regarding this, some say it refers to the fact that there was a tribe which worshipped the god of stars, and who did not obey the Yamato sovereignty (the ancient Japan sovereignty).)

(Basically master you have the god of the stars bloodline and when you integrate it you will become the new god of stars but not right away you have to unlock all of it to get your divinitie and sub-divinities and you will have many powers and abilities when you become a god but master when you get this bloodline you have stand above others you are not allowed to kneel and bow your head for anyone not even master origin)

'Yes I understand rika thank you now you can integrate the bloodline'

(Yea master Naoki you will feel pain so be prepared and you have to stay awake the process will take some time)








Naoki's body felt extremely hot and he was rolling on the floor but his body started to change on his face sometime like a tori gate appeared under his left eye









As soon as it ended Naoki opened his eyes and was astonished he felt more powerful and he changed slightly his hair now reaches the back or his neck




Name: Naoki Hirose


Bloodline: Amatsu-Mikaboshi (1%)

STR: tier 10-A(Athlete)

AGI: tier 10-A (Athlete)

STA: tier 10-A (Athlete)

INT: high

LCK: 10

SP(system points): 10,000

GT(gacha tickets): 10

Inventory: blindfold, steel sword, training sword,

Skills: Shunpō, observation haki, total concentration breathing


'Now to start my training I won't use my dimension not until I train my body enough so I can increase the gravity in the dimension so let's get started

As he put on his blindfold he can still see throw it with the six eyes so there was no obstruction to his vision then he gets his training sword and starts to practice TCB

[3 years later]








Cliffhanger no jutsu


TCB= total concentration breathing

I'm bored made a multiverse fanfic With a system yay

And when he gets skill he will automatically get the information on how to use them

No I have to think of his zanpokuto name so bye 🫡

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