
Multiversal Slayer:THE HASHIRA

Anime & Comics
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What is Multiversal Slayer:THE HASHIRA

Read ‘Multiversal Slayer:THE HASHIRA’ Online for Free, written by the author LORD_SHADOOW, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, DEMON SLAYER Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Well i too lazy to write one just know that he’s blind, strong and is a demon slayer


Well i too lazy to write one just know that he’s blind, strong and is a demon slayer

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please reset the booktitle mrbeats_123 20231218092329 95

" There's no fairness in this godforsaken world" - Leo -------- With the appearance of the ferocious beasts and hideous monsters, humanity was on the verge of extermination. As humanity lost its stopgap, many unearthly beings appertained to themselves as ‘ Gods ’ appeared and helped humans in creating new metropolises from the rumbles. Before leaving the world, they left a special gift that could help the humans awaken their bents hidden deeply in their bodies as there were still monsters and beasts outside these recently created metropolises. With the help of their recently awakened bents, the humans started fighting the monsters and beasts on their own. That’s the morning of a new chapter in mortal history as humans started getting icons. In such a world, a 12- time-old sprat was framed for theft and the murder of his consanguineous parents by some important icons. likewise, they indeed planned to kill him and make his body vanish to avoid unborn trouble. still, after 10 times, he returned to the megacity with a different name to take vengeance against those so-called important icons while trying to find out the reason behind the death of his consanguineous parents. “ I don’t know exactly who you're and why you did that, but I'll find out indeed if I've to kill all the important icons in the megacity. ” Standing in front of the gates of the Phirie megacity, Leo murmured to himself with a cold look on his face. Read less

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Beast Sword : Chronical Of Gluttony

You have climbed to the top of the tower and have been given the title of god. You are now known as the god of gluttony…. But let's start from the beginning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all started when a meteorite came crashing down on earth and a portal popped out of nowhere. Humanity was shaken. They did not know exactly what it did but they could feel a strange energy coming from it. Earth sent the first human into the portal and he came out unscaved. He explained that as soon as he entered he heard a soft femiane voice in his head saying ‘Welcome to God's tower’. This was a huge shock to everyone and slowly the government allowed people to go into God's tower. Humanity grew in knowledge and made a big discovery! Humanity found out that when you would kill a beast a sword would fall onto the ground, and the only person that could pick it up was the person that dealt the finishing blow. The sword would have the abilities of the beast! There were 4 sections in the gods tower and if you made it to the end you would be crowned a title of god. Our story starts with a boy named Jin Guren born in a big family but was cursed with the inability to fight and was thrown away like trash from his family. His grandfather was the only one that stood there for him, helping him out the most he could. But after accidentally stealing a kill from an adventurer and gaining a sword from the beat Gluttony. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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