
Chapter 27

Back then, I confidently said that I would show everyone how much of a menace I am and go in with a boom.

Well, obviously, that's just me getting carried in the heat of the moment and nothing but a simple metaphor.

I didn't actually plan to have a literal boom in almost every fight I had. Cause I know how much of a mess that would actually make and how much attraction it would garner. And both of that is a thing that I would not want on me. Especially not in this world.

But what can I say? In most of my fights, throwing grenades at my enemy and going guns blazing was probably the most practical thing to do and if not that, then I'm afraid that nothing will even work.

In short, the stupid me still did it even though I already had an agreement with myself to not do it. And that's why I think the consequences of that action finally came back and bite me in the ass.

Cause right now...



I just narrowly dodged a punch from a certain guy who looks like your cliche motorbike gangster.

*Glass breaking SFX*

And my Light Barrier, that mind you, just got upgraded and was supposedly tougher than it originally is, was easily, completely, shattered by that same punch. It's as if that guy's fist went through nothing but a thin sheet of paper instead of a magical barrier that can even stop a bullet.

Had I not dodged it, It would literally be the end of me.

But due to that dodged, I accidentally put myself in an awkward position where I cannot dodge anymore. If I receive one more attack just like that, I would end up having a literal donut in my body.

"This is fucking crazy. [ Air Blast ]!"

That's why, seeing the same guy prepare for another attack, I immediately used a spell to cancel it and also knock him away in the process. Giving me a bit of space to think about my next actions.





But I guess there's no way I could do that since, immediately after me knocking that guy away, his "friends" who already caught up to us since we are actually running this whole time, quickly surrounded me and join in on the fight.

Well in this kind of situation, I would usually use my Light barrier to block their attacks. It would immediately break after a couple of moments since there are a lot of them attacking at the same time, but that couple of moments would be enough. I am pretty sure that I could already think and do a lot in that given time.

That's the thing though. I would do that, only if I can cast my Light Barrier that is, but right now, unfortunately, I cannot do that.

Cause here's the thing, my Light Barrier can be damaged, but as long as it is in its damaged state, I can repair it. But if it got completely broken, like what happened just now, then that's different news. If that happened, I wouldn't be able to recast it anymore. I would have to wait for its cooldown first, which is one minute before I could use it again.

So that means, in this incoming barrage of attacks, I have no way to defend myself.

Besides, even if I can use my Light barrier, I probably would not risk it caused amongst my current attackers, there's this one guy who literally has his whole body up on fire. My whole instinct is screaming at me and telling me that he too, is pretty dangerous.

Overall, my only choice right now is to escape their encirclement. Thankfully, no one was blocking my view, that's why all I had to do was look around. Quickly after doing that, I found this certain building that's pretty far away from here...

After that, I didn't waste any more time.

"[ Teleport ]"


Disappearing and reappearing again to the spot I am currently in, I then immediately slumped down on the floor while looking pretty exhausted. Which in reality, I actually am.

That teleport spell just now really drained all the remaining stamina in my body. Not to mention that it is a recast cause I just used my teleport spell not long ago.

Unfortunately though, I know that I did not escape my attacker's eyes even with that. There's no way I could do that. The retards that want my ass dead right now, when it comes to fighting, are a pretty smart bunch. They surely did their research and managed to know how my spells work for some reason. So given that fact, they must have seen where I was looking earlier before teleporting away.

It wouldn't be surprising if they immediately knew the exact building I teleported to.

Well, not like it matters. In the first place, what I am doing right now is just giving myself a breather and letting my Spells finish their cooldowns. I know I have nowhere to run anyway.

Why? Cause of how and where this whole situation started... right in front of my apartment.

In short, even though I was already wearing my mask prior to us meeting up face to face, I'm sure that they are already aware of my identity. I don't need a PHD to be aware of such a thing.

As to how they did it, well, if my memory serves me right, in this world there's this one hacker girl whom anyone can buy information from. She stopped doing that at some point when she became a part of the main character's crew, but that's the thing, the Canon has yet to even start.

And since for a short moment, my information was leaked by the game, she probably got mine on her tab already. Especially since I managed to speedrun the ranks in just a couple of days, attracting many damn eyes. People must be balling their shits out just to know exactly who I am.

That's probably where they got my personal information.

Oh well, I tried to prevent it from happening though, but there are just some things in this world that are simply out of my control I guess.

My name. My affiliations. My relatives. My friends. Properties. Address. Etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if they already knew this all. Hence why I thought that I would not be able to run away. I mean, I could. But would I?

The one who's chasing me right now, according to my own common sense, is this infamous group called Eighth. Why they are chasing me and trying to kill me? Hell if I know. I didn't get to ask, they just outright attacked me without even saying hello. They are just a bunch of rude bastards.

But the point is, knowing them from the manga, even if I successfully escape and hide, they would surely go for all the people that are connected to me in this world. Making them suffer in my stead until I decide to finally show myself up again.

Now, as out of character as it is, I simply cannot let that happen.

The relatives that I had in this world are surely different, but they still wear the same faces as the ones I'm familiar with. If they just died through natural causes that have nothing to do with me then I wouldn't care. But if they did and at the same time, greatly suffered through it, not to mention that it's all because of my fault, then it would literally make me feel like shit.

Plus, one of them, my grandma, the one who I'm most fond of, the one who raised me up when I was but a little baby, lives nearby. She will surely be the first target of these bastards if they decided to go for my closest ones.

Well, for some reason, in this world, she is extremely rich and has bodyguards protecting her all the time. Normally that's good and reassuring. But in this situation, it is not enough cause Eighth is just built differently. Those bodyguards wouldn't be able to stop them unless they are Players themselves.

That's why right now, I did not run away. Cause I have a new Plan. And that plan consists of me, burning the entirety of Eighth down to the ground. Finally ending it all before their story even starts. Which... is a thing that is almost impossible. I am aware. But it doesn't hurt to try right?

Besides, if shit comes to worse, I can simply just go for Plan B.

That if there's no way for me to bury them, then I'll just have to make sure I can make all their lives go to hell.

With me that is.


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