
Chapter 18

Obviously, just like how I experienced it back then, I was first trapped in a void of emptiness for quite some time, then... all of a sudden, like it's nobody's business at all, existence came over and started kicking me in the ass.

Making me feel alive again, and of course, waking me up from my seemingly deep slumber.

Then, upon opening my eyes, an unknown yet pretty familiar ceiling welcomed me.

There's also that tiredness I'm feeling but that's not important for now.

Cause as usual, immediately after that, I then proceeded to do the ritual that I unknowingly developed whenever I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Investigate.

First, checking my body just to make sure that everything I used to have is still there. Then check my surroundings, my room, the things around me, etc. After that, I will then find a window or anything where I could peek to see what's happening outside, just to check the status of the place I'm in.

Overall, glad to say that I managed to do my first general investigations as smoothly as possible. The results I found were quite good too. At the very least, what I saw is pretty much my own definition of good. The outside looks normal, the room I'm in is pretty much the room I would also decide to be in, and my body... apart from it being on the younger side, is still the same me.

To make the long story short, for the third time, I was isekai'd again.

Confirming my initial speculation that whenever I experience death, I will then find myself waking up in another Universe.

Now for the possible reason why this is happening to me... well, I don't know. I'm not asking questions I wouldn't get an answer to. In any case, if I want a hint about it, the void of emptiness I kept getting into before the isekai process happened should be my best bet, but since that is currently out of reach, best not to think about it for now.

At least, that's what I decided to do.

Besides, I still got lots to do and stuff to think about. Problems come first, stuff that is beyond that can just stay there in my back pockets for now.


It's been a day now since I got isekai'd into "this" world. In other words, quite some time has already passed since I last died.

Now, to say that I'm still salty about how I died back then is such an understatement really. That even though I am already in another world, I couldn't really focus on doing stuff here cause I kept getting reminded of my last death.

Well, how could I not? I am literally already on the verge of achieving greatness back there. But for some reason, bus kun decided to fucked me up.

No wonder it weirded the shit out of me when I notice how well it is being driven by Shizuka sensei given how fucked up the bus is already. That even though a cloud of smoke is already coming out of the engine, the bus still performed as if it was in its brand-new state.

But when I got a hold of it, it suddenly got out of its brokenness amnesia and said "Oh, I was actually broken all along tehee~".

What the fuck is that shit?

I know that I don't have plot armor but isn't this too much?


But of course, as they said, no use crying over spilled milk. In some sense, I could also see this as a lesson I should learn and be aware of now.

That I should start being more logical since there are just some things in this world that are impossible to do... unless I started getting this magical thing called plot armor.

In any case, getting over my saltiness of the past and going back to the current issue... the new world I got into. Well, just like the usual, since I just got isekai'd, the first thing on my quota should be to know what am I or who I am in this world.

As much as I want to know what world I am currently in, getting to know myself is just as important as that. Well actually, in regard to that topic, not much has changed actually.

And by that I mean, just like how it is themed on my past two isekai experiences, I am currently a high school student that goes to a high school that I don't recognize and possesses a questionable amount of money in my account.

Other than the fact that my general location now is in central Tokyo, nothing much has changed really.

Though talking about changes, there's this one moment when I am in the middle of doing my "investigation" here in my own room. On one particular cabinet that looks filled with nothing but clothes, some peculiar items are stored. Items that could probably give some kids of my age a heart attack if they ever saw it.

Tactical gears. Bags full of magazines, bullets, and other stuff. Firecrackers. Some foods. Combat knives. And most importantly, two types of guns. A handgun(Smith and Wesson M37) and a rifle(Springfield M1A1).

Obviously, I would immediately recognize these things cause these are my new babies. They are exactly what I carried with me before I got smooched into a paste back then on HOTD World.

Also, this confirms one of my speculations as well, regarding my process of getting isekai'd that is. That what I have with me before I die comes with me in another world too.

When it happened for the first time, I still gave the benefit of the doubt and played the devil's advocate, but since it's already the second time, then I guess it's already pretty fine for me to think that what's happening right now should be the actual case.

Now this fact changes everything for me. Just imagine what I could do with this "ability" of mine.

In any case, enough about that for now cause there's still this one remaining thing that is left for me to do.

Find out what world I am currently in. Which is probably the hardest thing to do and the most time-consuming process ever... or at least that's how it is in the past.

Cause right now, am I quite proud to say that I finally, even though it's only been a day since I got here, already found the answer to that question.

My past experiences are really being shown here. All of it bore fruits and made me evolve into a person that only needs this much time to figure all things out.

Just kidding.

Well, the truth is, I didn't really make any investigation about the world yet. I was actually planning to do it tomorrow cause today was supposed to be a me day, but for some reason, contrary to my past experiences, the answer decided to just walked right in front of my face.

It happened while I'm in the middle of investigating my school life in this world. At the exact moment when I'm scrolling through all the messages in the inbox, checking all the chat boxes one by one.

Of the myriad of messages that I of this world got, one of the most recent messages that were sent to me strangely caught my attention. It was from my teacher. At least that's how it should be since that's what the tag said about that particular user.

Now, normally, during my investigations, I don't really go that much deeper when it comes to conversations between me and my teachers cause usually it's nothing but all reminders for school things. But this one, it's quite different, it caught my eye for a reason. Cause this supposedly teacher of mine, has sent me an invitation link for a game.

Huh, that's weird... is what I thought to myself at that time.

Which is pretty valid cause what kind of teacher sends game invitation links to their students? Not to mention that other than him sending me this link, we literally have no other conversation. No history of it at all.

Now, since this got my interest peaked, I clicked the chat bubble and started reading the entire message he sent me. And there, I finally saw the exact game he was trying to lure me in.

Darwin's game.

To be honest, the name of the game was pretty bland. And it was a Gacha game at that. If this particular game existed in my Original world, I probably wouldn't know it.

But here's the thing, I know it. I knew it pretty well.

I also know what the game is truly about. That it's more than just a simple Social Network game.

Overall, In conclusion, it's all thanks to my teacher that I am finally aware of the world I am currently in. If not for him, it'll probably take me more than a day just to find all this stuff out.

Though I already have a general idea why he tried to invite me in the first place.

But I guess it's fine. I mean, if he decided to do it and come for me, I am quite confident in my ability to show how grateful I can be.

Not to mention that this world, or this game in particular, offers a thing called "Sigil" for every Player.


I could only wonder.

Send a Power Stone. An effective way to ask me for more chapters.

Socksniffercreators' thoughts
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