
Multiversal Mecha (Name subject to change) [On Hold]

Imagine suddenly waking up in a place unknown. Now imagine yourself waking up next to a giant robot. Would your first thoughts be, "Where the hell am I?!" For most people, yes, but this guy? Nope, instead... "Huh!? Wait, it that ...!" Pretty scuffed, I know. Well anyways, here's another fic I thought of and wanted to try. •••••• To be honest, I'm not completely sure how far I'm going to go with this story, or how the ending will be, but I'll at least try to make it an okay read. (notice how I didn't say I'll upload constantly? Who knows, I might just lose motivation mid-write.) ----- World One: Tenchi Muyo World Two: Gurren Lagann, maybe... World Three: ...

noobstar14213 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

1.1) Notice

Yo... been a while...

Anyways, no chapter, as you can see, but I do come bearing news!

One good one, but that's about it. For the good news, I've written a general outline, Yes, I know, I should've done so before starting this. That's about it for the good news, now on with the other news.

Imma disappear again, this time for life issues, them being working for the first time and getting my life together. (Moving in with my relative, getting a driver's license, an ID, etc. Yknow, that stuff.)

Well, that's about it. I'll probably start writing again, maybe not this fic anytime soon though, when I get the essentials and adjust to living in a new environment. Till then, PEACE!