
Chapter 14 - First Challenge

"Ok, is everyone done with their teams?"

"YEAH!" Ban shout out

(did I forget to mention escanor was here?)

"Alright let's start the first challenge" saying that, Seiko snapped his fingers and they teleported inside an forest

"You see that huge mountain over there? that's your target"

"The distance there is currently 480 miles, No flying"

"if you can reach that mountain then you can fly or climb it. You can do anything to win this challenge, Go!"

Levi's team was the first to take action, they were using their odm gear to get there faster since it's not really flying. Deku didn't have this gear so he used OFA to jump around at fast paces.

Seiko snapped his finger and appeared on the mountain they're going towards,

Beerus's team was next after, they charged towards the mountain and was also closing in with Levi's team.

"Yo Escanor, Throw me and Captain towards the mountain. Minato and Kushina can make it there themselves, but can you make it yourself right?"

"Yes" Escanor picks up Ban and Meliodas's legs, he then spins and throw them towards the mountain.

Escanor uses his full power and do big jumps towards the mountain, However, what he did not know is that Kazuma and his team secretly held onto to him while he did this.

an few seconds later.....

Beerus's team has just passed Levi's team which angered Levi's team even more

"BASTARD!" Levi cursed at him

Levi used his ODM gear to hang Beerus down and it worked.

Beerus got pulled down while his team reached the top of the mountain and didn't notice he got pulled.

"Aren't we safe?" Beerus's team asked



"Your missing someone"

They looked around to check and saw that Beerus wasn't there.

"Oh boy, BEERUS!!! HURRY WE'RE GONNA WIN!!!" Goku shouted


As he yelled that, Levi's team was already on the top of the mountain and was declared first

"Congratulations! Since your first, you can get an top notch prize that I choose!"

"So what are the prizes?" Levi asked

"Levi, you get nothing. Your now 5 foot though"

"....Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Armin, I have two choice for you, you can get the mystic eye of distortion or the Eye of Agamotto"

"What does the eye of distortion do?

"it basically allows you to rip space and time open which could be used as-" Seiko got interrupted before he could finish his sentence

"I'm taking it, I don't care"

"Good choice"

Seiko walks up to mikasa and holds out his hand

"You can have the eye of Agamotto or"

He unclenches his other hand and hold it out in front of her

"An dark shadow that you can summon or put on your blade"

"I'll take the dark shadow"

"Alright Eren, you can have the ability to fly or you can have the eye of Agamotto"

"What does the eye of Agamotto do?"

"With it, you can control time at will. the only problem is that you may put yourself in an time loop-"

Seiko got interrupted by Beerus who had just gotten to the mountain.

"Anyway, Do you want it?"

"I'll take the risk"

"Alright this is the only time I'm gonna train you on how to use it for 5 seconds since your one of my favorite character"

Seiko pats Eren shoulders

"Izuku, your not choosing this time. Your reward is now you can use your power with complete control"

'I guess it's now time to get Beerus's team their rewards'

At the same time he thought that, Meliodas's team came and got third place

"Great Job Meliodas's team! Your in third place"

"WHAT! BUT WE WERE IN THIRD PLACE" All three of them still on Escanor's back

"Your missing two people" Seiko said with an poker face


"It's time for the elimination round since you are the last team standing"

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{Dude stop}

{Ok fine here's the end}

This was inspired by BFB and some other object shows I saw on youtube

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