A police officer awakens as a young Homelander, held in a Vought International facility. How far can he go and how much can he change the fate of the original Homelander? (A/N - I honestly think Homelander gets a bad rap. Not in the sense that he's a sociopath - because he is. The dude is straight up fucking terrifying, a bonafide example of what would happen if a human had the powers of Superman and was raised in a horrible environment. No, I mean in terms of power. Sure, he isn't on the same level as the Man of Steel but he's still an absolute powerhouse for his verse. Put Homelander in the MCU and he'd be one of the heavy hitters quite easily. He's bulletproof, explosion proof, it's implied he's survived nuclear blasts, he's super strong, fast, can fly faster than fighter jets quite easily...the dude is fucking immense in terms of power and everyone around him knows it--and fears him for it. And I think Homelander wasn't even tapping into his full potential because of complacence and lack of actual training on his part. So I'm gonna throw someone into his body as a child and then into the Multiverse, starting with 'The Boys' TV series.)