
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Departure; New House

"Kaaaiii! Your leaving today!! I'm going to miss you!!" She cried out, while shaking my shoulders. My face was neutral, as I thought about the endless possibilities, I could do to her with this memory. As she kept shaking me, I smiled and said.

"Hey, it's not that bad. I'm probably not going to meet you for a few years in person, but we could always call each other." She pouted and kept shaking me. "But it's not the same! I would study alone again! I would feel lonely again! I won't even have a bedmate and play all night long like yesterday!"

I sighed and flicked her forehead in a bit of annoyance. "Ow.." "Momo. We already promised each other that we would go to UA High together. We might even meet each other before that happens too. Just keep working hard like normal and we will meet again."

"B-But what happens if I don't get i-" Before she finished, I interrupted her with a chop to her head. "Ow... Why on the same place...." She muttered while holding on to her head. I grabbed her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Don't you even dare to say, that you can't get in. You are one of the smartest and the most determined person, I have met in this world. Once you have a goal, you will do whatever it takes to achieve it. Now make our reunion your goal and pass the UA Test."

She slowly smiled and nodded, "Umu! You're right! I will go to UA and meet you there whatever it takes!" I smiled and rubbed her head, "That's the spirit! Now, let's go back to our parents. They must have finish preparing." She nodded and we both went back to the mansion.

We both arrived at the lounge and saw our parents talking with each other. They notice us and told us to come there. "Mom! Dad! How long until we leave?" I asked them. My mother looked at her phone before saying, "A few more minutes. We need to be in the airport in an hour."

I nodded and sat down on the sofa with Momo. While the adults were talking about their topic, I am trying my best to remember anything about the Chiba Prefecture... I don't think there is anything about the Chiba Prefecture...

There's nothing about the Chiba Prefecture from the anime. So, this should be one of the best places to be away from any plot. After a while, we got ready and Mr. Isao asked me, "Are you sure, you could create a portal that far?"

I gave him a reassured smile and nodded, "Umu! I created a portal a lot further, when mommy was in danger." He smiled and nodded, "Alright then, the car should be a few hundred meters near the small candy shop." I nodded and created a portal, while acting like I was struggling.

"Ugh.... Done! Whew! That was hard..." I said while acting very tired. My father smiled and carried me up, as well as grabbing the luggages. "Thanks for everything." My mother said with a grateful smile. They also smiled and we said our last goodbyes to each other.

Before we went through the portal, I looked at Momo for the last time and gave her a big smile. Her smiled widened as she saw my smile. "Bye!" "Bye!"


I smiled widely, as I saw our new house, "Wow, this is our new house?" It's a two-story building with three private rooms, two bathrooms for each floor, a garage, a small basement, an attic, and a backyard. At least, this is what it said from my mother's phone.

My mother responded with a wry smile, "Yes... This is the new house. The Yaoyorozus bought it for us, even though, I already said it would be unnecesarry for them to do so... They still bought it... When your father heaard about it. He shamelessly accepted the offer for the house."

My father sneered, "Best decision of the year." I giggled and my mother sighed, as we went inside the house. My eyes widened as I saw the place was already furnished with the necesarry items. 'They went this far?!'

When we placed the luggages and bags down on the floor, my father went to sit on the comfy looking couch and happily sighed, "Yeah... Best decision ever..." I sweatdropped at him, before going up the stairs with my mother.

Upstairs, we have four rooms. My room, parent's room, baby room, and bathroom. There's also signs on the doors to make sure we know which is which. While my mother went to hers, I went into mine and smiled.

'Thank you Yaoyorozus!' The room has a bed, a working desk, a wardrobe, a drawer, and a window. I smiled as I thought, 'I don't need to recreate them after all.' I looked through the room and found nothing extraordinary. 'Time to unpack!' I thought, as I went back down and took my luggage and brought it back up.

After a while, I finally put everything in their correct place and put in some emergency guns everywhere in secret. "Kai! Come down and eat dinner! After that go to sleep!" My mom shouted from downstairs. "Okay!"


I looked through my new phone that was given by Isao-san and found many messages from Momo.

YMM : Are you okay?

YMM : Nothing happened right?

YMM : Answer me sleepy head!

YMM : I'm so lonely...

YMM : (EMOTE : sad_face)

YMM : Answer meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

YMM : Fine then! Be that way!

YMM : Uhuhuh please I'm lonely....

YMM : I think you're still asleep so I will go to bed bye!

I chuckled and turned it off. I laid down on my bed and sighed, as I looked at the ceiling. 'This is nice... Very nice....' I thought before letting myself taken by the darkness.

(A/N= Sorry if this is a boring chapter! This is just a filler... Is this what you call filler? Well anyways I will go to sleep now. Bye!)