
Chapter 22

Exercising according to the prepared training program, Xi Yu felt like his body was receiving a strong load, rapidly losing endurance and developing soreness.

After just 30 minutes of intense training, Xi Yu had reached his limit. And knowing about the existence of the Energy of the Universe, he not only did not slow down the exercises, but, on the contrary, began to forcefully increase the load and speed up the pace of the exercises. Thanks to his willpower, it was not as difficult for him as for Ingrid, Ophelia, or even Eva, who regularly practices yoga.

While doing the exercises, Xi Yu began to really feel how his reserves of phosphocreatine and glycogen in his muscles were running out, bringing him to the limit. To fully recover after such a workout, rest for 24-48 hours is necessary, but due to the influence of the Energy of the Universe, Xi Yu only needed 10 minutes to recover!

And when Xi Yu recovered, he began to literally feel quite serious changes in his body. It's not like even one of his characteristics increased by 0.1, but compared to the usual sensations after training, the difference is simply fantastically unrealistic.

While Xi Yu was working hard, the others weren't sitting idle either. The saddest were Ingrid and Ophelia! Due to their busy schedules and constant travel back and forth for work, they did not exercise and did not even have time for simple exercise, and what's more, they were not always able to even just sleep properly. Their motto is, to be successful means to sacrifice. And there's no point in doing it if you don't do it regularly. And with their constantly changing plans... And now they have to undergo a tough course of training, in which... Muscles that their body didn't even know existed are put under intense strain.

6 hours later, Xi Yu announced a break for 1 hour. After which the whole company literally collapsed from fatigue. 6 hours of continuous exhaustion and rapid recovery made them sad, but just as happy. Everyone felt constant swings from heaven to hell and back! And the rapid jump in Strength, Durability, Perception, Dexterity and Endurance gave an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bimaginary omnipotence.

They gained strength by doing muscle wear training. Perception due to dodging balls constantly thrown at them from a tennis ball cannon located on a tennis court. Strength and Endurance from the fact that the body and muscles were often worn out and restored by the Energy of the Universe. Agility due to running and from the same cannon for throwing balls.

- Now you feel stronger than before, and it is important to remember this feeling as a deception of the brain by the body's capabilities! You have become stronger, but not so much that it means something in the overall picture. After each level you gain, you will constantly feel this increase, and those who succumb to the impulse of invincibility often die precisely because they overestimate their capabilities. The whole week will pass in this training mode. During training and recovery, it is advisable to receive information and force the brain not to get bored and work hard, thereby increasing Intelligence. You will not be able to train so quickly after activation

System, not only because your indicators will become higher, but also because the System will not support your bodies with an infinite amount of Energy from the Universe, and the Energy of the Universe that will be at your disposal will be under the control of the System! You will be able to use it only within the framework stipulated by the System! This is one of the shortcomings that people have because of the incredible capabilities given to us by the System. Other races, unlike us, can use the energy that belongs to them as they please.


This is what makes them stronger than us people. But in contrast, the known fact is that the Energy of the Universe is an order of magnitude higher in Rank than Fel and Life Energy - approaching the others, warning them of the dangers and providing them with new useful information, sitting down, Xi Yu began to tell.


After training for another 6 hours, tired and aching from the difficulty of the first training day, everyone went to their apartments to take a relaxing massage in the Jacuzzi and go to bed.


After taking a bath and changing clothes, Xi Yu headed to the Command Center. Since Rias reported about the looting of cameras in the city.


Reviewing the latest footage from the two damaged CCTV cameras, Xi Yu made several guesses about the current situation.

Or some group of survivors noticed the synchronous location of the "VIST 360" cameras around the city and decided to attract the attention of whoever they belong to. Or they are trying to hide something and, to make sure that they are not being watched, they destroy the cameras.

- Another camera in sector "D-11" was destroyed. "This is the work of that same group," Rias said in a gentle voice, while Xi Yu was thinking about how to intimidate them.

"Send one of the military helicopters to their location," Xi Yu ordered, glad that he had Rias and his companions, whose number was already 15! Rias destroyed 3 dangerous satellites that she could not take control of, and captured 2 more dangerous ones like the Elios satellite. Now she is fighting for control over the satellites of countries that have their own AI "Matz". But although Rias is slowly hacking them, since other AI "Matz" are limited by directives that do not limit Rias, and nothing has been heard about the "Last" company yet.

Xi Yu set the task for Rias not so much to deprive other countries of control over satellites, but to take dominance over them, in case they were sent to spy on him, and he did not know a word or spirit about what was under the hood. After hacking, Rias leaves access for others to use freely.

3-4 minutes later, when the helicopter arrived at the looters, they were just approaching the next camera, but when they heard the noise of the helicopter, they froze and looked at the sky.

Xi Yu, without warning, opened fire on one of the cars parked near them, turning it into a sieve, and zombies from nearby areas began to come running at the sound of shots from the MK4/2 machine gun.

- I appeal to the looters of cameras in the city, this is a warning! Next time, I'll fire missiles at your hideout! - Xi Yu said in a stern commanding tone, and Rias broadcast his voice through the helicopter's speakers.

Hearing strict treatment from a military helicopter of the "Kloso 4x" series and seeing a crowd of zombies rushing towards them, the marauders, turning pale, began to run away.

- Phew... I didn't think that there would already be those who could walk freely around the city... This is the power of natural selection. Just what did they want to achieve by destroying cameras nearby... - Xi Yu muttered thoughtfully.

- Rias, find out a place where you can buy many drones under your control. And what about the network? Have you downloaded all the useful information? The network will fall after the first week of the Apocalypse, you have no more than 6 days - Xi Yu said turning to Rias, and regretting that he had not purchased drones. Constantly wondering if he had missed something important, he did not think at all about the usefulness of drones.

- The category of useful information from the network is loaded by 89%. One of the available three Yotabytes of memory is full, if you do not change the download speed, the remaining 11% of useful information will be filled within 4 days 3 hours. 12 m. 7 seconds. In sector "J-38" is located the "Liber" company, famous for its "EVIJI-17" series drones. Eight hundred meters from the place of their company there are warehouses belonging to them, there is a high probability that the drones are located there," Rias reported in a gentle voice.

- Okay, let's leave this for now, are there any comings among the people at our base? - Xi Yu asked Rias about the thought that came to his mind, and the lack of opportunity to make a sortie for drones during a week of training.

- Among the working personnel, 328 calls to the police, fire, ambulance and many other public order institutions were recorded. 14 calls to private individuals, from which only three received a response. 2 people out of these three wish to ask you tomorrow for help in saving these distant relatives and friends. Among members of the Senior Management and their families, 2 communications were recorded through calls to private individuals. "No other incidents have been recorded," Rias said gently.

"It's great to have such a capable assistant like you Rias!" - Xi Yu said happily, enjoying the comfort of being aware of even minor things happening at the base.

- Have there been any complaints about cameras in toilets and baths from the working cla

- No. Judging by the reaction to cameras in bathrooms and toilets by members of the Upper Management, and the reaction to them by the working class, I daresay. That the working class is not familiar with the appearance of the "VIST 360" cameras and mistook them for a fire extinguishing system - Rias said in a gentle voice, the results of her analysis.

- I think they simply couldn't think that there would be a psycho who would so openly place cameras in the toilet... all the better for me. All I needed now was indignation and moral reproach. And so I don't know how to approach them with the laws of survival in the Apocalypse... - Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- Rias, film scenes of cruelty in the city and make a video with an emphasis on the ongoing injustice in the Apocalyptic time. And then every evening, starting tomorrow, send it to every hologram monitor in a working-class apartment. If they are indignant or anything else, say that it's an order from the Top Management of the base, with the slogan "It's useful to know what's going on in the world"! Don't censor or avoid acts of violence, show everything as it is," Xi Yu said thoughtfully, thinking about a way to change the thinking of the inhabitants of the base.

- And what did you say about the calls from the Supreme Management, who by the way called and to whom? - ask Xi Yu with interest.

"Calls from Sylvia van Hossen, presumably a childhood friend, and Xue Ophelia, presumably a mistress," Rias answered briefly.

- A? Ophelia? Mistress? Does she have someone? Why didn't she tell? How did you know that the call was to your mistress and not to your friend? - Xi Yu asked interested.

"The mentioned sentences during the conversation characterize an intimate relationship, but since the relationship is not confirmed by the words "Wife," it was not legitimized..." Rias began to gently explain the chain of judgments, how it was interrupted.

- Okay, okay, I understand everything, so who does Ophelia have a relationship with? And where is that person? - Xi Yu asked interestedly, and the hologram monitor immediately displayed a photo and available information, which Rias immediately voiced.

- Busujima Saeko, 24 years old. Personal information is protected by the Japanese government. "I'm currently on the road with Miyazaki in Tokyo," Rias said in a gentle voice, reporting on Xi Yu's questions.

- How interesting. How long will it take you to hack her personal information? - Xi Yu asked interestedly.

"4 minutes 33 seconds," Rias answered briefly and tenderly.

"Next time, don't ask, if it doesn't take long, then hack everything you see fit," said Xi Yu, lost in thought about whether he should meddle in Ophelia's affairs.

Although she was considered his slave, Xi Yu was not a fool and understood perfectly well that this was just a piece of paper. And although he can force her to obey this piece of paper through the legal profession, Xi Yu did not want this senseless violence. As for how she would behave and whether she would honor the slave's contract, Xi Yu was simply curious. He could have taken everyone on this base by force even without a treaty, if only he had such a desire. But free people attracted him more than just a weak-willed body or a broken spirit.

The joy of the slave's contract was that they had nothing to say to him. And they cannot put their authority above his; they now have no right to even trample on his authority! And the feeling of pride is torn between fulfilling the word about the contract, and how humiliating it is to be someone's sl

- The hack was successful! Combining information found on the Internet and personal conversations via telephone, we managed to find out the following. Busujima Saeko is 24 years old - raised in a traditional family, as a result, she is well versed in everything from cooking to wielding a sword. Being one of the best swordsmen in Japan even while studying at school, Sayako lost the only surviving member of her Family, her Father! Later, finding out the details of her father's murder, she went to the "Fierce Kraich" gang, slaughtering it in a fit of rage for the atrocities seen in their lair and avenging her father, she was noticed by an organization of killers under the auspices of

The Japanese Army, which recruited her. Pragmatic and somewhat cruel, Saeko enjoys being on the edge of a knife, in battles between life and death. But since the organization she ended up in was designed for silent killings, she became much more restrained. Over the 5 years of work in the Shadow of Justice organization, its list of successfully completed murders caught up with the organization's veterans, and even surpassed some. Merciless killings of bastards that the hand of the law cannot reach. Revealed a hidden sadistic side in her, which she herself considers dark and hates it in herself.

She met Xue Ophelia 3 years ago, when she was threatened by a hidden, anonymous stalker. Xue Ophelia's grandfather, Xue Kenshiro, a retired general, sent Saeko to help her. As soon as they met, they became close on the basis of a common manifestation of hatred for lustful male nature - Rias finished her long report on the Busujima Saeko case.


- Phew, so much detailed information was stored in the government data about her? - Xi Yu asked in surprise and confusion.

- No. Based on the report of my calculations, it was determined that the information found there is of no value to you, Mr. Xi Yu. And the information that I read was taken from the hacked personal diary on the virtual disk - Rias reported, tenderly, as alw

- Oh, that's how it is. Well, I like her as a person, except for her sadistic tendencies... But there is a use for them too. Send one of the military helicopters to pick her up, when it arrives, tell her that the helicopter was sent by Xue Ophelia and take her away. If she doesn't believe it and refuses to fly, let me know; if she doesn't refuse, notify me 10 minutes before her arrival," Xi Yu said, planning to surprise Ophelia.

"It will be done, the required time for Busujima Saeko's arrival is 7 hours and 11 minutes without taking into account the delay," Rias reported gently, as always.

- By the way, on what basis does she have a dislike for the lust of men? - Xi Yu asked as if remembering something.


- The gang that committed atrocities was engaged in the sale of children. And when she burst into their lair there were pedophiles who "tried the product before buying", going inside she saw a little girl about 7 years old... - Rias began to go into details, but was interrupted.


"Okay, that's enough, then I guessed it myself," Xi Yu said, sighing sadly from the existence of such a dark side of society.


Since the time now showed 21:49, Busujima would arrive at 4:49 without taking into account the delay. After hesitating a little, Xi Yu decided to take a nap for 4-5 hours.

"Rias, you will wake up Busujima Saeko on business," Xi Yu said upon arriving at his apartment and undressing before going to bed.

7 hours 2 minutes later.

"Mr. Xi Yu, wake up, you asked to wake you up before Busujima Saeko arrived," Rias said in a gentle, not loud voice.

"UUUMmmmm Okay Rias, thank you," Xi Yu said stretching.

Looking at the time, the clock showed 4 hours 40 minutes. Having taken a light shower and quickly brushed his teeth, Xi Yu went to greet the guest.

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