

( the moon was shining bright..

the street lights went dim...

a car arrived..

air started bursting out loudly..)

The car with a huge speed moved from street11 to the city boundary.


the driver stopped the car and went out of it opened back seat's door..

A stick landed the ground first and from the another side a boy came out, he helped the poor getting out of the car..

In that dragon wind the poor grany took out a box from the car and sent driver to a spot...

He searched for a sitting bench he saw it and went there and took his grandson Lui with him..

He asked Lui to observe carefully he gently opened the box there was nothing as Lui saw that...

it is empty he shouted loud..



grany made him quite. He hold that box to his neck level and centered it to the bench centre suddenly the cloudy sky started getting concentrated about a point and clouds above the box rushed away the moon appeared shiny again as in the begning...

Granny closed his eyes and started numbling something.. suddenly moon started appearing voilet moving towards indigo followed by blue, green,yellow,orange and finally red..

something appeared like an edge of a broken planet a very minute solid it came closer granny left the box but it was still there and not fell down seeing this Lui frightened granny smilled at him of being calm and again focused at that planet's piece as he pointed it out it started moving towards granny with speed 15 times that of light...

Granny took hold of it..

and safely kept it into the box and moved his hands from the invisible...



a pore like door opened got huge and he surrendered the box there...

He called the driver Lui was very frightened seeing all this to make himself feel relief he asked driver whether he had seen anything happening to moon already knowing granpa stayed relaxed as driver answered "no "..

listening this Lui got more curious...

both of them they reached home as Lui slept I. the car only he asked servants to take him to his room..

Next morning Lui woke up and went to Granny asking the reason why only two persons were able to see that...

Granny thought wisely but finally confested that last night as they were standing in front of a bench he was standing on a " claminart"..

what's that granny???

Lui asked curiously..

claminart _______

well it is a holy place...

where a king by standing can rule whole universe made from the "estals"...

what's this granny...

Granny moving towards a

book taking it out offered Lui to keep his hand on the book and say " assemble the sior"...


chuzzzzz ....

suddenly a door opened.....
