
Just Me you And Me

(1963)I was walking around with a cast Marjorie would help and I myself would pains like the devil in my back from walking, one day I could Marry Martha and we could be together forever but in a turn one thing had to go my husband I had to return or he was going to kill me and everyone in town I know wouldn't eat me out but one person Valorie I knew it was going to happen Leader of our book club, while the cold Vietnam War raged into the 60's me and my husband not on a good note, if he dies I want him and Marjorie to meet once again before everything goes haywire people losing their hands, feet and legs from knee technology, even though he took away my will to walk I need him to know I didn't mind and that I forgive before he got sent off even though he had mental issues, But I can't muster anything else to do but to send a letter, dear Jonas.. was the only thing I can tell, while me and my book club went on me and Martha grew stronger going on 1963 and the war was still going on I can't think of how this war is going to end in him us working to provide Marjorie going to school without anybody home ,older kids had to watch her as time went on I had to stop working, but a few weeks into the sweet escape I noticed a thing that was agonizing me a bump growing a baby from Jonas my husband