

"Kiefer...where are you" mom started to shout and search for me..... here comes again. Mom shouts pull me back from my thoughts, I was sitting by the river appreciating nature and suddenly my mother started to call for me

I took a glance of my shadow in the river and said: "It's time to go back or else mom will start to panic and make everyone else ".

I ran towards mom and when she saw me coming she started to scold me " Kit...how many times do I have to tell you not to go far away from home always stay by my side where I can see you", but I was able to see the concern in her eyes for me.

"Mom..... it's fine I was just strolling by the river."

My mother took my hands in her hands and said " I want to tell you something ", I can see anger, frustration, fear, disappointment all at once. " what's it" I asked in confusion. " it's about your father" she said with Guilt.

I was in shock when I heard it because whenever I asked her about him she used to say he is working very hard in city so that he can afford your living and never used to tell me about him apart from his name " Heaven Samuel" I said in surprise, I must say I was more shocked then surprise because mom took this initiative from her end.

"yes... he lives in town B.... with... his another family" she said while keeping her face and eyes down, when I heard it... it was like I got an electric shock by listening to it..... "but how can it possible ... you used to say it that.. he is working hard for us and it should be better if we don't disturb him... then how's it possible " while saying that my eyes started to get wet... I was waiting to meet him to say thank you to him for his hard work for us even though I don't remember seeing him.

"Then why are you telling me now all of this," I asked my mother. she looked into my eyes and said "I can't stay by your side forever.... you have to know about your life. it's your right to know. as today's your 15th birthday I want you to know everything ".

"Kiefer... I want a promise from you" she looked in my eyes and said "this envelope carry all the details of your father and his family... I just want you to keep it safe and open it when you have achieved something in your life... show them that you are my precious daughter " she hugged me while saying it and hand over the envelope to me.

"Mom I promise you... once I'll achieve something in my life then I'll open this envelope "

"One more thing I'm suffering from some disease I don't have much time left with me"

when I heard it I promise to mother that one day I'll by acknowledge as one of the top doctors of the country M and started working towards my goal.

After dinner, I help mom to clean dishes and went to my room to compose myself as it was kind of very big day for me.

Today I got the answer to the various question which I have asked mom throughout my life but I never expected it to be so big.

My father who was always like my hero suddenly turn into a villain and my mother who used to love me and teach me never to lie... lied to me throughout my life.... it was like my life a joke and till now I was living a fake life.

Now I don't even know who I'm.

I won't let anything to happen to my mother, I'll learn every medicine which can help my mother.

Kiefer started to learn the various type of ancient medical practice all over the world and improving her knowledge in the medical field.

After a few years her mother condition started to worsen, "Mom... just don't lose hope I'll definitely find a cure for you. I promise but... u just have to be strong... just don't give up mom.. please don't " I said while holding my mother's hand. She looked in my eyes life has been gone from her eyes and one teardrop just fell from her eyes and she said " Kit always remember... I'm always with you by your side... you also just don't give up on your dreams", suddenly she stopped talking.

"MOM ...PLEASE MOM DON'T DO THIS TO ME MOM... PLEASE GET UP MOM..... WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT MOM... MOM.MOM... MMOOOMMMMMM.." suddenly everything came to silence no sound of mom talking to me no sound of utensils neither of mom's breathing.

I called for my neighbor who help me with my mother funeral, afterward I came back to my place which was used to be home for me and my mother for so many years and now it's just become ruins which have no life without my mom, at that time I cried out loud for the last time of my life and promise to my mother that I'll take revenge for my mother from all of those who had led my mother to this situation and will make them suffer double.

After someday postman came and asked for my mother Martha to receive the letter it was from "Heaven Samuel"

I received it and opened and there was a cheque of $500000 dollars and a letter stating


kindly use this money as compensation to you for all these years of my absence.


what the f*** was that.... he wants to compensate us for his absence from our life but I feel like he wants to compensate for my mother live which he has taken away.

I throw the cheque away and started cursing him " why doesn't he leave us alone mom...its been so many years since he last visited us or even contacted us and know... he wants to compensate us.... haha... f*** ... I just feel like to kill someone. " and went to my room for studying so that I can fulfill my promise to my mother.

After some time I came back and the cheque was driven towards me by the wind... it was like my mother wants to say something.....I picked it up then a thought came to my mind

" so he wants to compensate us... we'll surely fulfill his wish mom at right time. "

Next chapter