


Shutting off the alarm on my smartphone I got up and went for a bath. After taking a hot shower I wore my outfit. It's just a pretty simple outfit. It's summertime in Spain.

Oh yeah, let me tell you about me. I live in a pretty big mansion here. It's not mine. It's my parent's house. Well, my parents own a multi-millionaire import and export company.

Five years ago they died in a tragic car accident. Alessandro, my brother, was the one who took care of me from that day. He was 18 when they died and I was 15. He became my legal guardian since then.

After their death, my brother became the CEO of the company. I was supposed to be the CEO of the company in Italy since my brother is taking care of the company here.

I declined the offer. My dream was to open a bakery shop and live my life happily. Alessandro didn't push me further. He was proud that I have my dream. Although, I do feel guilty sometimes that he has to work more time. He assured me that he can do it and I don't need to worry my ass.

I know what you guys are thinking. No, my brother is not single anymore. He is married and has a baby girl. To be specific he married my best friend, Amber. Yeah, I know. They married 3 years ago. I'm kind of blessed to have my best friend with me.

The bakery shop was already opened. I have five co-workers to help me. Entering the shop, I smiled at my customers and went to the cashier counter. Today's sales are pretty good since it's the weekend.

Hearing the doorbell chimes, I looked up and saw my best friend enter my shop with my niece in her hand. Seeing the little one made me smile widely. Jaylen Andrea Hernandez is a bubbly and cute niece. Amber put her daughter down and let her run up to me.

Amber brought Jaylen to her mother's house. Amber's mum slipped on the bathroom floor and injured her leg. She went to visit her. I can't go with her because of my shop. I was pretty busy this whole week. She assured me it was okay and just came back now.

"Tie Vy (Auntie Liviya) !!!" Jaylen went behind the cashier counter and hugged my leg. Picking her up and placing her on my hip, I kissed her cheek many times. Jaylen giggled happily.

"Hey, Jay Jay. How are you, baby ?" I carried her to my office room, followed by Amber behind me. I signalled one of my co-workers to take over the cashier counter.

"I'm pine Tie Vy (I'm fine Auntie Liviya)" I sat on the sofa and placed her on my lap.

"How are you, Amber? How's your mum" I have always called her by her middle name since high school.

"I'm fine, girl. She is fine now. Don't worry. She made you her special brownies." My eyes lit up hearing it. Her mum's brownies were the best ones I ever ate. Every time I went for a sleepover at her house, her mother would make me brownies.

"You guys wanna eat something ?" I asked Jaylen and Amber. Amber said she doesn't want anything.

"Ty Vy I want red velvety cake (Aunty Liviya I want red velvet cake)" she asked, showing her puppy eyes. I chuckled lightly and kissed her cheeks.

Placing her on Amber's lap, I went to the front to get my niece her favourite cake. Taking a piece of cake I place it on a small plate.

Turning around to walk to my office, my handphone rang. I placed the plate on the counter and took my phone out to see the caller id. It was my brother.

I answered the phone. "Al! How are you ?"

"Hey Vy. I'm fine. How are you, princess? I miss you. What are you doing? Is there any problem there ?" he asked protectively. He was always like that. My mother even said he was protective over me since the day I was born.

"I'm fine, Al. Awww I miss you too. Amber and Jaylen just came here. There's no problem here brother. When are you coming back by the way ?" I asked him. He went on a business trip two weeks ago.

"I'll be back tonight, princess. Can you hand the phone to her ?" I agreed and brought the cake to my office room and opened the door. Giving the phone to her, I carried Jaylen and placed her on my lap after I sat on my chair.

Watching my niece eat her cake happily made me smile widely. She was my family's little one. Al always tells me that she is a mini-me. He said this is how I used to be when I was small. The 2-year-old kid was enjoying her cake while swinging her leg back and forth.

Amber gave me my handphone and sat in front of me. She said she wanted to cook a special treat since her husband is coming back tonight. After sending her and Jaylen out of the door, I went back to start my work again. Tomorrow is Sunday so the bakery will be closed.

It's a must for my family. Everyone should take a holiday on Sunday to spend time with the family. It's more like a family tradition. Even Alessandro will take a holiday no matter how busy he is. Family is a must for the Hernandez family


Making my way to the prison in the basement, the guards bow down to me. I just nod my head towards them. Even if I'm evil like the world says, I appreciate my workers. Walking into one of the cells, I saw the person that attacked me in the office yesterday was tied up to a chair. Behind him stood my brother and my friend.

"Hey, brother. You wanna do some art here ?" asked my brother holding my favourite knife in his hand. I just smirked, taking the knife in my hand and giving a signal to my friend. He nods and splashes a jug of hot water on the dog.

He shouted in agony and breathed heavily. "What are you doing ?" he asked, still hissing in pain from the burning sensation.

"Oh me? Don't mind me, I'm just having some fun with you." I said while carving my knife into his thigh. Hearing him screaming in pain was like music to my ears. My brother was pulling out his nails using a cutting player.

"Talk! Who sent you ?!" I shouted in his face. He stopped screaming and looked up weakly.

"A-Al-Alexei" Hearing that name made me mad as hell. I took my gun out and shot him dead on the forehead. I turned to the guards in front of the cell and asked them to clean the mess. I walked out of the cell with my brother, Darrien Lucas, and my friend, Adriano.

"Luc we have to go to Spain tomorrow morning. We have a big project. We are going to build a hotel as a partnership between the Italian and Spanish mafia." I said while washing my hand in the bathroom sink.

"What? Do you mean our friend Alessandro? And you're telling me this now? I get to meet my Vy ?" Lucas asked me with his mouth hanging open wide as Adriano. I just answered by nodding my head.

"Pack your bags, dude," I said and walked out of the house to my car. I heard both of them screaming in happiness. Alessandro Xavier Hernandez, the Mexican mafia and our friend since we were 20 years old. Both of us are the same age. The last I saw him was at his wedding. Thinking about him made me think about his sister.

Her boldness and cuteness made me fall for her when I was 17. Both of our fathers are best friends just like me and Al. The Italian-Mexican mafia is the most dangerous in the world. No one is dared to challenge this mafia. Both of us have our back. 3 years ago the Russian mafia started to make a move on our mafia. Both mafias are being threatened.

Making this project is going to make our mafia closer. Both of us are waiting for the right time to take action on the Russian mafia. This project is one of the moves. Let's wait and see how they move.

Later that night I made a call for Alessandro. Entering my bedroom I sat on the bed waiting for him to answer his phone.

"Yo bro. What's up ?" He asked making me smile a little

"I'm fine, bro. I called to inform you that tomorrow I'm coming to Spain to handle the project."

"Okay, noted. Do you want me to send someone to get you from the airport ?" he asked me.

"No, it's okay. I'll manage. Can you please ask someone to clean my mansion that's beside yours? I guess it will be easy for us if something happens." I have a mansion beside him. I usually don't stay there. Since we have a project to handle together I decided that it will be great to stay there.

"Sure dude. But it will take about a week. So you can stay at my house for a while I guess. I'll see you tomorrow. I know you want to see her." he said with a laugh. I just chuckled a little and said goodbye.

Alessandro knows about it. He approved of me when I said I love his sister on his wedding day. After the wedding, I told him I wanna talk to him so we went to his room. He punched me in the face went I told him I have feelings for his sister.

He made me promise that I won't hurt his sister physically or mentally. He even told me there will be a war between both mafias if this happens. Since that day I made a promise to myself that I will make her mine one day.

A smile made its way to my face thinking about her. Liviya Amora Hernandez is the love of my life. I'm coming for you mia amore.

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