
The Getaway

it was almost 9:00 a.m and salimo was getting late for his history major class but like always it took Avituo another 5 minutes to redo his hair and that was where they would always get late and after that would follow a sound lecture on punctuality from sir surdas who was the head of department of history who always had mood swings and the sad victims were always the students.

salimo was now in his final year and he was a known figure in college because of his participation in every event and unique oratory skills . His

life in college for the past two years had been uniform and no significant incident or life changing event took place so far . it was always the usual

get late for the first major class while waiting for Avituo , classes , assignments, canteen , library and back home while after and in between all these were some odd unplanned moments .

pressure began to pile up as graduation day was just some months away and Salimo had no clue like most of his friends as to what they wanted to do with their lives . but while salimo was lost in his own world trying to picture what he wanted to be10 years down the line Avituo had finally got his hair in all the right places and

with that done they rushed to attend their classes . it was November and classes would be over after some few weeks and sir Vizol constantly questioned the students before leaving the class "what is going to be your big get away this year? and whatever it is make sure it shapes up everything that follows."

He said that like a soothsayer who saw the future of his students as really dim but none of the students cared about what sir vizol actually said and meant because the bell had already rung and everyone wanted to go out though there was actually nothing significant to do. classes were going smoothly and winter break was just around the corner. salimo made up his mind to spend his winter break with his aunt at Nangchi which was a beautiful hill station with adorable designed huts and Parks with bright blooming flowers, the roads free from dust and litter and with some few cars running around the main town.

During summer the whole valley would come to life and during winter it would be covered with snow but there would always be a certain warmth of love enveloped on this hill and breathing a deep sigh of relief And happiness he stuffed his books inside his bag and home. after having his plans made known to his mother, Salimo's mom retorted saying

Saramati peak College over the past few decades had always produced a topper every year and this year everyone is expecting you to top the university exam but salimo knew that his college was likely to face a drought this year and it wouldn't be a surprise for him since the whole class was so united that everyone would agree to bunk classes together and he had no intention or drive in him really top his exams, he just wanted to graduate, settle down and lead a simple life.