

Sabrina's face flushed with embarrassment. Instantaneously, somebody grabbed her wrist and took her out of the room.

"Sabbie, long time no see."

Sabrina instinctively jerked her head to the side as she heard the man laugh in her ear.

When she raised her head, she was met with a repulsive visage.

It was Sabrina's ex-boyfriend, Timmy Cash , who was there.

In the past, he had cursed at her and even coerced her into sleeping with him. He had also assaulted her physically.

Avery was there at the time that it occurred. She had smiled during the entire process as she saw everything that had taken place.

Suddenly, a look of horror spread across Avery's face.

"Sir, I am familiar with you. You used to date Sabbie, didn't you? I remember you spending the night at Sabbie's old apartment on a consistent basis.I remember you gave her money each time you two slept together"

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