
Chapter 2

Miles Willis's pov

"Isn't he the guy that's going to be interviewing you today as his personal assistant!?!" She asks pointing at me.

It's 5 seconds before I answer with a 'ohhh yeah!'.

"Daddy I WANT A TART" Daylan screams and wriggles in my arms.

I give him a stern look and he immediately shut his mouth. "I HAVE AN IDEA" Debbi squeals as she walks closer towards us with Lilli behind her.

"You should interview Miles here" She suggests making me sigh.

"I'm so sorry we had to meet like this Mr. Smith" I say pulling Debbi away from his dazzling face.

"It's fine and I like that Idea Debbi?" He finishes as she nods rapidly pushing Me and Landon to a wooden table with black chairs facing each other. She took Lilli and Daylan to the Kitchen so they wouldn't interrupt us.

Before we could get started she came and took our orders. "I never imagined myself being so unprofessional in my entire life" He whispers.

Well I should've known he'd be a snob. "So Mr. Willis I'm gonna ask you a few questions about your line of work, why you want to apply, and a few personal questions" He pulls out a few papers from a briefcase I didn't even know he was holding.

"Ok now first question...It says here that you graduated with a Master's degree of Business Administration. What Business were you trying to accomplish?" He looks me dead in the eyes as I gulp.

"I do a few Art stuff here and there and that was my main goal but I realized I had to start with some line of business as an assistant if I wanted to make it to the art world" I explain with a nervous glance at Debbi.

"So how did you see that company business was the place to start?"

"Well you see those are the most common places to become an assistant, so I looked up a few businesses in Blue-Yang and my eyes landed on the most popular business here. At first I was skeptical not knowing who you were even though you seemed to be on every news channel, every billboard, and every cab in this city, but I found out that this could really help me with my career goals in life" I finally breath and finish as Debbi face-palms making me feel worse.

"So your using my business as a way to get you more fandom and courage to become a Art assistant?"

My eyes wide as I rapidly shake my head no. "Not in that way NO! But in a more personal business way?" I explain once again with confusion in my voice.

"I guess...?" He sounded more confused then me which made me feel even worse as Debbi comes and saves the day.

"Here you guys go a Boston Cream Latte for Mr. Smith and a cherry mocha for Miles" She sets our drinks down and I back up immediately.

"DEBBI YOU KNOW I'M ALLERGIC TO CHERRY'S" I glare at her as a squeak squirms through at the end.

Landon writes something down with a smirk making me groan.

"Oh I'm so sorry Miles I forgot this isn't yours it's Ms. Maria's " She hurriedly picks the drink up and rushes it over to the old women in a seat with her granddaughter as they look at me judgingly.

Well I guess the only place I'm not being judged is in my home. I sit back down with a now mild headache.

"Shall we continue?" He questions putting down his drink as I nod.

"Now i'm going to ask a few personal questions" He warns before looking down at the papers and looking up at me.

"How many kids do you have?"


"Are you married?" My eyes wide and I blush.

"...No I am not in any type of relationship" He looks up from the paper and his eyes wide like he didn't mean to ask that.

He clears his throat with a darker blush than mine. "Do you have any close relatives?"

"None that are alive" I mumble the last part as he frowns.

"Last question....Would you give up everything for this Job? Your home, kids, sexuality, being? Everything?" I jump a little at the thought of losing everything I care about.

"If that's what it takes to get this job...then no not in my entire life of living" I stand up with a pain to my heart at that question.

He smiles then stands up too. He puts the papers away and looks at me.

"Welcome to Smith's Inc. Mr. Willis" He reaches his hand out as Debbi and the kids cheer making me grin.

"Thank you sir" I put my hand in his which makes me shiver and him tighten his grip.

I Can't believe I got the JOB!!!

"Here is your celebratory cake and latte macchiato" She grins setting it down on the table I was sitting at as Landon Smith leaves with a smirk on his face.


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