
Mr. Chu Didn’t Know His Son Was Three Years Old Before the Divorce

# MOE # BIGSHOT # HEROINE CUTE BABY # VICIOUS Song Liangjiang married Chu Jingmo because of a mishap. After their marriage, Chu Jingmo suddenly disappeared. Three years later, they met again at a reception. Song Liangjiang was so shocked that she felt her soul leave her body for a moment. However, Chu Jingmo, a CEO, lightly said, “Miss Song, have we met before?” Song Liangjiang came back to her senses and she replied with a smile, “Of course not.” On the way back, Chu Jingmo closed his eyes to relax, but muttered slowly to himself, “Song Liangjiang… That’s a familiar name.”His assistant answered hesitantly, “She’s your wife, sir. To be precise, your former wife. Your mother made the decision to divorce you both a year ago.”Chu Jingmo: “...” He leaned back and relaxed once more. “Bring her to my room tomorrow. I want to talk to her.”At the same time, a miniature version of Chu Jingmo was eating at home. “Mommy, we don’t need Daddy.”

Bean Ding Ding · General
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40 Chs

Hurting Each Other

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Li Chuan instantly spun around and closed his eyes tightly. He didn't see anything.

Chu Jingmo was extremely swift. He pushed her in and slammed the door shut behind him. Li Chuan's heart skipped a beat. He really didn't see anything. He swore silently.

When Song Liangjiang was pushed by Chu Jingmo, her heels flew away, and she also hit the wall. The strap that had only fallen a little slid to the center of her arm, revealing her fair neckline.

Song Liangjiang's eyes widened. Chu Jingmo didn't expect it to turn out like this. His gaze only swept across her creamy skin and his eyes quickly shifted away.

She came back to her senses and clutched her chest. "Hooligan!"

Chu Jingmo pressed one hand against the wall and looked back at her after he heard her. Song Liangjiang quickly pulled back her strap to prevent herself from being exposed to him.

"Aren't you afraid that the old lady will find out that you cheated on me and come here to settle scores with you?" Chu Jingmo prevented her from escaping with his other arm. When she was about to bend down, he bent with her, effectively locking her with his arms.

Song Liangjiang was speechless.

"I hired you to act with me and you claimed that your mother is in the hospital. Song Liangjiang, you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve." Chu Jingmo looked at the woman pressed against the wall. It was obvious that he was here to settle the score.

Song Liangjiang smiled sweetly. "I merely wanted to solve the problem of you being forced to go on a blind date once and for all."

"It has been resolved indeed."

"Look, didn't it work?" Song Liangjiang's eyes lit up. She knew she was smart.

"My mother has publicly acknowledged you as my wife."

Song Liangjiang's smile froze on her face. She wondered if her ears were damaged.

"What?" she suddenly shouted. But because she was too shocked, her head hit Chu Jingmo's chin.

Chu Jingmo hissed and stumbled back while holding his chin.

Song Liangjiang massaged her head and finally stood up. She pointed at Chu Jingmo with grievances in her eyes. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

Chu Jingmo endured the pain and wanted to say something, but he didn't expect her to cry first.

Was she crying?

Chu Jingmo asked, "Why are you crying?"

He was the one who got hit, okay?

"Your jaw is so hard. Can't I cry if it hurts?" Song Liangjiang wasn't in so much pain, but she couldn't even stand the normal stinging sensation from saline solution. Now that Chu Jingmo had become fierce, she was hopping mad.

Chu Jingmo was speechless…

"Stop hopping." It made him dizzy.

Song Liangjiang hopped twice in a row. She just wanted to hop, what's wrong?

Chu Jingmo glanced at the furious woman in front of him. "The shoulder strap has snapped."

Song Liangjiang was taken aback. The moment she lowered her head, half of her black gown had slipped. She looked at her right shoulder.

Song Liangjiang turned around and bolted to her room. Chu Jingmo listened to the deafening sound of the door slamming and he snorted.

Professor Cheng's residence was located on the school's premises. There were three bedrooms, two living rooms, and two bathrooms. The fact that Professor Cheng had allowed Song Liangjiang to stay in his house was enough to prove his relationship with his last student.

Professor Cheng's house was very warm. There were all kinds of certificates hanging on the wall, as well as trophies. Some belonged to Professor Cheng and his wife, and some belonged to Song Liangjiang. There were even photo frames on the table. Some of them were taken as Song Liangjiang received international awards, and some of them were taken at the construction site.

Chu Jingmo scrutinized them one by one. There was also a photo of Little Rice Bun's summer camp at school. There were three rows of children on it. Chu Jingmo bent down slightly to look for the little boy.

"Jiang Miao'er, Professor Wen is here…" Professor Lin was stunned when she saw the man in the living room. "Mr. Chu?"

She seemed to know this man. After all, there were many of his brands in Atlas University. He was an outstanding alumnus of Atlas University and was a well-known business genius.

Chu Jingmo retracted his gaze before he could locate Little Rice Bun. He turned around and saw the person who came in. From the corner of his eye, he saw the photo on the wall and nodded slightly. "Professor Lin."

"Why are you here, Mr. Chu?" Professor Lin closed the door and entered.

Song Liangjiang came out after changing and saw Chu Jingmo sitting on the sofa chatting with Professor Lin.

Song Liangjiang was speechless.

"Jiang Miao'er, why are you so rude to leave Mr. Chu alone in the living room?" Professor Lin had always treated Song Liangjiang as her daughter, so she could say anything.

Chu Jingmo leaned against the back of the sofa and looked at Song Liangjiang with a faint smirk.

She glared at him.

"Professor Lin, Designer Song must have something on. She didn't do it on purpose." Chu Jingmo defended her softly.

"Still, you shouldn't leave your guests in the living room. It's rude."


"I took the liberty to visit. Perhaps I've disturbed Miss Song." Chu Jingmo spoke again, sounding extremely apologetic. "It's really because of what happened the day before yesterday and Miss Song has suffered. It's understandable that she is ignoring me."

Song Liangjiang was shocked. Was Chu Jingmo even human?

Was he really human?

"Madam, I—"

"Haven't we already investigated the matter? Why are you still so persistent?" Professor Lin pretended to grumble.

Song Liangjiang placed a hand on her waist and took a deep breath. "President Chu, I'm sorry for neglecting you."

"It's fine."

How dare he say he was fine?

Song Liangjiang's fists were clenched.

Chu Jingmo stood up. "Since everything is clear, I won't disturb Professor Lin anymore. I'll leave first."

"Jiang Miao'er, quickly send him out." Professor Lin pushed Song Liangjiang to send him off, lest they seemed even more rude.

Song Liangjiang held her breath and followed Chu Jingmo out. After closing the door, her expression changed instantly. "President Chu, your acting is really amazing."

"That's not how you put it. Besides, Mrs. Chu, you've taught me well."

"You…" Song Liangjiang retracted her hand. "Do we have to hurt each other like this?"

"I admit that you started it."

"All right." She almost applauded him. "Since your mother has already announced my identity, which means she won't matchmake you anymore, about the divorce…"

'Hurry up and sign the divorce papers, or the earth will explode soon,' she thought to herself.

"Let me tell you. Prepare your passport and come with me to Country M in a few days," Chu Jingmo said as he entered the elevator.

Song Liangjiang scoffed aloud and replied, "No way!"

Chu Jingmo turned around and looked at the woman. Before the elevator closed, he quipped mildly, "To meet the person who keeps Mr. Xuan's manuscript."

Then the elevator doors closed.

Song Liangjiang was stunned for a moment before she reacted. Unfortunately, the elevator had already gone down. She hurriedly ran down the stairs. Once again, she felt that Chu Jingmo must have done it on purpose.

Song Liangjiang ran all the way down, but Chu Jingmo had already gotten into the car. Without thinking, she ran straight to the front of the car, scaring Li Chuan so much that he immediately braked.

She went over to knock on the window of Chu Jingmo's car, but when the window rolled down, his face was so grim and solemn.