
1. Where is my soulmate?

 Pattaya, Thailand.

The night is dazzling night lights of the city. The world's most luxurious cars are parked in the Skyrocket hotel, which is the most expensive hotel in Pattaya. The venue is filled with famous and established business people in the country with perfectly tailored suits and custom made watches.

A spacious hall is where anyone and everyone who matters is congregated. The room is dark with a single spotlight on the MC. Everyone is eagerly waiting to know who is going to win the "Most Promising Entrepreneur in the World" Award.

The whole venue thunders with loud applause when the MC announces, "Most Promising Entrepreneur in the World" goes to the CEO of the Prakaraya group of Industries, CEO Singto Prakarya.

The whole crowd held their breath when Mr. Singto, a 27- year old handsome man, rose from his seat. He walks towards the dais.

Women gawked at his perfectly chiseled body with broad shoulders. He has a perfect aquiline nose with carved cheeks highlighting his jawline. His dark eyes and his tanned skin gave him a masculine aura. He had every feature that a male God can possess. 

Singto stopped in his tracks when he sees Mr. Sean Sutalick, The Chairman of Sutalick Industries. Only then did he realize that Mr. Sean Sutalick is going to be the one to present him with the award.

Everyone is stunned when Singto stopped in his steps. He simply turned and walked towards the exit. Mr. Sean Sutalick is stunned by Singto's actions. He is felt ashamed when Singto, his son, didn't take the award from his hands.

He is aggrieved. 

But felt sad at his son's behaviour. He got a rare chance to praise him and talk to him. But what happened?

His son gave him the cold shoulder. 

He knows his son hates him the most and even doesn't like to carry his surname. He accepted it when his son decided to have his mother's name. He didn't expect Singto to behave like this in front of everyone.

To calm the people who are murmuring about the sudden change in behavior of Singto, Mr.Sean Sutalick turns to the audience and announces that he shall take this award on behalf of his Son, Singto Prakraya.

The people who didn't know that Mr. Sean Sutalick is the father of Singto Prakarya starts gossiping openly.

'Is it true that Singto is Mr.Sutalick's son?'

' Then why are their surnames different?'

'Is Singto, the Stepson of Sutalick?'

When the gossip falls on Mr. Sean's ears, he threw a murderous glare at everyone who is gossiping. His glare made the people stop chatting, seeing the annoyance flashing across his face. No one in their right mind wants to mess with the number one business tycoon in Thailand.

When the whole venue becomes quiet, Mr.Sutalick walks away from the stage by holding his chin up. He didn't want to let the crowd know about his shame from his son's actions.

Singto, who left the venues when he saw Mr. Sean Sutalick, reached his car and climbs it. His whole body started trembling due to his anger. He shouted in his mind, 'How dare Mr. Sutalick to stand in front of me?'

He wasn't able to control his anger, and he hit the steering wheel with his fist. The hard punch provides comfort to him.

He lays back on his seat, closing his eyes. A thought emerged about why his P.A didn't inform him that his father is going to be the Chief Guest. He starts cursing himself that due to his busy schedule, he forgot to check the invitation.

He hates Mr.Sutalick the most and even hates to think of him as his father.

Somehow, he is glad that his mother and his brother are not here. If they were here, they also would be in great pain like him.

The sky is painted with grey shades and is cloudy as his thoughts. A cool breeze blows the clouds away and makes the air look pleasant.

He doesn't know how much time he spent in that position. He's still, taking in the clear raven sky, not wanting to sacrifice the moment frozen in time. When he finally sees a pleasant atmosphere, his mind becomes calm.

He thought of going to his house but changed his mind and drove towards his office because the office is the only place where he can forget his thoughts.


He is immersed in his office work. The office is dead except for the sound of his fingers tapping the keyboard.

A knock breaks the sound of monotonous clicking.

He says, "Come in."

Sam, one of Singto's P.A, enters into the room hesitatingly.


"Sam! How many times have I said to call me by my name? We are family friends."

"Sir! I like to address you as Sir in the office. I will call you by your name at family gatherings."

Singto smiles warmly and says, " Regarding this matter, I can never change your mind. By the way, what do you need?"

With hesitation, Sam says, " Sir! I need to leave for 15 days."

Singto is taken aback with surprise. He questions, "What for? You know, on the 9th of this month, we are collaborating with a foreign company."

Suddenly, Sam hands over his marriage invitation card and says, " My marriage is on the 9th of this month."

Singto becomes shocked and asks, " What? You never shared that you had a girlfriend."

Sam sits on the chair with a loud "Uff!".

Singto places the invitation card on the desk and gives some water to Sam.

Sam drinks the water slowly. The cold water clears his rough throat. Then with a sigh, he says, "I don't have a girlfriend. I have never even seen this girl. My father arranges this marriage. They will reach Pattaya within two days."

Singto says, "First of all! Hearty congratulations! I never thought you would agree for an arranged marriage."

"You know, sir; I love my parents. Moreover, I couldn't disagree with them, as I'm not in love with anyone."

Singto sighs and says, " I can't attend the marriage because of a collaboration deal with the foreign company. If my mom and brother were here, I would have sent them to the marriage. However, they went on a world tour and will only return on the 9th. I don't think they can attend the marriage. They need some rest."

Sam says, "Don't worry! I know you're busy. When I return from my honeymoon, I will bring her to your house to get your mother's blessings."

Singto, with a cheerful voice, agrees, "Deal! When you return, I will arrange a grand party for you and your wife."

Sam nods his head, dutifully, "OK! I will go back now."

After Sam leaves the office, Singto loses the zeal to work as it is already 10 p.m. In the night.

He places his file on the invitation, stands, and walks towards the coffee machine. The coffee swirls in the computer, looking as murky as his thoughts. He fills his cup and walks towards the window. By sipping his coffee, he remembers how his mother always asked him to marry someone he liked.

His life is busy now; moreover, his heart never even fluttered by seeing anyone since his college days. He looks at the sky and thinks, 'Where are you, my soulmate?'

Hello Guys,

It is my first time writing a something. I hope you like it.This chapter is edited by mentor Ms_Anonymous and I am thankful to her for editing my mistakes.

mymysticworldcreators' thoughts
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