
Javier Matter

The first thing Natalie did after Alonso went to work that same day was to rush towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Mr. Juan," Natalie called out.

"Mrs. Valois, can I help you?" Juan asked, standing next to Carlos by the table they usually used.

"Where's Javier?" She had long since decided to cut straight to the point.

"...He's on his annual leave, what can we do for you?" Juan said with a defensive tone in his words. But that was only natural; Natalie had heard how Juan raised Javier as his own son after both of his parents left him and went back to Spain.

"Give him a call and find out where he is. I need to talk with him."

Juan's face went red; it was clear his bluff got called out real quick.

"Juan didn't see Javier coming in today, Mrs. Valois. But I did. I'll take you to his room in the annex."

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