
Unexpected Guest

Commotion had stirred up just outside the Duke residence. Passing citizens were prompted to kneel as a royal procession stopped outside.

Soon as the obsidian gates lined with marble closed and the procession out of sight, gossip started as tongues began waging.

Most of the citizens knew of the relationship between the emperor and Duke Cadarvic, so it wasn't much of a surprise that his majesty would come for a visit.

Yet that wasn't why their tongues were oiled with gossip.

Duke Cadarvic, one of two generals by the emperor's side. Both were his left and right hands as he relied on both men equally. All knew this, but that didn't stop others from differentiating between the two men.

Duke Cadarvic himself couldn't compare to the coldblooded General Gallzen, the man whom even Kuhron feared and knew his name. Generations of Gallzen's washed their hands with Kuhron blood. Killing so many of their kind was what gave the Gallzen family their reputation the boost it needed to surpass his fellow general. At least that's what many speculated.

As for the unscarable gentlemen's knight, Duke Cadarvic, no blood stained tales floated around him. If anything he sounded noble, gallant even, as most knights aspired to be just like him. His tales of conquering dragons and sending them off with a flict of the wrist were too blood pumping to ignore.

What young hot blooded man didn't like a tale of heroism?

Yet what was this? The strangest thing has been occurring in the Duke's estate as of late.

Recently, healers came and went from the residence. So many in fact, minds couldn't help but wander, curious as to what had happened.

Who in the Duke's residence was injured?

They'd never once seen healers touch the corners of the Duke's estate. Not even during the Duchesses pregnancy.

Just how serious had it become for the emperor himself to make a visit? Oh if only, they would kill to be flies on that wall.

Their lives as citizens were so difficult. Why couldn't the nobles give them a little more to bite? This small amount of drama was not enough to take the edge off their tedium!

Uncoordinated sighs disharmonized in the wind as it took off into the blue sky.

* * *

"Where is my daughter? Bring me to her at once!" A powerful voice roared throughout the mansion, shaking the windows in their panes.

The emperor was not happy. Not happy at all. Why weren't these stupid servants adhirring to his orders?

He tapped his foot impatiently as he glared at them with his cerulean eyes.

"Fredric, you don't have a daughter." A guard dryly spoke.

His garb was different from the other guards which made him look of higher station. Higher quality cloth lined his coat and uniform as the buttons twinkled in the light of the candles.

His dirty blond hair was slicked back into a tie as it laid curtly on his shoulder. Age creased in the corners of his cerulean eyes that had narrowed at the emperor.

"Shut up Roy. Of course I have a daughter." The emperor puffed out his chest as he spoke with authority in his tone, "Her name is Alicia Renov and she is the cutest thing this world has ever produced."

"Don't you mean Alicia Cardarvic." Roy sighed as he glanced towards the old man behind the emperor who had stayed silent, yet looked to be holding back laughter.

"That's what I said, didn't you hear? Roy, has Von stuffed your ears with cotton? You best get that checked." The emperor snorted as he declared, "Now take me to my daughter you foolish cotton swab."

Roy took his eyes off the old man whose face had turned beet red as he looked back towards the emperor with disinterest.

"She's not your daughter Fredric."

"Didn't I just tell you to shut it? I'm pretty sure I did." The emperor shot a glare towards Roy as he continued. "How is she not my daughter? Her mother is my cousin by blood. The same blood which runs through her veins runs through mine. So hence she is my daughter!"

"Fredric." Roy dryly spoke the emperor's name.

Normally such offence would be punishable by death. People would drop to their knees as they blend in with the scenery, believing out of mind out of sight. While on the other hand perking up their ears to listen.

Yet none were doing so.

The staff of the Duke's residence were too accustomed to such things so their knees were spared from the cold floor's torment. Their heads remain faced forward in dull serendipity.

Emperor Fredric glared at Ryo, as if challenging him.

Although the words sounded like playful banter between the two middle aged men, the emperor truly believes in his words. Alicia was his daughter and none could say otherwise!

Even the empress felt the same as he. If she wasn't feeling under the weather, then she'd be here with him, speaking the same language and commanding Roy to shut his mouth.

Pride formed itself into a smile as he grunted in reply.

Yet that prideful smile twitched as Roy's response, which caused the emperor to burst a vein. "Alicia is not your daughter, she is your niece."

"Why you little- hey! Don't you walk away from me!"

The emperor followed after Roy who started down the hallway. His long coat lined in white fur dragged upon the floor with each step he took.

"Cotton swab why haven't you cleaned out your ears, did you not listen hard enough? God stop walking so fast!"

In anger, the emperor kicked at Roy's ankle full of frustration, but he missed and nearly toppled over for his trouble.

The old man, a few steps behind loathed to look at such a spectical. Not only since it was ridiculous but simply because he feared bursting a lung at the sight.

"Didn't you want to see Alicia?" Roy stopped to glance over his shoulder.

Bubbling with anger, the emperor righted himself as if he hadn't done something so childish.

Derisively he snorted.

Now he wants to accommodate me, huh? The emperor had nowhere to place his anger as it continued bubbling inside.

He calmed himself as he clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, about time." He stated with dignity as he shook his coat with flair, his long blond hair fell from his hood with this action.

* * *

"Darling." Duchess Cadarvic shook her husband's shoulder who was sound asleep with their daughter.

She didn't want to wake him. He'd needed the sleep and she knew it. But with the emperor making a unexpected visit, she knew he wouldn't want to be caught unaware.

"Von, wake up dear, Fredric is here."

She smiled at his groaning voice laced with sleep. Still not a morning person as he hated to be woken up.

After all these years of marriage, some things still didn't change. She took solace in that.

Von grumbled and mumbled as he lifted his head, looking towards his daughter in a sleepy haze.

Tears uncontrollably fell at her pain filled moans which hadn't stopped. Dreams are painful as the reality hits as soon as you awake.

In his dreams his daughter was happy as she called out for him. With that adorable voice she yelled out, Papa.

But now. He had to face the daughter who wouldn't open her eyes as she suffered right in arms reach, yet still too far for him to help.

Sadly when he wanted it most, he couldn't hear his princesses voice.

The Duchess had a hard time holding back her emotions. She watched her husband gently caress their daughter's head, kissing her sweat soaked hair as he broke out in short sobs.

"I've faced death." His broken heart spoke as his words came out in pieces. "Blades pointed at my throat. Monsters wishing to tear me limb from limb. Even friends betrayal as they try to murder me in my sleep with poison or steel. Yet," Von's voice trembled as he swallowed the sobs ready to come out of his throat.

"Yet, I've never felt as helpless as I do now. Never so afraid- so terrified."

Tears streamed down this father's face. He cared for nothing more than his family. Now that one was in such a state, he'd lost himself.

"Darling, hope is only lost if you let it go." The Duchess cradled her husband's face, pulling him into her bosom. "So don't let go. Hope with all your heart until nothing else remains. Until there's no room left for despair."

Von held his wife's small waist within his arms as he cried.

Cried for himself and his wife who couldn't. For he knew that one of them had to remain sane. Since he himself fell into depression it was up to her to keep a level head.

Was his blessings of life all used up on his wife and son, leaving his daughter with none of her own?

Panic seeped into his heart which was quickly quelled by his wife's soothing touches.

How could he be so lucky to have her?

Von stood up from the bed, kissed his wife as he caressed her cheek. "I love you Cláudia."

Cláudia smiled as she too cupped Von's cheek. "I love you more."

"More than yesterday?" He teased light heartedly, a smile finally showing up on that tear stained face.

Cláudia giggled as she lightly kissed his lips. "And more then the day before."

The two held each other, soaking in intimacy with their gazes full of love and affection.

Until the beautiful moment was broke up by a series of coughs.

Von's face twisted in pain as Cláudia tried her best to soothe him. She felt his pain, cause she felt the same.

Yet if she cried, it had to be due to happiness otherwise she'd be hopeless. Just as she said to him, she held hope close to her heart and refused to let it go.

Not until her daughter either woke up or breathed her last, not a single tear must be shed.

God give her strength, she refused to cry.

Tku Tku Tku.

Knocks brought their focus to the door. The two righted themselves. Cláudia helped Von clean his face and straighten his hair before opening the door.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

Author's note: In case of theft. This is an original -English- novel done by yours truly [MyKataren]. This author will state here and now, oh ye thief of old, thanks for the free advertisement!

Original : www.tinyurl.com/MVPGAwebnovel

(Mass Release #1)


I found out something nifty while writing this chapter. Did you know blond means masculine, while blonde is feminine? I didn't until writing this chapter.



Anyways, thanks for stopping by, perhaps leave a comment on your way out, and I hope you enjoyed reading.


This was your author, signing off.

MyKatarencreators' thoughts
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