

"Sir, the meeting with the other developers is starting soon," his secretary informed him as they were walking down the hallways of Tech Theory.

The secretary couldn't stop the tremble in his heart when Mr George, his employer turned around to give him a chilling glare.

"And when pray tell, was I told about this meeting?"

The secretary could not help but gulp in fear. The meeting was communicated to him some time ago since no one dared to make impromptu meetings with Mr George. However, he was preoccupied with personal matters so it escaped him.

It wasn't until yesterday morning, Mrs Hemmingway, a co-developer dropped by to check if everything was in place regarding the meeting that he remembered.

He could only thank his lucky stars that Mr George was unoccupied during that period or else it would have been hell for him.

His only mistake was not informing Mr George of the new development despite the numerous opportunities.

He gave a meek answer. "I-I-I was m-made aware of this about two weeks ago b-but Sir! It slipped my mind completely. I remembered..." The secretary was unable to complete his sentence because the second mistake now came to light.

"Yet, you made no mention of it?" He could only make a slight move to his chest in some form of defence.

"P-p-please f-f-forgive m-me sir." He gave up on excuses and quickly tried to receive forgiveness.

"What was the third thing I told you when you first began your service to me, Walter?"

Walter stared at Mr George in bewilderment for a second or two before he quickly opened his mouth to reply.

"You do not tolerate sorries and we should work on solutions rather."

"You did good remembering that but then I made you memorise that, did I not This is a very serious mistake, Walter. As punishment, escort my mother for three days."

Walter couldn't help but cry inwardly. Mr George's mother was unbearable. She couldn't close her mouth for a minute. Either she was yapping about one thing or the other or she was being an overbearing mother to anyone around her. It was no wonder Mr George never went to see personally but rather made a monthly call and even that lasted 20 minutes tops.

"Do not waste any more of my time than you have now, Walter. Get that snail body moving."

Next chapter