
chapter 1 :death

life is difficult not knowing when people scheme to kill you and betray by The people one loves.the stroy is of a girlTang luo .my family treats me like am not some but I love them so much..one day one a free break I dropped to my shared apartment with my fiance only to find the shock that destroyed my life..in my bed is my beloved sister Tang Ning and my fiance lu Ming being overly intimate with each other...they notice me but continue with their pleasure..tears streamed down my face as a ran as fast as possible away from the house not know it would be my last day.pain of betray from my so called fiance and sister was too much and next thing I know am involved in a car accident where I can't feel any pain because of the in my heart.darkness engulfs me and everything turns peaceful until I see I light sucking me in like avotex..

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