
Mr billionaire And his Mermaid Wife

Not only will I make him hate me,I will also make sure that he send me out of this house. "Pretty laugh happily". Miss please, listen to me, you can't do this, this is Master favorite cup, he will get Angry if you destroy it. "a middle aged woman tried to stop pretty from destroying things further". don't worry,I won't die after getting beaten up by him. "pretty give the middle aged woman a assuring smile". Miss please listen to me. "the middle aged woman try to convince pretty". stop the Address,call me by My name. "pretty smatch the glass cup into pieces". Miss!!!!."the middle aged woman scream in shock". time to prepare for beating. "pretty wink at the middle age woman and went to the room". All this was the fate that pretty will have when she join people on land. but the fate somehow change, some part of it happen but it is opposite. now that everything is like this, waiting for the real fate is the option

OliviaMina · Action
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35 Chs

:27: she could have just kill you instead of staring at you!.

are we married now?? "Rubby asked Raymond In confusion".

Raymond smile and reply Rubby. "the Red paper in your hands is called marriage certificate, so we are married". he pull Rubby toward the car gently.

it is so simple, not stressful at all. I remember when I get married to Alex, we just did a celebration, we didn't sign anything. "Rubby told Raymond".

you mean you guys didn't have a marriage certificate??. "Raymond ask Rubby in shock".

mm. "Rubby nod her head in reply".

Raymond was more than happy, the smile on his lips widen. "that means, you guys are not married, either legally or by law". Raymond happiness was incomparable, he was laughing as if he eat sweet.

Rubby was confused, she give Raymond another glance as she couldn't figure out why Raymond was so happy. "Why are you so happy?". she couldn't control herself from asking Raymond.

nothing much, when we get home, you will tell me what happen between you and the other two girls. "Raymond reply Rubby".

no problem. "Rubby answer Raymond".


And Why did you Act like that?. "Lisa question jennet angrily after jennet open her eyes".

Lisa!."Jennet called out as she sit straight in good position on the patient bed".

Answer my question first. "Lisa reply Jennet".

I don't know but I think that pre - pretty is still alive. "she announced". I Saw her, she appear when we are shooting film. "she stammered out, the scene that happen during the shooting reply in her mind repeatedly. she started sweating again uncontrollably".

Lisa studied Jennet very well before laughing. "do you think you are still shooting film?". her mockery was very obvious. "you better come back to earth and stop your drama, I won't buy it". she declared.

Am serious Lisa, you must believe me,I actually Saw her, she was staring at me as if she wants to kill me. "Jennet body started shaking as she speak".

then Why didn't she kill you? she could have just kill you instead of staring at you. "Lisa close her eyes and took in a breath to calm herself down. she slowly regret her words after casting a glance at Jennet and Saw her strange expression".

what did you mean?. "Jennet frown as she asked Lisa".

perhaps, you Saw her Gost. "Lisa avoid jennet question immediately".

yes, she might be a Gost. "Jennet reply Lisa as she start thinking of the possibilities".

puffffff. "Lisa look at Jennet as if she was looking at a mad lady before laughing hard". you actually believe in those nonsense?". she try to control her laughter. "you are really mad now, surely mad, if not, how can you believe in such unrealistic things". she hold her stomach when she feel her stomach started aching because of her laughter.

Jennet feel pain in her heart because of Lisa comment. "indeed, I am mad, Why don't I think before taking action before?". she thought to herself.

it seems like you are not fully recovered, I will excuse you for now. "Lisa told Jennet after controlling her laughter".

Jennet did not reply Lisa, she just watch as Lisa left and Murmur to herself. "maybe I am truly imagining things, but it felt real, so real". she close her eyes as she allow her emotion to take control over her.


So the girl in plastic surgery is called Jennet and the girl that hate your current body is called Lisa, they both join hands together in killing you?. "Raymond ask Rubby carefully and serious expression appear on his face, increasing his handsomeness".

Yes. "Rubby reply Raymond". but am quite lucky. As a mermaid, a low level Mermaid,if I was killed, I can revive My soul back as long as I stayed inside any natural water for some hours, I can also get My beauty back if I drink pure blood. they throw me inside a ocean due to their stupidity and am really lucky to found you and drink your pure blood. "she explain to Raymond".

You said that you were killed once but someone save you, did you recognize that person. "Raymond ask Rubby in good mood".

not really, but am still looking for him, I am willing to do anything he ask,as to repay his kindness toward me. "Rubby smile after her words".

Raymond smile. "if I say that I am the one that save you, will you believe me?". he ask Rubby, as his eyes glued at Rubby's own, trying not to miss any expression that appear on her face.

Rubby look at Raymond out of shock. "tell me, are you saying the truth??". her eyes was shinning brightly with happiness.

Yes. that Day, I went to My land that I brought several days ago when I Saw you laying on the grass weakly and barely breathing, your injury shows that you were injured intentionally. I don't know Why, but I wish and have the urge to help you. so I take you to the hospital, I Inform your parents about your Whereabout and your health condition before I left. but since that day, I have being trying to see you again but by the time I see you, you were about to get married, I am unhappy but I want your happiness the most so I didn't use My power on you. you don't know how happy I am, now that you tell me that you and that Guy are not married. "Raymond explain to Rubby emotionally".

Rubby beautiful eye ball was shaking with excitement, she place her both small palm on Raymond cheek and stammered. "you are really the person that I have being looking forward to see? you are the person that save My Fate from ruining completely". Rubby was somehow emotional.

Mm…"Raymond reply Rubby with a nod". but…"Raymond suddenly became serious". what did you do to that girl? hemm… oh, Jennet?. "he ask Rubby".

Rubby also became serious. "before I came to this world, Gold told me that I will Lost My powers, I can only survive under someone protection,I can't protect myself. aside from turning into My real form in the middle of the night,I don't have the ability to use My powers, the longer I stay here, the faster My powers will disappear. I have been here for more than a month and Am sure that My powers must have disappear. but I was more than shocked to find out that I can still create a illusion for Jennet and plant fear and pain in her heart. it is unexpected, really unexpected. "Rubby reply Raymond".

your powers have disappear, but you can still use them. "Raymond frown as he think calmly". but you don't turn into a mermaid. "Raymond remind Rubby".

I also wonder why My body didn't react to it. "Rubby answer Raymond as she also start thinking of any reason".

how about this, let wait today, if your body didn't react again,then it means that something is definitely off. "Raymond suggested".

Yes, let wait. "Rubby agree to Raymond suggestion".

…enjoy ❤️❤️❤️…