
Mr billionaire And his Mermaid Wife

Not only will I make him hate me,I will also make sure that he send me out of this house. "Pretty laugh happily". Miss please, listen to me, you can't do this, this is Master favorite cup, he will get Angry if you destroy it. "a middle aged woman tried to stop pretty from destroying things further". don't worry,I won't die after getting beaten up by him. "pretty give the middle aged woman a assuring smile". Miss please listen to me. "the middle aged woman try to convince pretty". stop the Address,call me by My name. "pretty smatch the glass cup into pieces". Miss!!!!."the middle aged woman scream in shock". time to prepare for beating. "pretty wink at the middle age woman and went to the room". All this was the fate that pretty will have when she join people on land. but the fate somehow change, some part of it happen but it is opposite. now that everything is like this, waiting for the real fate is the option

OliviaMina · Action
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35 Chs

:26: strange power.

does having blue eyes prove me to be the person you have a misunderstanding with?, "Rubby frown and point at Jennet". the girl beside you, didn't she has brown eyes as you, does that mean that she is you??. "Rubby pretty face show a hint of Anger".

Lisa was speechless and embarrassed at the same time, she cast another glance at Rubby and somehow found her familiar, she frown her brows together Without saying any words.

don't be mad Miss Rubby. "the director apologize on behalf of Lisa". let not waste any more time,we should start the scene now. "he announced".

sure. "Rubby give the director a smile, she was confident about her success, she did not even spare Lisa and jennet another glance as she Walk to the stage, she herself was surprised because of the confidence that she get All of a sudden".

you have read your script?. "Lisa tries to erase the cold air,as she asked Jennet".

mm, you should stay there, am leaving now. "Jennet reply Lisa as she Walk away without waiting for her reply".

what an arrogant bit*h. "Lisa commented after jennet left. she went to the audience seat in order to enjoy the show".







Am warning you to let go of him, if you still disagree, I won't hesitate anymore before killing you once and for all. "Jessica threaten Anah".

naturally, Rubby should get angry according to the script, but looking at jennet face, Rubby really wish to tear Jennet apart. Jennet has once said somewords similar to the words she just uttered now, it brought pain to her as her heart ach bitterly and painfully. she give jennet the most hated gaze in the world which makes Jennet took a step back in shock, fear and an unknown feeling which makes her want to cry.

what is happening? Why did I feel as if her hated for me is real? why do I feel like running away from her? why did I fear her?, we barely know each other. "Jennet thought to herself as a hint of fear appear on her face".

it not yet the right time for you to cry Jennet, that day is knocking on your door. "Rubby thought to herself when she sense jennet unsteady breath she frown and continue her scene".

but Why?, you clearly know and understand that he was the one that insist on Marrying me, how come it is My fault now?. "A single tears did not escape Anah eyes, her voice was as Cold as ever, the hatred in her eyes did not disappear, Which make Jennet keep feeling uncomfortable around her".

hearing Rubby line, Jennet subconsciously remember pretty, her heart was filled with bitterness for the first time. Rubby line sounds real and related to pretty. tears fight to escape Jennet eyes but she controlled it. she wonder why she was feeling sad All of a sudden. she couldn't act well, a strong And strange fear arose from the bottom of her heart, and she was sweating uncontrollably.

Mrs pretty are you alright?."the director rush in after shouting cut, when he notice Jennet abnormalities".

Jennet raise her head and look at the director, then Rubby only to see the real pretty, giving her a threatening smile.

you!-you!. "Jennet was shocked to see pretty, the bitterness in her heart increased, she finally couldn't control her tears from falling, she close her eyes and open them again to look at Rubby once more only to found Lisa, cursing her nonstop".

what is going on? what happen to me?. "jennet ask herself before fainting".

Jennet was rushed out of the shooting hall and was taken to the hospital, while Rubby stood still on the same spot with a broken heart, at the same time, wondering how she could create a illusion outside the ocean.

this is weird. "Rubby thought to herself". how come I can use my powers now?. "she ask herself softly as she frown, trying to figure out the reason".

as she was lost in thought,a huge and warm hand hug her from behind driving her back to reality as the person voice calm her scattered heart down.

mind telling me the real Matter between you Three?. "Raymond ask Rubby in a gentlemanly manner".

Rubby put aside her thoughts and look at Raymond strangely, releasing herself from his embrace lightly.

strange! "Rubby look at Raymond with a surprise expression". according to the book you gave me to study, it is said that, for a CEO of any company, it is very easy for them to find out anyone identity and background. "she stare at Raymond strangely". is it possible that you can't find out My background with the power you hold?? are you weak??. "her eyes was wide open in shock".

Raymond smile and shook his head. "finding out someone background is not that simple and easy, but for me, it is a piece of cake". he reply Rubby honestly.

oh, if that is the case then Why don't you have any idea about me till now?. "Rubby questioned Raymond curiously".

of course I want to hear everything from you, it will be more understandable if you tell me. "Raymond reply Rubby,as the smile on his face widen".

I see. "Rubby nod her head in understanding ". oh right, you said, after the shooting we will get married, let go now and I will tell you everything that happen after that. "Rubby reply Raymond with a bright mood".

sure, princess. "Raymond Carry Rubby after his word and take her to his car. he give the director some instructions before leaving".

…enjoy ❤️❤️❤️…