
Chapter 16

Exiting the alley, Stella absentmindedly traced her navel, her face still flushed. Glancing at her watch, it read 8 pm. Snowflakes fell gently around her. A rustling sound caught her attention, and she turned to find Mark, smirking as he adjusted his pants. She couldn't help give him an eye roll.

Mark playfully pinched Stella's face. "Thanks for the tour," he said, noticing her annoyed expression. He gently pulled her closer and gave her a deep kiss on her pale pink lips. "Consider that a tip for being a sexy tour guide," he teased.

Stella scoffed, her annoyance giving way to a smirk. "You're unbelievable," she said, shaking her head in mock exasperation, but there was a subtle smile on her lips.

He simply laughed and wrapped an arm around Stella as they strolled towards the diner. He noticed her walking awkwardly and asked, "Are you okay?" Stella shot him a look that clearly said, 'Really?'

"Too much touring?" Mark said with a smirk. Stella elbowed him while stifling her laughter.

"I'm good..but let's speed up. I'm absolutely starving," She replied with a smile.

They hastened their steps toward the diner.

As they entered the small diner Stella greeted the owner Lucy, with a warm smile. "Hey, Lucy! How's it going tonight?"

"Evening, Stella! Same old, same old," Lucy replied, her tone cheerful despite the long day.

Stella nodded with a smile. "I'll take the usual, please," she said to Lucy. She glanced at Mark, who grinned and said, "I'll have what she's having."

Lucy raised an eyebrow, curious about his companion. Stella responded with a good-natured smile. With their orders placed, they headed to a corner of the diner.

Their meal arrived shortly, Mark eyed the Alaskan Bison Burger in front of him, curious about the unfamiliar dish. The aroma of the grilled bison patty, fresh vegetables, and spices was inviting. He picked up the burger, taking a moment to admire it before taking a bite.

The flavors burst in his mouth – the bison meat was tender and flavorful, blending well with the sharp cheddar cheese and the crunch of the lettuce. The spices on the fries added a pleasant taste, and the coleslaw provided a refreshing balance to the savory burger.

He smiled, impressed by his first taste of Alaskan food. "This is really good," he said, nodding at Stella. "I didn't expect it to be so flavorful. What's the secret ingredient in these spices?" he asked, genuinely curious, as he continued to enjoy the meal.

Stella grinned at Mark's enthusiasm. "Oh, it's the Alaskan spices," she replied, her eyes lighting up. "A little secret blend that gives it that extra kick. Glad you're enjoying it!" She continued to savor her own meal, pleased to see Mark enjoying it too.

The diner buzzed with a laid-back vibe. A couple of friends huddled together in one corner, their laughter mixing with the sizzle of the grill. Another pair whispered sweet nothings, lost in their world.

As they finished their satisfying meal, Stella leaned back in her chair, contentment evident in her eyes. Mark wiped his mouth with a napkin, a smile playing on his lips. "Well, that was fantastic," he said, looking at Stella with genuine appreciation.

She nodded, her smile mirroring his sentiment. "Absolutely. It's one of the best places in town."

Abruptly, a man in a worn, dirty coat entered the diner, His disheveled hair fell over his bearded face, his eyes darting around restlessly. He appeared twitchy, as if he might lash out at any moment.

The atmosphere shifted as he made his way to the counter.

Stella glanced at the tense Stranger, her brows furrowed. "He's not from around here. Maybe a tourist like you?" she whispered to Mark, her voice barely audible

Mark wrinkled his nose subtly and leaned closer to Stella. "At least I smell better than him," he said. Stella stifled a chuckle, their eyes darting back to the Stranger, who seemed increasingly out of place.

Lucy approached the tense Stranger sitting at her diner counter, her expression uncertain. "What can I get you?" she asked, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of apprehension.

The Stranger hissed out his words, his tone in slimy whisper, "Got any whiskey? Or Rum?" he said, his gaze intense as he stared at Lucy.

"Sorry, alcohol's illegal this month. People are already struggling enough in the dark," Lucy said, her tone firm.

Still whispering. "Forget the liquor, lady. Bring me a bowl of raw hamburger,' he demanded.

"You can only get meat two ways around here: frozen or burnt," Lucy said, her voice catching slightly, her eyes narrowing with a disturbed look.

Suddenly, the Stranger's hand shot out, gripping Lucy's hand with a painful force. "You don't give me what I want to eat, what I want to drink," he hissed, his long nails running across her face threateningly.

Mark walked up to the Stranger, gripping his arm tightly. He winced, and his hand instinctively slackened.

"Ma'am, violence isn't on today's menu," Mark said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Behind him, Stella couldn't suppress a soft chuckle.

The Stranger rose up from his seat, despite being shorter and thinner than Mark, stood his ground without a flinch, attempting to intimidate him. "What's wrong with a man wanting a little fresh meat?" he retorted.

Mark's eyes narrowed with contempt. 'Bringing vampires here and thinking he'll be turned. Poor guy, talk about a stupidly misplaced confidence,' he thought in disbelief.

"Fresh meat, you say? Well, ma'am, if you're feeling adventurous, how about a trip outside town? There, you can hunt polar bears to your heart's content." He grinned slyly.

The stranger clenched his fists, his face turning red with anger as he advanced menacingly. Mark, unfazed, as he pushed him back by the face.

Mark sneered, his voice dripping with disdain, "No need to let the beast out, Ma'am. Want me to drag you for a stroll outside? Fresh air might help with that attitude."

The stranger, undeterred, shot back with a challenging gaze and a taunting smirk, "I'd like to see you try."

With a quick speed, Mark's fist connected with the stranger's nose, a sharp crack filling the air as the impact sent him stumbling backward, blood gushing from his nostrils.

The stranger clutched his bleeding nose, his voice barely above a whisper as he muttered, "Oh... ssshit." He tried to hide the pain, but his efforts were futile, his bravado shattering like fragile glass.

Eben arrived at the scene, his eyes immediately falling upon Mark and the stranger. He observed both of them with suspicion, his gaze drifting between the two newcomers. It was evident he was pondering their presence in town, given the recent string of vandalisms and disturbances.

The brutal acts against dogs, and the deliberate destruction of communication devices and a passenger helicopter. After asking Lucy about what happened, Eben calmly cuffed the stranger, who continued to cry silently in pain.

Mark ignored them and approached Stella, he noticed the gun in her hand. "Where did you hide that?" he asked incredulously.

Clearly exasperated, Stella replied, "You dropped it earlier in the alley, remember?" She crossed her arms, waiting for his response.

He chuckled teasingly. "Well, I guess I was too busy soaking in your tour to notice your gun falling."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Stella couldn't help but let out a small laugh. She holstered the gun at her side, skillfully concealing it inside her coat.

Eben observed their interaction, a wave of discomfort washing over him. Even though they hadn't spoken in months, seeing her intimately chatting with another guy made him uncomfortable. Her choice to leave town and move to the city, all because he wasn't ready for children, resurfaced in his thoughts. In his mind, he replayed the harsh words he had said to her, a brief reminder of the distance that had grown between them.

Suppressing his discomfort, Eben clenched his fists, his jaw tightening as he watched her engaged in conversation with another man. Unable to contain his irritation, he shoved the stranger forward, a little more forcefully than intended.

As Eben neared them, he asked Mark straightforwardly, "Can I see your ID?" His voice stern.

Mark raised an eyebrow at him, then he nods and went to fetch his bag on the table. 'I.d my ass. I don't have it'. He rummaged his bag , making it seem that he's looking for it.

Eben shifted his gaze to Stella, his expression softening slightly. "Hello, Stella," he said, his tone carrying a mix of familiarity and uncertainty.

"Oh, hi, Eben," she said, her voice soft, a slight awkwardness in her tone as she looked at him.

Clearing his throat to gain their attention, Mark wore a sheepish smile. "Sorry, man," he said, "Looks like I lost it somewhere. My bad."

Raising an eyebrow, Eben's expression grew serious. "Given the recent issues in town and you being new face, it's a bit concerning," he said, his tone firm. "I'll need to ask you some questions at the sheriff's station." However, a hint of unknown feeling of revenge influenced this decision.

Shrugging his shoulders, Mark appeared unfazed. "I'm not going to sit with him, though," he said, casually tilting his head in the direction of the cuffed stranger.

Eben glanced at Mark seriously, and then back at the stranger, acknowledging Mark's choice reluctantly. He gestured in the passenger seat.

"Hey, maybe I'll come along and say hi to Jake and Helen?" Stella suggested.

With a grin, Mark expressed his approval of Stella's idea. Eben hesitated, unsure whether to support or oppose Stella's suggestion as he lacked a definite reason. What's the seating arrangement though?

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