

It was a dark midnight. And there were two shadows. Two people appeared in in the corner of the street. "Anderson, guess what? I'm a pregnant now! We are now parents." The woman's name was Marsha Arden. "What! are you kidding? We'd better to prepare for our baby from now on! Immediately!" And Marsha's excited husband was called Anderson Dracula. He was the grandson of count Dracula. And two of them were vampires. They went to their huge house. The house was wide and clean. Marsha turned the lamp on.

They went to one room. The room was big as if it is a living room. There was a book, a baby bed, and a closet, and a cute baby toys. This was all for their baby who will be soon born. It was a happy midnight, and two of them spend all night to prepare for their baby Cula Dracula. And times past. Anderson looked at the calendar every they waiting for their cute baby. Marsha told what happened to Cula every day.

And, at 2008.4.13, they got the baby. They smiled and saw the baby. Baby had a thin lips and small nose like his mother, and bright blue eyes like his father. Anderson and Marsha was really happy that they felt like a bunch of balloons in their minds are floating. And, of course, they didn't expect of the dark days which will soon come.

It was a bed time and two of them were putting their baby to bed. Marsha sang a lullaby in a small voice and Anderson was sitting beside her looking at the baby. The baby's eyes were almost closed until there was a big exploding sound. The parents were surprised and the baby cried loudly. And two heard a footstep. Anderson, who felt an emergency, he opened the door and approached toward to the front door. The front door was cracked badly and there stood a man. A man with muscled body and a mean ugly face.

He approached to Anderson speaking. "Well, well, hello. Dracula. I'm the leader of a group called 'monster killing club'. So, I'm here to kill count Dracula's family. All of them including sons, grandsons, wifes…..And, it's turn to kill you.~" "Oh, you won't. I have a family to protect and I'm not going to die like a fool" "Well, it won't work for me~" He grab his gun. "let me introduce my favorite gun. Say hello to Monster Killing laser gun!" BAM!!

Meanwhile Marsha hugging her newborn baby heard a gunshot. And with a scream, there was no sound of Anderson anymore. She was not afraid for her own life. The only thing she was afraid was the death of her baby. Marsha heard a footstep getting more closer and closer. And finally, she heard the hunter grabing the handle of a door. "Me, the Tomsen is here to KILL YOU. As you heard Anderson is dead. Now any last word?" "You can kill me. BUT YOU CAN'T KILL MY BABY!" "woah, that's a strong word! But nobody can stop me~" Marsha hugged her baby tight. BAM!. With one shot, she was dead. But she was still hugging the baby.

As hunter came to dead Marsha, to kill her hugged baby, there was a break on the window. It was Bloose Reaper. He was the grandson of Grim reaper. His had red flashing eyes mouth shut stiff. And, he always knit his brows. He said in a deep voice. "DON'T EVEN KILL MARSHA'S BABY!" "Oh, don't interrupt my schedule. Stay out of sight!" Tomsen shot the gun, But It was no use as Bloose reflect the laser with his scythe. Every time he tried to shot Bloose, he reflect the laser. And, finally, Bloose succeed cracking the gun.The hunter ran off, and the baby Cula was safe with his new parent Bloose.

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