
I Arrive On The Surface

"Hello, my name is Max and I'm...well how do I put this..a demon and I've been living in hell for a while now, but I wanna be on the surface because it's just so beautiful the trees are green unlike ours, you can breath while we suffocate. You see my job here as a demon is to bring fear to all, I control the Ouija boards, I make things fall and stuff. Oh have I told you that I'm only 18. When your 18 you get to have a job and all that. But I want to be a reaper. A demon that goes under cover to kill humans that are on the devils agenda. So If your able to promote me to a reaper please do!"

"Listen..Max, everyone knows your a demon and you don't need to give a introduction of what you do, but I can't give you a promotion because reapers are 21 and older, you might screw it up especially saying you talk to the humans your scaring, You might blow our cover." My boss says rubbing his eyes.

"But I'll do good I promise, if I don't talk to anymore humans and if I am the best demon at scaring people then can I be a reaper?"

"Listen kid,if you want to be a reaper before your 18 then you have to talk to the big man."

"Y-you mean the devil?"

"Yes, The Devil." My hands started getting sweaty. I've never talked to the devil before, everyone says he's scary looking and eats anyone he dislikes. What if he dislikes me! I walked out of my bosses office going to the big castle. I kept whispering to myself. "It's ok Max you can do this it's just the devil, your his citizen he must like you." I walked up to a giant arch door as two guards pulled out there swords in front of me.

"Halt! Who are you!" They both said in unison.

"I-I'm max and I'm here to see the Devil." I stuttered.

"Why are you here Max!" They said my name as if it was a disgrace.

"I'm here to get a promotion." They burst out laughing.

"You think you can get a promotion!" They kept laughing. "Good luck kid." They removed their swords letting me in. I walked into the kingdom seeing a man in a throne wearing sunglasses and a hoodie.

"Um. Is the Devil here?"

"Max, I am the devil."

"How do you know my name?"

"I've been watching you. Your so compassionate about being a reaper that you came to me even hearing all the story's people told you. So yes I will make you a reaper but you will have to follow a schedule since you are still a teen." The Devil handed me a piece of paper. I was shocked all my life I dreamed of being a reaper and it's happening. "Well bye Max, stay safe." The devil snapped his fingers and a hole appeared above me. I looked at the whole and it sucked me up. It was dark till I saw the first breakthrough of light. I took a deep breath and it was warm and sweet, I sat up and looked at the trees seeing them green was so beautiful. I layed back down I close my eyes in the hot sun and drifted off to sleep.

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