
Mortal Ascension System

*WSA 2024 ENTRANT* Nathan Gonzales has lived a life doing the least he can do to pass by, until he stumbled upon the Mortal Ascension System. The future is now on his hands as he uses the aid of the system to change his life for the better. A story that takes place in an separate reality, Come and find out how his story goes. P.S. How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! I would like for you to comment suggestions and possible directions for the story, this way I'll have fresh ideas for the story I'll try to upload as many times as I can per week :)

xpBoss · Urban
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30 Chs

Nathan vs. Thugs

Maddox saw a glance of hope as he immediately said, "Really, I- "

But before he could've finished his monologue, a strike hit him once again. Nathan continued his barrage of punches, targeting the sweet nectar of a face Maddox has, he especially didn't forget to do body shots.

Even while his fist aching, Nathan continued. He left the same wounds Maddox left on his brothers.

When he saw Maddox laying on the ground like Neo was yesterday night, he added another kick before stopping.

Warlock and his men were shocked, Nathan left out punches like a maniac and without mercy. They all had one thought, it was not the first time that Nathan inflicted such wounds on somebody else. A merciless action like this and not having a slight reaction towards it, Nathan was experienced.

On the other hand, the goons that was part of Maddox's gang was scared as f**k. Who did they even mess with? There was no indication that they would not be beaten up like Maddox.

All of them kowtowed and asked Nathan for forgiveness. They were sure that Nathan didn't know the whole truth considering the meek personality of Neo. They prayed…really hard.

Nathan stared at them coldly, with blood dripping from his reddened fist. With such a cold stare, the thugs felt that they had been poured cold water on their head. Nathan is a freak.

Nathan asked them, "Who else?"

At a separate place, in the hospital where Neo was admitted.

Neo was lying on the hospital bed being accompanied by Iain who was busy reading manga on the couch on his right side.

"Can I ask you something?" Neo broke the silence.

Iain dropped what he's reading to peek at Neo before reading again. He replied, "Sure, ask away."

"You were part of a gang also, right?"

"Yes, but that was a long time ago…Looking back, I should've quit before I met Nathan" Iain sighed.

"Why is that?" Neo asked.

"You were there didn't you?" Iain dropped what he's reading and put it by the table, he sat up straight.

"I don't remember, all I know is that you're familiar to me."

"Well, that's understandable, I was the one who carried you out by Nathan's instruction. You passed out and he had me bring you outside since I told him I study medicine"

"I can't believe our gang got taken out by one kid, it was embarrassing yet terrifying to think about it."

It was the first time Neo had heard of this kind of thing, but it's not like he didn't believe it. As Nathan's brother, he knows some things that others don't know about his brother. It's the reason why he always gives up if they enter an argument, there was no way in hell he was going to beat that monster brother of his.

Nathan was a genius.

"Can you tell me more about it?" Neo asked.

"Well, it's not a happy memory for me, but I'll be able to share a thing or two. It was still an electrifying experience, both a happy and scary feeling."

Iain and his past gang were taking their time in some alleyway when they two kids, a highschooler and an elementary student. The leader of their gang thought it would be a good idea to mess with children and had made them come over.

They were all at the same age but only a few of them are going into college, most of them have dropped out. Even though Iain felt disgusted that they involved children, he knew what would happen to him if he spoke against the gang so he kept his silence.

 Nathan appeared worried as he had Neo at his back but because they were already circled up, he had no choice but to enter the alleyway.

Neo shouted for help but it seemed to be useless, no one was willing.

"Hey calm down kid, this is reality which is far different from what you view in your home. This is life, no one is stupid enough to aid you!" The leader said as he instructed the kid.

Neo was at the back of Nathan so he was late in grabbing his hand and Neo was handed at the front.

"You don't need to be feisty, just buy some cigarettes and we'll let you go."

"I'm nowhere old enough to buy one, isn't it more efficient if you all are the one to buy one."

The leader laughed, "This kid got some smart tongue ey?!"

He grabbed Neo's hair as the latter screamed, Nathan immediately told the leader to stop and he'll buy some cigarettes for them.

"Good, you should've done that earlier. No one could've gotten hurt."

Nathan looked at Neo whose hair had been let go by the leader of the thugs.

Nathan left without asking for money, it was obvious they wouldn't give him anything.

He arrived at a nearby store, "May I buy a pack of cigarettes?"

"Go away, you know that's not possible, that's bad for a young person like you. Don't destroy your life." The store owner said sympathetically as he tried to chase Nathan.

"Please, I need your help. Thugs instructed me and held my brother as hostage, you need to sell it to me. I'm not the one going to use it, I swear."

The ears of the store owner perked up as he heard the reason from Nathan's mouth.

"That's a problem eh, those thugs are back. The police can't seem to catch them because they'll leave before the cops arrive. Fine, I'll sell it to you, but I need you to stall them for a little while, I won't be able to help you personally but I can call the cops for you." The store owner said as he sold a pack of cigarettes to Nathan.

Nathan thanked him and left running towards the alleyway. The store owner on the other hand got his phone and dialed the police station's number. 

I intended for Nathan to be more brutal but I supposed it would be unnatural. I hope you're still enjoying my work.

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