

The basketball tournament was the most anticipated event of the year. It was the Knighting Gale versus the Jargons. It's the faceoff between Mandela High and Crossian High's best basketball players. The Mandela students held red-colored stick balloons while the opposing side held the blue ones.

The cheering squad stretched their muscles after presenting an amusing acrobatic performance. They wore a cute uniform which has a combination of colors red and pink. They braided the girls' hair with their full-blown makeup. Their miniskirt reveals their thick and flawless thighs. Sometimes it's not just a competition of dances, but curves.

The sight of them irritates Shun. She hates the way they flip their hair and emphasizes their butt when dancing. Shun doesn't find it seductive, but malicious. Some boys who drool over them disgusted her. It was an opportunity for the Mandela girls to snatch the Crossian boys.

"Maze! Where have you been?" Shun jolted.

"Just gotten so busy," I replied as I sat down beside her.

The floor shimmered while the players moved around the court. Their shoes produced a sound that could be heard when the crowd was at ease.

Dustin's performance was outstanding, and he also got the highest score. Covered with sweat, his body screams hotness. It exhausted him, but he had the fastest agility and high endurance. Even the girls from our rival school cheered his name.

The time runs so fast and it's the last quarter. Dustin gripped the ball and positioned his feet to aim for a 3 points shot. The buzzing voices of Dustin's fangirls annoyed me. I wanted to be competitive in cheering for my beloved.

"Go 23!" I shouted.

Dustin paused and glanced at me. My heart skipped a beat. He released the ball but missed it. I wrote a hint of disappointment on his face. To my surprise, he stared back at me with a pissed expression. He had a sinister look on his face. Dustin sighed and ran back to his position.

"Maze! Did you see that? Is he mad at you? Oh, my…" Shun said.

Thunder and lightning struck me. I trembled like they splashed cold water on my face.

I'm doomed. It's my fault. I distracted him. Sometimes I hate myself for being this pretty. I should apologize later. After he tried to help me earlier, I can't believe I ruined everything. You've got a zero score, Maze. Shame on you.

Dustin showed a shift of facial expressions we rarely see. It was like breaking a world record, yet it's not something to be proud of. Competence runs in Dustin's blood, and he wouldn't allow anything or anyone to hinder his goals.

The universe heard my prayer. Mandela High won the tournament. The players gathered together in the middle of the court to take a photo. Their skin was shining as sweat immersed from their pores. Some were wiping their face with a towel while others drank bottled water.

Dustin smiled at his teammates, but it didn't reach his ears. He brushed his fingers through his hair and stood in between them. I was daydreaming again as I gulped while staring at his firm muscles and chiseled jawline. Dustin held their plaque as the team's most valuable player.

"Let's go home, Maze, it's already 6 pm," Shun said while glancing at her watch.

"You can go ahead, Shun, I'm waiting for someone."

"It's Dustin again? Come on, Maze, don't be silly. I don't want you to go home alone, it's dangerous. That snob won't even notice you."

"Thanks for your concern but don't worry, I'll call you when I arrive home."

Shun rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I almost forgot that for Dustin, I have no match."

"Sh... Someone might hear you."

One of the most fearsome things people tend to avoid is being rejected. Even though they know they don't stand a chance, it's painful to hear it from the mouth of someone they treasure. I enjoy looking out for Dustin behind his shadow. It may sound stupid to others, but for me, it's contentment.

I stood outside of the school gate. Darkness enveloped the place, and not a sound was coming out of the school. It has the ambiance of a cemetery and the freezing wind added up to my paranoia.

Did he leave already? Just wait for a little, Maze. Trust your instinct. You never know, he might accept your apology, start a conversation with you and accompany you home! Isn't that romantic? This might be the start of our happy ending.

My idea made me giggle. An innocent girl like me only sees the beauty of liking someone from afar. I don't mind the waves of hurtful emotions that come within it.

A familiar scent awakened my sleeping hope. The wait was over when my heart recognized my weakness. Dustin approached me with hands in his pocket. I breathed in before she spoke.

"Hey. I'm sorry for—"

I didn't finish my sentence.

Dustin didn't bother to look at me; instead, he walked past me. I was invisible, and it shattered my vulnerable heart into pieces. I clenched her fist and followed him. His mischief won't stop me from adoring his imperfections. 

I walked a few meters away from Dustin. I was enjoying the view of his back. My tiny hands could reach him, but I prefer the distance between us.

Dustin was 189 centimeters in height and the only child of the Clyborne family. He was not born rich, but his loving grandmother raised him. Dustin applied for a full scholarship at Mandela High. His scholarship was more than enough to support his personal expenses. It doesn't matter because his appearance and skills would take him to places.

I knew the way to his house and was aware that they're going the wrong way.

"Beerhouse?" I whispered.

I sneaked through the door and tiptoed to the nearest table. I grabbed the menu and covered my face with it. Dustin's teammates were waiting for him. They're at the legal age to drink alcohol. I was two tables away from them.

"Hey, Dustin! You're here!"

"Come on, have a glass."

"Congrats man!"

"Cheers for our success!"


I can't believe you're wasting your time here, Maze. You're supposed to be home and studying.

"Shut up! I'm doing this for our future," I replied to my subconscious.

I roamed her eyes around the fancy beer house. It has brick walls and lights from old bottles. It has an interesting dynamic with a combination of vintage floral wallpaper, an open-air setup, and a shaded patio.

"You're so famous, man! I'm sure you have a girlfriend," the boy who wore number 12 winked.

"Girlfriends rather," he added.

"No, I don't have plans," Dustin replied in his usual cold-baritone voice.

"What? That's funny. If I were you, I would definitely make use of that face and date every gorgeous girl," number one said.

"Well, maybe Dustin has really high standards. For a handsome, intelligent, and famous guy like him, he wouldn't settle for less," number three said.

I stared blankly at them. The fact that I was out of his league made me hid behind his shadow because he might freak out.

An hour had passed, and the boys had consumed a lot of liquor. Dustin's face had turned red, and all of them were already in a drunken state.

"Gotta go, man," Dustin said in a husky-drunk tone. 

Unfortunately, all of his friends had fallen to sleep.

Dustin's surroundings were turning in slow motion. His eyes drifted around the room as his gaze floated about the beerhouse. He stumbled to walk and used the wall to keep him from falling over.

I followed his zombie-like footsteps on the highway. It was my first time seeing him drunk, and he seemed hotter in my eyes. The way he brushes his fingers through his hair whenever his bangs cover his forehead, the way his eyes twitched to sober up, and the way he clenched his jaw when he can't control himself — I love seeing them all.

Dustin was walking towards the bus stop when he felt extreme dizziness. Just when he was about to fall, I immediately grabbed his shoulders for him to lean on. My heart throbbed wildly, like a mad bull. Everything was romantic before we fell to the ground. He was heavier than I expected.

He fell on top of me while sleeping like a baby. I was frustrated because I anticipated a better scene wherein he would stare at my sparkling eyes and kiss me. But none of my imagination happened.

With all the strength I possessed, I lifted him. Even in a difficult position, I could fantasize about his firm abs when I accidentally touched them. I grabbed a taxi to send him home.

While inside the car, I couldn't stop staring at him. He was a very attractive man. His thick eyebrows have a delicate curve. His pointed nose and defined jaws, and his delicate lips. Dustin was every girl's dream. The smell of liquor from his body penetrated in my nostrils, which added to the intensity of my feelings for him.

It shocked me and eventually returned from my reveries when I heard the driver spoke.

"How sweet, Miss. You look so in love with your boyfriend."

"Ugh… Yes, I am. Isn't it obvious?" I murmured. 

A smile formed from the driver's lips as he pressed something. Then a piece of music played.

I am curious. What kind of stupidity did you do to your crushes? Are you like Maze who would stalk him to this extent?

Uaecreators' thoughts
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