
Chapter 2 A Feeling Like No Other

"Well my friend, it's been two days and we've yet to make it to the teleportation pad. Being in this swamp is bad for my image. What will the ladies think if they saw me on this boat with a man?" Marcus couldn't help but ask.

I shook my head at his never-ending remarks.

"It would be a lot faster if I could fly, but I don't have that luxury at the moment. We should be there soon anyway so stop complaining and row." I said in an annoyed voice.

"Pull the stick out of your ass, I know your upset about your powers but that will soon be rectified. I told you once we make it to the blacksmith, your problem will be solved." Marcus said.

"About that, you never said why he would be willing to solve my problem. How about elaborating on that?" I asked.

"Look! It's the gates!" He yelled out.

I looked over my shoulder to see a massive gate made out of bones and flesh with skulls lining the outer perimeter while blood flowed on either side of the doors like waterfalls.

As we got closer I was able to see a small island off to the right with a platform the size of a stage located in the center.

"The teleportation pad!"

I yelled out, as we continued to row through the soul-infested swamp. We were about twenty yards away when I noticed four figures guarding the platform. The bad news was, they noticed us as well.

One of the guards fired an arrow in our direction as if warning us to stay away. This only served to piss Marcus off. He wrapped my arm around his shoulders and placed his hand on my back before he leaped towards the island. The force behind the jump left the boat in shambles.

With him not having any blood in the last two days the force he exerted during that jump was baffling. He must have been doing some vigorous training or something since I last saw him.

Allowing the thought of feeling like a ragdoll to fade from my mind, I took off in a sprint toward a guard on the left.

Not having my powers was indeed a hindrance, but I still had my years of training to rely on. I was about two feet away when I did a baseball slide knocking the guard off his feet. As he was on the ground I straddled his torso and with three fingers ripped out his throat.

The guard's blood began to spray on my beaten face and tattered clothes. The guard started to reach for his throat, but to no avail, his hands dropped lifelessly by his side.

Not wanting to waste any more time I turned to assist Marcus with the three remain guards. When my one good eye landed on him, I realized how pointless that was. Two of them laid decapitated on the ground while his right hand was currently in the chest cavity of the last one.

He ripped out the young demon's heart with a smile on his face and places it in his storage ring.

Licking his fingers he looked at me said.

"Snacks are an important part of a healthy diet."

"With that type of logic, it's a wonder your not the head of your own coven yet."

"That's a low blow, Damian." He said while still licking his fingers.

"You're right, my bad Marcus. I didn't mean..."

He raised his hand cutting me off.

"No worries, by the way now that we have some breathing room I have a gift for you." He said with a smile.

He pulled out multiple items from his storage ring and laid them in front of me.

"My armor!" I couldn't contain my excitement or my anger.

"Two days Marcus, two damn days we were on that boat. You wait till after the arrows are fired to give this to me."

"It slipped my mind." he said while pulling a few more items from his storage ring.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I assessed my gear making sure it was all there.

I started with my chest piece. It's medium weight, black with blue trimming, and has my family crest on the left breastplate. The crest depicts a blue wolf with golden eyes and runes running down its face. The pants are black with blue runes following the seams and the boots covered my knees and shins with a light but strong metal, and my bracers did the same for my arms.

I dawned my armor and then looked at Marcus.

"My weapons?" I asked, hoping that he was able to get them as well.

"I was saving the best for last my friend." He said while pulling them out.

He started with the two chakrams that I placed on the outside of my thighs. Then a 12-inch dagger that I fitted to the small of my back. Finally, two hook swords that I placed on my back, with the hilts barely pass my shoulders.

"A feeling like no other." I couldn't help but say.

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