
MORANA: The Feared Villainess

Morana is the feared villainess of Thelea. She had reigned over all wicked beings for three centuries. She did everything not to follow her uncle's path, but unfortunately, she did. She fell in love with a man named Ceberus. Morana thought the love she had was genuine, unlike her uncle's, yet the sole guy she loved was also the one who murdered and betrayed her. She does not want to die so easily, so before she perishes, she casts a spell that transmigrates her into another person's body. The transmigration was successful, and she was reborn into the body of an elven princess. Sadly, the vessel is feeble, preventing her from unleashing her power. Will she become the villainess again if she can unleash her power in the princess' body?

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Chapter 3

I was occupied with the thought of how this kingdom's book had a photo of mine when Ilene knocked slightly and opened the door. She cheerfully walked inside my room when she saw me sitting in front of the window. Behind her is a man with a brown leather bag in his hands. Dhrystan also followed from behind. I have a lot of visitors, huh?

"Irene, this is Bartho; he is the best elven healer we found," Ilene introduced and turned to the man beside her and said, "Bartho, this is my sister, Irene. She had amnesia while visiting the village earlier. Harry and I didn't know what really happened to her, so if you have questions, you can ask her directly." I didn't know that this woman was the eldest daughter of Arcania's king and queen; she didn't have the air of someone from the royal family.

I do not want to waste my time seeing doctors. They will never be able to cure Irene. But to stop this woman from being a nuisance, I must satisfy her by letting this elven healer check on me. "You can now start," I ordered.

Bartho nodded and opened his bag; he individually put his apparatuses on the table before he started by asking me a question. "Your Highness, what can you remember from the day you lost your memories?"

What a dumb question. "Well, I didn't know what really happened to me then. I can remember waking up in the village's busy street. I was lying beside a stall; I was confused about how I got there, and at the same time, I felt empty. I do not know anyone from that moment, and I also did not recognize Harry."

Bartho simply nodded and picked an apparatus. I do not know why he still needs that. As far as I know, Elven healers are rare because they can heal illnesses, wounds, and disabilities. He can cure me with just a touch of his hands if I have an illness. He opened the penlight directly to my eyes to check on it. Ha! Is he some kind of human doctor? I guess he found nothing since he put down the penlight and sight.

"Can I have your permission to hold your hand, your highness?" I offered him my left hand, and he quickly touched my pulse. He seems to be reading my pulse and figuring out how to heal me. But unfortunately, everything is normal on his end. "Ilene, your highness, everything seems normal with Princess Irene. I cannot find any reason that made her lose her memories. I also tried channeling my powers towards her to heal any illnesses she might have, but I still healed nothing. She's fully healthy," Bartho stated.

"What do you mean? Irene has always been frail; even our royal healer cannot cure her illness. She was born weak," Ilene explained. I might be the reason why Irene's body is normal. Although I still find it weak to unleash my power, her body as an elf is normal.

"I am incapable, your higness. You need to find another healer to cure the princess' amnesia." And with that, Bartho left the room.

Dhrystan who was sitting on my bed stood up and walk beside me. He looked at me with concern on his face. Until now, I still try to guess what the relationship between these two is—Irene and Dhrystan.

"We need to find another healer for her, Ilene." Both of them seem worried about Irene. "I'll try to visit Clementia; there might be someone who can cure her there."

"No, Dhrystan. I know how much you cared about my sister, but Clementia is a perilous place. Aside from those powerful mythical creatures, there are also criminals that are hiding in that kingdom," Ilene warned.

Just like what Ilene said, Clementia is a very dangerous place. Although everyone is allowed to enter that kingdom, you cannot avoid being entangled in fights against Mythical creatures, mages, criminals, and even villains. That is a lawless place, the kingdom of terrors.

I once found myself in that place because of my uncle. I was still weak back then when he sent me on a mission to navigate through a very chaotic place. He ordered me to find powerful beings to become his allies. I do not hate Clementia, in fact I am very thankful to those creatures who fought with me back then because I learned how to fight and protect my self against those who wants to harm me.

"What about I try asking for help in Socotria? The faeries are nice and one of the powerful healers in Thelea," Dhrystan said. Faeries? Ha! They will immediately panic once you get close to their kingdom.

"Right! The faeries can help us, but I will be the one who'll ask for their help. Your dragon royal blood will just scare them away." I looked at Dhrystan's face after Ilene mentioned that he would just scare those faeries. He looks like a red tomato—probably shy.

"Everyone, stop. No one will be able to cure me. Healers, Faeries, Elves, and even mortals, they are not capable of healing me. Why not just let things be? Start anew. Even though I forgot all those memories, at least I still have you," I dramatically stated. I don't know if my speech and acting are on point, but I convinced the two by just looking at their faces.

Both of them nodded. Ilene gave me a quick hug and said, "You are right, sis. At least we still have each other. I'll inform Father and Mother about this, so they can stop worrying about you." After saying those, Ilene left.

I turned my gaze to Dhrystan and arched my brows. Still not leaving? He sighed and said, "You're really not my best buddy anymore, but at least you are safe and healthy." He tapped my head before he went out. Finally! The visitors are gone. I can finally rest my eyes and ears.

I stood up and went to bed; I needed to take a good nap because Irene's eyes and body were already exhausted. It sucks to have a body like this.

But I wonder what this body's magic is; all elves have different magic or abilities that they use. Usually, the royalties can control all elements, and I should have felt it the first time I opened my eyes with this body, but I did not.