
Qiqiao Festival (part one)

Synopsis: "A-Wei is so ruthless."

Qiqiao festival, Qing he city

It was Qiqiao festival, the most romantic time of the year… this exact day, so-called lovers professed their love to each other and enjoyed each other's company, doing all sorts of pointless things together to feel more secure.

The heart of Qing he city despite its name, was livelier than usual around this time, bustling with the excited and expectant chatter of maidens and the prideful voices of men, who couldn't wait to pledge their so-called love in front of the entire world.

The city's river was packed with lanterns, carrying different wishes along with its current, meanwhile, the sweet scent of pastries and delicacies roamed through the air and made the occasion sweeter than it already was.

Besides lovers, different businesses also made good use of the occasion. Brothels comforted rejected and hopeless romantics while greedy business men set stalls everywhere, selling mediocre ornaments and trinkets with a lie behind each.

Despite the lively scene, a man lazily rested on the window of an inn, looking down at the scene with an icy and uninterested gaze. His raven black hair fluttered with the breeze giving contrast to his jade pale skin.

He tucked back a strand laced with white before picking up the bottle of wine next to him. Taking an unhurried swig, he decided that the idiots beneath him weren't worth a glance and instead switched to looking at the stars.

Just as he raised the bottle to take another mouthful, a heavy man staggered through the large room and tottered his way over, bumping into him

Annoyed, Liu Wei clicked his tongue out of habit to glance back at the man who had just disturbed his reverie and was greeted by a mustache.

"LIU WEI!!!" the man sulked.

"LOOK AT A-HE! SHE KEEPS CALLING ME FAT!! TELL HER THE TRUTH!… TELL HER I'M NOT FAT!!" the man said while caressing his belly.

The man had caught Liu Wei off guard and left him speechless. He looked back at the people sitting at the table, holding their stomachs from laughing too hard with a gaze hinting for help. Sensing this, a lean and glamorous woman got up from the table, wiping away tears from her eyes because of laughing too hard. She let out one last chuckle before placing her pale and slender fingers on the drunk person's shoulder.

"Old Bi" cooed the woman

"You're not fat… I take it back, okay? Now let go of A-Wei's robes, please. "

Old Bi smiled like a child. Satisfied with the answer, he staggered back towards the table.

"Old Bi had always been like this since god knows when, but today he'd reached a new height… please don't blame me for teasing him A-Wei," she smiled, while batting her siren eyes at Liu Wei.

Thinking back at the incident that had just happened a second ago, she gave a light chuckle and looked back at Old Bi once again, who was now sitting in the corner of the room cradling a tiny Pomeranian in his arms

She turned back, wanting to flirt with Liu Wei only to find the place where the man once sat, empty.

The man who had been resting on the window earlier had just left. His steps as light as feathers, leaving no trace of his existence behind.

"A-Wei is so ruthless, he didn't even bother telling me when he was leaving" pouted Baihe

Despite this, she couldn't help but smirk

"Sigh, truly one cannot be a master for empty reasons. If Liu Wei wasn't so skilled and worthy of being called a leader, I wouldn't be here working alongside him" as she said this she wondered where he might be wandering right now and what trouble he might be causing.

Next chapter