
Miss Guan, who invited you?

She didn't see Helan, but she did see a person she hadn't seen for a long time, and didn't want to see.

Wang Wei.

After graduation, the news came in bit by bit. It turned out that Wang Wei's father was in charge of the economy and had a very good background in local politics. Her boyfriend was a rich man. She'd been asked to marry him when she was only a teen. Pipi only knew that Wang Wei had graduated into banking and didn't know what she had been doing exactly.

Wang Wei stood there, dressed in the trappings of wealth, looking elegant and noble. The handsome man next to her was very gentlemanly, taking off her fur coat for her, revealing a lake green hand-embroidered silk robe underneath, covered in yellowish piping wrapped in a body that was not yet full. She was elegant and fascinating.

Pipi bowed her head and pretended to look elsewhere.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wei saw her, and walked over with her companion. She smiled at her and said hello. Then, with a fake smile she turned to the staff and said, "I suppose this smallfry wasn't invited, hm? Must keep the rabble out."

Pipi looked up and looked straight at Wang's face. She also smiled: "Of course I was invited. - I don't have a big family, so how else would I be here?"


"Excuse me," the staff member glanced at her press card, coolly: "Miss Guan, who invited you?"

"Helan Jing."

"Mr. Helan?" The man squinted and took out his cell phone. "Please wait, I will call him."

Without skipping a beat, Pipi pointed to the glass door: "Is that not Mr. Helan?"

Coming in from the snow was a lone figure.

When it came to looking formal, Pipi felt that Helan's current clothes definitely didn't fit. His thin black trench coat, trousers and shoes were all canvas. Clean and simple. If they were on someone else it would have just looked shabby, but on him it was amazing smart.

He was a guest there and a frequent visitor. Rushing from a nearby car, a staff member rushed to meet him, whispered a few words, and led him to the disabled-access route on the right side of the door.

There was usually a small reception reception before the auction begins. The lobby was very spacious and the design was Victorian, and the patterns of the sofas and carpets were very lively. In this cold winter, there was a cozy warmth within. The long table of jujube wood under the crystal lamp was covered with a brocade filled with coffee, tea, wine, fruit and pastries. The waitresses in their dresses walked around the tray and offered red wine and desserts to the guests. The guests were almost there, the men's suits and ties, the ladies' skirts, the voices, the smiles. Except for the Tango Ball, the scene was similar to the opening of the movie "The Real Lie."

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