
To Them, Who Escaped

The creaking sound of the wooden door awoken my heavily injured self from what felt like an eternal slumber. Unable to move my body freely because of the damages it had obtained from the war, I was limited to looking at the sight of the opening door. A man with extended ears and pure white eyes came in and as he saw me, said,

-I see you have regained consciousness, lady.

-an elf?

Out of my surprise, I uttered a remark that may hint racism. The man paid no heed and instead put a glass of water and what look like some kind of herbal medicine on the table beneath the bed I am at. Elves are known to persecute people of the dark, and as someone with both dark and light attributes, I have also been subject to their scorn. This man, as an obvious elf is thus someone I cannot trust.

-Drink this if you may.

The man offered the medicine to me.

-Why should I trust you?

-You need not. I only intended to tend your injuries. I need nothing in return, not even your trust. Once you feel like your body can move according to will, you may leave. Until then, I suggest you stay.

-Then why must I drink this?

-I see that your mental ability is below what someone would consider normal. Herbal medicines are taken to aid healing. Do you not know that?

-Well, I see that your ability to comprehend is as lowly as your race, elf. What I meant was on what grounds should I trust that you put no poison on this medicine.

-Such big words coming from someone at your state. I could have ended your life when you were unconscious. What merit do I have in doing it now?

-That makes sense.

I stopped showing false resistance and took the medicine from the top of the table. From the smell of it, the medicine seems like it was extracted from a rare herb that can only be found atop of only a few blessed mountains. The possession of it suggests that the elf went out of his way to look for it or at least used his limited stock of it for me.

-I suppose you are not a bad elf, after all.

-On what basis do you judge elves as evil beings? You, on the other hand, judging from your appearance may have an affiliation with the dark.

The elf said as he blew the candle that was the only source of light in this darkness-filled room. He made his way to the door and slowly closed it to avoid any unnecessary noise.

-I suggest you go back to sleep, lady, in order to regain more of your strength.

The medicine may have had some sort of sleeping agents with it as my eyes started to feel heavy the moment he turned the candle off. It seems my suspicions were right after all. That cursed elf may have put poison on the medicine that made me drowsy. I can feel my thoughts starting to disassemble and slowly, I blanked out.

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